why does cardio only count to calories and not weight traini

hey all! ive been doing this about a week and it's pretty helpful and not so much making me eat super healthy but just making me be cautious of what i eat. the only thing is, i work out a lot but the only thing that manages to count towards calories is stuff done for cardio, not stuff done for weight training, how do i get that factored in??


  • lachamblee
    Just look up weight lifting under the cardio section -- you just enter the minutes to count the calories.
  • AshleyMaire
    I've wondered the same thing myself - I think because a lot more goes into weight training - for example, you continue to burn fat long after you're doing exercising if you do weight training, so I'm not sure how accurate a toold like this would be...hmm...good question. I'd like to be able to enter a rough estimate. lol.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Just look up weight lifting under the cardio section -- you just enter the minutes to count the calories.

    Yup, you can find this under "strength training" in the cardio exercises. So use the weight lifting section to keep track of your reps and your progress, but log the time you've spent weight lifting in the cardio section.