Any current or former DDRers out there?



  • Happy2Shop21
    I had DDR Max for PlayStation. I really liked it and I used to play it all the time. My favorite song was Sandstorm. The only reason I quit playing is because about a year ago my PlayStation died and I never replaced it. ^_^

    Aw! Similar thing happened with my PS2. Should probably stop by an arcade to see if the machines are still around. Used to hunt for them all the time. ^_^

    Same here. I love to play in the arcade. I can still school any kid on it. LOL ;)
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I had DDR Max for PlayStation. I really liked it and I used to play it all the time. My favorite song was Sandstorm. The only reason I quit playing is because about a year ago my PlayStation died and I never replaced it. ^_^

    Aw! Similar thing happened with my PS2. Should probably stop by an arcade to see if the machines are still around. Used to hunt for them all the time. ^_^
    Find an inexpensive used PS2?
  • sarahtonin015
    sarahtonin015 Posts: 193
    Love that game; I play it every time I'm at the theatre where they have it lol I know Speed Over Beethoven so well that I can do it without looking at the screen lol I also like Love Shine and, there was another one, but the title is in Japanese and I don't know what it translates into :P I never really do other songs though haha
  • Pawsntails
    Pawsntails Posts: 67 Member
    I have Stephania and a metal mat ^_^ dragonblade is prob my fab official song. Unofficial I love pon pon pon, gangnam style and most idol songs. Not played for a few Weeks but I may have to go nuts on it tomorrow now thinking of songs
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I used to play it with my sons years ago. I loved it, but I wasn't as good at it as my sons were.

    My favorite song was In The Navy by Captain Jack
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I love love love DDR. I used to have a Red Octane dance mat for a PS2 version (Super Nova, I think?) that I really miss. I played the hell out of that game! I'd get really mad, though, because I could play so well on the mat and then suck in arcades when you have to wear shoes/hit the arrows harder with your feet. But it's fun anyway :)
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Oh, oh, MEEEE!! I love DDR!! :D
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    I had DDR Max for PlayStation. I really liked it and I used to play it all the time. My favorite song was Sandstorm. The only reason I quit playing is because about a year ago my PlayStation died and I never replaced it. ^_^

    Aw! Similar thing happened with my PS2. Should probably stop by an arcade to see if the machines are still around. Used to hunt for them all the time. ^_^
    Find an inexpensive used PS2?

    Hadn't thought of this. For now though, listening to the song will have to suffice. That and reminiscing.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Oh, oh, MEEEE!! I love DDR!! :D

    Glad DDR was able to touch so many people. We should just start up a fan club now. I could see it now...the DDR weight loss challenge with 'song/level challenges' and everything. :D
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Back in the day, I played the hell outta that game. I could play on the hardest difficulty and sometimes I used two mats. Awesome, awesome memories...and lots of sweat! It was an awesome workout.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Back in the day, I played the hell outta that game. I could play on the hardest difficulty and sometimes I used two mats. Awesome, awesome memories...and lots of sweat! It was an awesome workout.

    Favourite songs?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I love it! I lost my disc when I moved a few years ago though:(
  • iyabean
    iyabean Posts: 30
    Oh man, I haven't played DDR in forever! I really should. My favorite songs were Maxx Unlimited, Paranoia, Breakdown, and Speed Over Beethoven.

    I should pull my DDR mat out of storage. Thanks for the reminder!
  • purrmeow
    purrmeow Posts: 10 Member
    I have DDR Max 2, I think. Yeah, it's been a while since I've played. I sucked at it but it was great for burning calories and getting the heart rate up! I was sooo tired by the end of one short session.

    I have the foam pad taken apart in the closet, and the PS2 is still hooked up (I use it to play DVDs when I don't want to use my laptop, I hardly play my old games). I should probably pull it out for days when the weather's not nice.
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    Omg best game in the world.

    I have way to many fav songs;
    healing vision
    drop the bomb
    simply being loved
    boom boom dollar

    any captain jack songs
    and some Japanese song that started with a D but I can't remember the title.

    This was my favorite game when I was in high school. Wow, I want to play now. Thanks for reminding me :)
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    YES. I only have a wii unfortunately. Such a fun way to exercise.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Omg best game in the world.

    I have way to many fav songs;
    healing vision
    drop the bomb
    simply being loved
    boom boom dollar

    any captain jack songs
    and some Japanese song that started with a D but I can't remember the title.

    This was my favorite game when I was in high school. Wow, I wan't to play now. Thanks :)

    Dam Dariram maybe?

    Trying to find an online version.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    My favorite songs were to play were:

    The Reflex - Duran Duran
    Move your feet - Junior Senior
    Planet Rock - Paul Oakenfold
    Waiting for Tonight - P.A.T.
    You're not here - Heather (silent hill)

    Im getting nostalgic thinkin about it lol. May have to look into getting the ol' set up going again. Thanks for the thread.
  • purrmeow
    purrmeow Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, oh, MEEEE!! I love DDR!! :D

    Glad DDR was able to touch so many people. We should just start up a fan club now. I could see it now...the DDR weight loss challenge with 'song/level challenges' and everything. :D

    I would love to join a DDR group! I just pulled it out this morning because it was very windy and I only lasted 7 minutes outside before my eyes were blinded (desert + windy = OMG WHY DID I THINK IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO TRY AND RUN OUTSIDE TODAY?!). A great, fun burn. I wanted to get one for the PS3 but I'd have to buy a new mat and I don't want to.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    Alright, I'm doing it.