I have learned that I cannot have cheddar cheese in my house. So I don't buy it, which is how I avoid eating it. Really simple. p.s. Regarding some nasty-grams posted above (and you know who you are), BEING A NICE PERSON IS SEXY!!! Try it.
Looks like a consensus on HRM. Not sure I can wear one doing jujitsu. Any specific HRM product recommendations?
Much thanks, people. Surprised by the number of times people said "planking," but it makes perfect sense. Toes and bo's.
Great dogs. I have German Shepherds myself, but I foster Pitt Bulls sometimes.
Thanks! All great suggestions!
I don't have the answer, but on a different but related note, I find me messing myself up sometimes by syncopating my breathing badly with the cadence of my steps. I get caught up in keeping breathing time with the rhythm of my steps or paces, which sometimes forces my breathing and leaves me out of breath. Does this…
Noisia's Motorstorm Apocalypse is the most epic workout music period. And it's a free download at