purrmeow Member


  • I would love to join a DDR group! I just pulled it out this morning because it was very windy and I only lasted 7 minutes outside before my eyes were blinded (desert + windy = OMG WHY DID I THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO TRY AND RUN OUTSIDE TODAY?!). A great, fun burn. I wanted to get one for the PS3 but I'd have to buy…
  • I have DDR Max 2, I think. Yeah, it's been a while since I've played. I sucked at it but it was great for burning calories and getting the heart rate up! I was sooo tired by the end of one short session. I have the foam pad taken apart in the closet, and the PS2 is still hooked up (I use it to play DVDs when I don't want…
  • Thanks for bumping this. I LOVE peanut butter. And thank you for this. The only thing I don't have is sweetener, but the other things (PB, almond milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla, and whey powder) are staples in my house.
  • MTE. It would be one thing if she said, "I can't eat pizza, so no one can!" or just stayed home instead of spending time with the family, but she made a compromise. She'll still be eating with them and spending time together, they'll just be eating different things.
  • 42. I expected it to be high, but wow. I also have social anxiety and yeah, as soon as I saw some of those questions I thought about that anxiety. Even when I was a little more comfortable with my body I was uncomfortable with it in social situations. That's why I'm trying to work on my anxiety along with my body because…
  • Have you taken him to the doctor? Maybe there's something else that's making him not want to eat. If he didn't eat all weekend and had to go to the hospital, I think there's something wrong with him since most would have eaten by then.
  • There are bad ones, but then there are amazing ones. Please give it another try. I know it's difficult to go in the first place and to go and feel worse is hard but please try again.
  • Is there a professional you can talk to at school? I go to a small college that doesn't offer much but I heard of some campuses offering free or low cost mental health help to their students. Or they can at least refer you to a place to be helped. I really hope you do see someone, things like this can get worse. I know you…
  • I noticed the same thing with the vitamins and minerals. I think I end up adding that more often than making other corrections. Glad to know you're doing the same. :)
  • I actually have some garlic patties in the freezer, lol, but I prefer the jalapeno ones. Same. :)