
I love my life....i've been getting along with my family (for the most part) ......but sometimes when im alone...i start feeling depressed...i had lost a bunch of weight (60 pounds) but then gained 25 of it back...and alot of people make comments about it bestie will say "stop eating!" or just take food away from me sometiems...even if we are eating the same thing......And my mom has had me on weight loss diets and programs and what nots since i was 19 now...and since im in college i live at home still and she still gives me crap about my weight...sometimes we will be all happy and enjoying each others company and then she will start on the guilt trip about me gaining my weight back......and some people who havent seen me in forever will congratulate me on my weight loss and it makes me feel so guilty since i've put some more on.......sooooo....i started cutting...i carved the word fat and ugly into my stomach and have a few cut marks across my legs and stomach....i dont want to cut...but i get this urge...i dont know what to do.....advice? p.s. im not suicidal (trust me i'd be seeking professional help if i was)


  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Seek help anyway. Cutting is a sign that you need it. God bless you.
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Cutting is pretty serious. You need to get some help sweetie. My daughter used to be a cutter. It only gets worse if you don't seek some help. Best wishes to you. Hugs
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean, because I certainly have struggled with the exact same thing (see profile pic closely) but honestly you just have to stop. Like seriously...I had the worst addiction/bad habit whatever you want to call it to that for several years and while I still get the urge to occasionally, you HAVE to find something else to express your emotions. In the end, you either stop doing it or you don't. I never thought I'd be saying this to someone because it seems so hypocritical...but I don't even know you and I care about you mkay? Please just stop. When you start feeling urges, write, paint, knit, exercise...depression is rough and I'm no professional...but I've seen plenty. You are strong and you can overcome.
  • merlin87tx
    I'm not a certified psychologist YET but I definitely say you need to meet with someone. Going about it online isn't really going to give you much closure or help, except to maybe help you feel that you've tried talking to someone. Cutting can be just as addictive as eating, drugs, or alcohol.

    So yes, you need to meet with someone to speak about it. If you're nervous about talking of it publicly, then try speaking with a close family member first, and then work from there.

    Good luck to you.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Please get help..saying a prayer for u..
  • ohmywhy02
    LOOKS TO ME LIKE YOU ARE TRYING GET SOME INTERNET ATTENTION. THIS IS NOT A FUN AND GAMES SPAM SITE. i haven't told any of my friends...not even by best friend.....i hide the cuts for a reason.....i tried going on a local help site but no one was online to talk to....i really just wanted some people to talk to about get it off my not looking for attention...otherwise i'd be cutting my wrist to be noticed....this is the first time i even told anyone....and i felt kinda good about getting it off my chest before reading your comment...
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member

    This is not an appropriate response to a teenager who clearly has emotional issues.
  • ohmywhy02
    Thank you to the people who send their prayers......honestly i never cut before a couple weeks ago...i started with a few simple cuts and then went to carving words....i feel so guilty about it ....i dont want to do it....but at the time it just made me feel seeing the words in my skin i can barely believe i did it.....i appriciate the prayers...but i dont know if i will go seek professional have three siblings...two sisters and a sisters both suffer from depression and we thought my brother was okay untill he tried killing himself....i dont want to add grief to my parents life
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    It this is a genuine post, then I apologize. It seems that you have not filled out any portion of your profile, posted a picture, received any friends or posted any other messages. We get a lot of trolls on here and I thought you were one.

    If you are actually a 19 year old girl cutting yourself, then you definately need help (more than this website can provide). Your situation sounds very unfortunate and stressful. I'm sorry. I can't imagine as my family is supportive. If you feel better getting it off your chest, that's a good start.

    It is way better to be overweight than to be cutting yourself. I would help you if I could, but I have no idea how to help.

    This website is about fitness and health. Some are here to gain, others to lose, and many to get in better shape.
  • kymdarnell
    you will continue cutting until you deal with whatever the issue is in your life.... you need to seek counselling please - I know what I am talking about. I am 40 yrs old and 'hopefully' stopped cutting about 3 years ago - it is a chickens way out of dealing with problems - it hurts me having to write that but the truth hurts... if you ever just want to write about stuff to make you feel better please just add me as a friend and you can PM me.... i know too that writing things down helps so much..... best of luck my friend xx
  • merlin87tx
    Thank you to the people who send their prayers......honestly i never cut before a couple weeks ago...i started with a few simple cuts and then went to carving words....i feel so guilty about it ....i dont want to do it....but at the time it just made me feel seeing the words in my skin i can barely believe i did it.....i appriciate the prayers...but i dont know if i will go seek professional have three siblings...two sisters and a sisters both suffer from depression and we thought my brother was okay untill he tried killing himself....i dont want to add grief to my parents life

    I understand where you're coming from but think of it this way....

    How would your parents feel if they found out later that you felt so bad but didn't say anything for their sake?

    That would probably give them more guilt than anything. My sister had major depression and cut herself as well. I went through major depression and turned to alcohol for awhile to solve my problems. Trying to hide something like that is a serious thing. Telling your parents will take the weight off of your shoulders and give them hope that you were able to think of the ramifications. Most teens or young adults do not even realize when they have a problem and that's more of a worry for most parents.
  • purrmeow
    purrmeow Posts: 10 Member
    Is there a professional you can talk to at school? I go to a small college that doesn't offer much but I heard of some campuses offering free or low cost mental health help to their students. Or they can at least refer you to a place to be helped. I really hope you do see someone, things like this can get worse. I know you care about your parents and "grief" but you need to worry about yourself first.

  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    when i was a teenager i was addicted to cutting. I completely understand why people do it. But it only provides a temporary relief. The mental pain does not go away does it? You need to seek professional help. I have not cut myself in over 6 years and I have not been depressed for almost as long. But I still have some scars. For me i eventually came out of my depression but i should have found professional help when i was in high school. Instead i hid my depression and cutting for years. It is a dark lonely world. I look back on everything and i wish so badly i would have told someone... i lost so many good years. Life for me is good now and it can be good for you too. You have to be proactive about getting help. I know it is hard because when you are depressed you don't have motivation to do anything. There can also be fear about what others will think, or the work involved in dealing with issues. But coming out on the other side of it is sooo worth it.
  • ohmywhy02
    It this is a genuine post, then I apologize. It seems that you have not filled out any portion of your profile, posted a picture, received any friends or posted any other messages. We get a lot of trolls on here and I thought you were one.

    If you are actually a 19 year old girl cutting yourself, then you definately need help (more than this website can provide). Your situation sounds very unfortunate and stressful. I'm sorry. I can't imagine as my family is supportive. If you feel better getting it off your chest, that's a good start.

    It is way better to be overweight than to be cutting yourself. I would help you if I could, but I have no idea how to help.

    This website is about fitness and health. Some are here to gain, others to lose, and many to get in better shape.

    I really am a 19 year old girl...this is real...but the profile is fake...i have a real profile on here but i have close friends on there...i didnt want then knowing so i created a new account ....i've used this site for years....and i wouldnt have posted any personal problems on it but this is a community and i feel that sometimes people on MFP give good advice...and this is under the support category...sooo i posted ....i really needed to get this off my chest.....
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.

    Do not put it off... you will always find an excuse to put it off
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    As a former cutter, my best advice is to seek professional help. Self-harm is an unhealthy coping mechanism. It's HARD to stop by yourself. Don't be ashamed of how intense the urges are or when you give in to them. I suggest you find a professional to talk to so you can find healthy ways to deal with your depression and your struggles. That will help you stop cutting.

    And, congrats on your weight loss. You might've gained some back, but you still lost weight. Be proud of that accomplishment. It's hard work, and you deserve to feel positive for the weight you have lost.

    My thoughts are with you. You can stop cutting. The sooner you stop, the easier it is. You can do it.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member

    This is not an appropriate response to a teenager who clearly has emotional issues.

    this is internet... forum at that... that is a nice way of putting it...
  • ohmywhy02
    I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.

    Do not put it off... you will always find an excuse to put it off

    Well ....i went to therapist growing up....i guess i just had a negative experience because i hate them....even tho i have a family member who is one.....i just dont like them......they dont help me ...they make me feel worse
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I challenge you to go tell your parents right now that you would like to see a professional counselor. You do not have to tell them about the cutting if you do not want to but tell them you feel that it would be in your best interest to see one. If you do not have coverage to see one if you are a teenager most major cities have a teen health centre that provide free services or you might have one at school.

    If you really feel like you cannot tell your parents the alternative is to immediately book an appointment yourself or call a helpline.

    That is my challenge to you, you really should accept it.

    Do not put it off... you will always find an excuse to put it off

    Well ....i went to therapist growing up....i guess i just had a negative experience because i hate them....even tho i have a family member who is one.....i just dont like them......they dont help me ...they make me feel worse

    you cannot base that off of an experience with one therapist. there are some crappy therapists out there, there are also times when therapists and patients don't mesh well together, sometimes it takes some shopping around to find the right one. you need to be open to trying it again. professional counseling would not have survived so long if it do not have positive effects for so many people... if everyone walk away feeling worse the profession would have died out. it can help... even if you doubt that it will... what you're doing is not help right? so do you have a better option?