Keegiejae Member


  • I'm also in the GF group. Great to see some others. I am not trying to lose weight on MFP, I'm on the other end thanks to gluten. But I am finally starting to feel better. Now I'm dreading our first trip back home since this started, could be interesting around the family. Anyway, I have a range of stuff I typically eat,…
  • I try not to comment a lot on these, but just be aware that if you are going to have a high protein intake, always drink a TON of water. Otherwise, you're destroying your kidneys. And just an fyi- any unused protein will eventually make its own way to fat too. Our bodies are efficiently made to store, goes back to the…
  • Yeah, it doesn't puff too much, ends up looking like a cake depending on your dish, it's quite soft. It's fairly pumpkin pie-like consistency, making a healthy snack that can satisfy those cravings.
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin, 1/4 cup egg white...pumpkin pie spices...microwave for 3 minutes top with syrup/pb/jelly/etc.... delicious!!
  • If you have the official diagnosis of celiac, then you cannot eat any gluten containing foods, unless yu want to continue damaging the intestinal villi. If you have an intolerance, where antibodies are not made, but you are unable to digest gluten, then you can eat some. The main difference beteen the two is that Celiac…
  • I keep about five different jars of PB and AB at all times, flavors, etc. It's great for you and filling. If you are looking to "lighten" things a bit, you can mix the PB/AB with some almond milk (or reg) in a 1:1 ratio or to the consistency of your choosing. I do this to make it a bit more liquidy to drizzle over…
  • I definitely agree that fake sweeteners are terrible for you. I'm a big of stevia, love the stuff if I actually need to sweeten something. But I have to question the article. How come there's no medical reports of exploding patients due to splenda intake since this was written two years ago? Just curious about the…
  • Has any one tried the soda +brownie mix and creating cookies out of it? Just curious about the results if you did :)
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal 3/4 cup water or almond milk 1/4 cup pure pumpkin Cinnamon to taste Top with PB, PB2, Syrup, Almonds, or whatever floats your boat! I actually make this up the night before, let it sit in the fridge, it'll have excess water, but in the a.m. it nukes so perfectly! When you need a seriously filling version:…
  • roast or steam it, then drizzle some PB or a PB/milk mix (makes it easier) with cinnamon. To die for!
    in Squash Comment by Keegiejae October 2009
  • If you check out Montepelier, there are a bunch of great places listed on the town's website. There aren't any I wouldn't recommend. I went to college in the area and that was our go-to-town. Hopefully it's not too far. I don't know Randolph well enough to say otherwise. Have a wonderful time. I miss it up there!
  • Dr. McDougall's makes some awesome to-go soups that are usually very reasonable calorie counts, but also have lots of fiber and protein, which I find lacking in many soups. Keeps you filled up for hours!
  • I've just started the GF diet and it's been a bit of an adjustment as far as bread is concerned, but I ate relatively little of that before hand. The only reason I find it necessary now is the need for a quickly packable/eatable lunch for my medical school rotations (surgery + eating don't mix greatly). Snacks were also a…
  • Any dairy free suggestions? I recently discovered casein is my issue, so can't even take lactaid :( So looking for ideas!