

  • You aren't calling the correct things "empty calories". Alcoholic beverages are empty calories. And yes you can lose weight on hot dogs too if you aren't over your maintenance calories. Simple as that. You can lose weight on a twinkie diet and it's been done and documented. Weight loss is that simple!
  • No offense, but this is just off! WAY too much fat calories! It's best to stay with somewhere around a 40/40/20 mix on macros and just increase calories. This will allow for gains without unwanted fat. the other is just over the top!
  • I agree with this. P90X can increase strength, but it is really designed to burn calories which is counter-productive for bulking!
  • It's really as simple as eating above your maintenance level. But really only you know what that is. Now that said....you MUST tear yourself down in the gym to open your body up to receive the extra nutrition as planned. Don't neglect deadlifts and squats as they are the best movements you can do for gains. Forget…
  • Network Admin/IT for a company I've been with for over 13 yrs. Love it here! Sometimes hectic, but most of the times it's not and pretty laxed. Very little stress and great benefits!
  • If you under eat, your body will hoard fat. You have to eat enough that your body thinks it won't be starving. Our bodies are built for survival and there is such a thing as under-eating. When my weight loss stalls and I've been eating "clean/strict"...I'll have a cheat meal (but not high in fats) and it will "unstick" my…
  • Diet comes down this this...plain and simple. We all have a maintenance level based on our age and lifestyle. If you aren't gaining or losing, whatever calories you are currently in is your "maintenance level". To lose weight, you need to be at least approx 200 calories below your maintenance level. Once weight loss…
  • I agree with this! Look at it this way. Eat like you are totally sedentary and then any exercise you do get will speed the process! Even the strength training I do 4-5/wk doesn't count towards my calories burned unless I'm doing cardio.
  • haha! My youngest is a bacon-aholic! I can resist it although I love it! BTW, I don't stare at any man like they are a piece of meat. Women on the other hand...well I look at them for the personalities :-p
  • It's my opinion that MFP has protein targets too low. Of course I'm a weight lifter so I believe 1 - 1.5g per lb of lean body weight should be more like it. But they don't have me getting even close. Protein is the hardest macro (vs fats and carbs) for your body to convert to fat. But even then....staying at or below your…
  • Currently only in the dirt! Love 2 wheelers though!