Dear people with sugar addictions..

For those who don't want to read my rant, here's long story short: How do you control your sugar cravings?

I'm not posting this to provide a job for trolls. I'm asking a serious question.
What you you people do when you're absolutley craving something sweet? Do you have a bit? Do you resist it, and risk the craving getting worse the next time around? I need help.
I'm not pitying (not sure how to spell that) myself here, or making excuses. I have a severe sugar addiction, and I want it to *insert word here* off.

When a craving comes around, I either:
a) have a serving of icecream (I limit this to once a week).
b) have a piece of 90% dark cocoa (I hate the stuff, but I'm trying to adjust to it, seems it contains many healthy fats and little to no sugar). I try to have atleast 1 square every night, to prevent intense cravings.
c) completely go wild with food.. not only intaking sugary foods, but fatty, greasy ones as well.
d) just ignore it, but risk binging on the next craving.

It's not as easy as just saying "no".. so don't even try to tell me that. If you do, you obviously don't know what it's like to have this addiction that you're trying to break. As a child and through my teens, I litterally ate chocolate for my meals. I'd eat anywhere from 4-6 bars a day + endless amounts of chocolate milk. And don't try to tell me, "oh, well, people quit drinking, smoking, using drugs, etc.". Yes, I am very proud for these people, but they don't have people offering them smokes when they're quit, or drinks, or drugs. But for some reason, even when people know you're trying to quit certain foods, they still offer these terrible, low grade, sugary foods.. =/

Thanks so much! <3

edit: typo >:


  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    1 word: stevia. Stevia works like the nicotine patch for me -- no, it's not exactly the same as sugar, but it's close enough and it breaks the cycle.
  • When I have a sugar craving, I do it. I wanted something sweet for the past 2 days but I eat it in moderation.
  • If you don't like the dark chocolate, don't eat it....Eat the small piece of chocolate that you enjoy, it will help curb the craving. I also have a sugar thing but I also had gastric bypass and sugar does not agree with me. Jelly beans, 10 at a time is also a good thing to curb the cravings....Good luck, I feel your pain :flowerforyou:
  • MegdKel
    MegdKel Posts: 96 Member
    Do you like fruit? Try finding a few fruits that you love and when you are craving something sweet, have some fruit. I do this when I am craving sour patch kids (I know I'm still like, 12 - but I love them :) ). I have a granny smith apple with a little lemon juice on it and it really does the trick!
  • I have a severe sugar addiction too. The first few days after I get back on track are the toughest. I am NOT a fun person to be around. I use several techniques to help me.
    1) I eat fruit. the natural sugar will SOMETIMES help get me through
    2) Psyche myself into waiting 15-30 minutes. If I STILL want something I'll allow myself a small serving of chocolate
    3) have a 60 cal sugar free jello, a skinny cow (their ice cream and their candy is delicious!)
    4) Adjust the rest of my day so I'm eating better, or add an extra walk, so I can have a candy bar (although this round, 2 weeks in, I haven't wanted a real piece of candy.. how odd!)

    After that first few days I'm usually more adjusted to my lower/more regular blood sugar levels. Remember, 21 days to make or break a habit, and no one expects us to be perfect (and if they do, f-em!). Enjoy your occasional treat and dont beat yourself up. You can get back on track the second you want to be.
  • If you fight it, you will use all of your willpower to do so, then next time you will have none.

    However if you look at that days diary and theres room, then go ahead.

    The best way to do it is to only diet 6 days a week... theres no way (outside of a massive binge) that you could undo your hard work in 1 day, and then enjoy some less healthy (but dont go mad) food.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    When I have a sugar craving, I do it. I wanted something sweet for the past 2 days but I eat it in moderation.

    This. If you enjoy sweets, fit some into your diet.
  • starlite_79
    starlite_79 Posts: 88 Member
    for what it's worth, when i get an intense sugar (read: chocolate) craving, i go ahead an indulge myself. this is the worst for me when TOM rolls around. i buy some of the snack-sized candy bars (like the size that you might pass out at halloween) and allow myself to have up to 2 per day. this seems to help me quite a bit--i relieve the craving by having the chocolate i want so badly, but buying the snack-sized bars gives me the portion control i need to make it fit within my daily calorie goal. good luck to you! i hope you find a strategy that works for you.
  • well i crave sugar too, how about trying to keep some fresh fruit around the house, like some real sweet stuff, cantalope, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, mangos...its tough, the best way i found is to not keep the bad sweet stuff in the house, its easy to just go to the freezer and grab the ice cream, anyway, good luck on your journey, keep positive, and besides, if you are losing weight, who cares if you eat some extra sugar every now and then, feel free to add me as a friend, very positive person, no negativity here
  • BrittanyErica
    BrittanyErica Posts: 74 Member
    these are some great ideas guys! thanks for everything! :)))
  • I am struggling with the same problem...I cannot buy ice cream. Ever. Because I'll eat the whole container in 2 days (or less). So I'll probably be checking back on this to see who has any good suggestions :)

    Sometimes if I know I'm prone to binge that night, I'll try to really limit myself all day so I can go nuts if I feel like I need to. Buuuut that is not a good long-term strategy.
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    If you fight it, you will use all of your willpower to do so, then next time you will have none.

    However if you look at that days diary and theres room, then go ahead.

    The best way to do it is to only diet 6 days a week... theres no way (outside of a massive binge) that you could undo your hard work in 1 day, and then enjoy some less healthy (but dont go mad) food.

    Agreed. :flowerforyou:
  • I would try to go with items that don't have added sugars, fruits as other have suggested help me. Try berries, plums peaches, those that are the sweetest. If that is still not hitting the spot, try adding a bit of truvia (a natural sweetener made from the stevia plant) If all else fails, just limit the portion and enjoy a sensible size treat. There are people out there that can do it, but I tend to sabatoge my self when I am so strict, and my dietician also encourages treating oneself, as long as you are being portion minded with your choice. Best of luck!!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Enjoy your cravings once in a while... make up for it at the gym ;)
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I have the same addiction as you do and if I try to eliminate all sugar I will never be successful so I know better than to try. Trader Joe's has dark chocolate covered almonds with sea salt and natural sugar that are to die for. I used to only like milk chocolate but since I found these I can at least eat the healthy chocolate. I have at least 0.5 serving at lunch and dinner and before bed I have 120 gms of Edys 1/2 the fat chocolate ice cream with 2 oz of pepsi to make a float. That takes the edge off and keeps me sane. I track my sugar and try to stay around 100-120 in the macors. That is my Methadone program. Gotta have it. :D
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    I love sugar. I can eat it from a bowl, just like that. I really love sugar. Anyway, I will try fruit or I'll have a coffee with low fat creamer(I make it pretty sweet). My cravings have subsided tremendously though and I hope the same happens for you. Good luck!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    For those who don't want to read my rant, here's long story short: How do you control your sugar cravings?

    I'm not posting this to provide a job for trolls. I'm asking a serious question.
    What you you people do when you're absolutley craving something sweet? Do you have a bit? Do you resist it, and risk the craving getting worse the next time around? I need help.
    I'm not pitying (not sure how to spell that) myself here, or making excuses. I have a severe sugar addiction, and I want it to *insert word here* off.

    When a craving comes around, I either:
    a) have a serving of icecream (I limit this to once a week).
    b) have a piece of 90% dark cocoa (I hate the stuff, but I'm trying to adjust to it, seems it contains many healthy fats and little to no sugar). I try to have atleast 1 square every night, to prevent intense cravings.
    c) completely go wild with food.. not only intaking sugary foods, but fatty, greasy ones as well.
    d) just ignore it, but risk binging on the next craving.

    It's not as easy as just saying "no".. so don't even try to tell me that. If you do, you obviously don't know what it's like to have this addiction that you're trying to break. As a child and through my teens, I litterally ate chocolate for my meals. I'd eat anywhere from 4-6 bars a day + endless amounts of chocolate milk. And don't try to tell me, "oh, well, people quit drinking, smoking, using drugs, etc.". Yes, I am very proud for these people, but they don't have people offering them smokes when they're quit, or drinks, or drugs. But for some reason, even when people know you're trying to quit certain foods, they still offer these terrible, low grade, sugary foods.. =/

    Thanks so much! <3

    edit: typo >:

    WOAH. Back it down to 70%. It isn't that much more sugar, and you'll enjoy it much more. Work your way up to 90% if you like, but don't start there. I'm a dark chocolate junkie and I rarely ever eat above 80%. I gotta be in a mood.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    How is one diagnosed with a sugar addiction and are their trained sugar addiction facilities and specialists to help you treat it?
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I get chocolate cravings, and I try to delay the dark chocolate peice for the end of the day (I eat 70-80%, still very little sugar and fat, but tastier than 90%)

    The other t hing that works for me is abig mug of chai tea with a little milk and a teaspoon of sugar. It's creamy and sweet enough to kill the craving (most times)
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    If you are truly craving sugar- then fruit should do. If you think chocolate is the source- continue on with the dark chocolate. Honestly, no one ever got fat off a square of dark chocolate a day.

    I like to substitute fresh strawberries dipped in white sugar for candy bars. Measure it all out. You can have a whole lot of strawberries and a little dash of the real deal (sugar) without wrapping it up in the rest of that junk that is in candy bars. There is a work around available. Try different things and settle with the ones you can live with.

    By the way- it IS just as easy to say no. As someone who as quit other addictions- its not the first no thats hard. Its CONTINUING to say no that does the trick. You can do it. Either substitute in something you can live with- or go cold turkey and stop. But saying you 'just can't say no' is total BS. You have all the power here! Don't sell yourself short. You are worth it.