

  • I've been thinking of trying to get more protein myself because of something I read that said you should eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of your goal weight. So, if your goal weight is 130, you would need 130 g of protein. I don't know, but it makes me want to try to get more.
  • Just look up weight lifting under the cardio section -- you just enter the minutes to count the calories.
  • It's really true that, in the past when I have had a bad day -- or even a COUPLE of days, I have actually been surprised to see a more notable weight loss at my next weigh-in. So, what they're saying does seem to be the case often.
  • Right, if it takes 3500 excess calories to gain a pound of fat, you really haven't done much damage in one day. You may notice that you retain water a little after a binge, but if you get right back on track, you won't notice a change in your overall weight.
  • Good Luck, You! I have a similar goal -- I will turn 40 in May and would like to lose 40 pounds by then. I guess I should say "Good Luck, US!"