Lydjoys Member


  • I am 20 weeks as of last Sunday. I started out overweight too, but luckily haven't gained TOO much so far. However, due to morning sickness, I had to stop exercising until just recently, so I'm looking forward to trying to get moving again!
  • Howdy... Just found this board. I am due April 22nd, but my doc will likely not let me go past the 15th due to a history of Gestational Diabetes.
  • Count me in! I have the Zumba DVD's and the Wii game. Zumba is really the first exercise DVD that I actually look forward to, so hopefully I can actually stick with it this time! :)
  • blacrasberri, thanks so much! If I could just tone up a bit I would be crazy happy! Today, I did around 45 minutes total. A mix of Intermediate and advanced. My little boy kept interrupting me, but all in all I think I got a fairly good workout in.
  • I just now saw this thread, and I know I am crazy late starting this, but I would love to join in! I am going to Disney World July 17th, so I would be thrilled to lose at least a couple pounds before I go. I did my first Wii Zumba a week ago today. Although it was just the 20 minute beginner, I was hooked!!! The more…