re protein and carbs

Okay posted this one a while ago no one responded! Is there not anyone that knows if it is okay to eat the same amount of protein some days as your carbs or pretty darn close! I do have a diet also three days a week where I eat low carbs one day, high carbs the next, and moderate carbs the next, and then go back to eating the way I said in the beginning. Oxygen magazine is great but they do not mention anything like that and I get one every month.


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    My trainer had me eating over 100 g of protein and less that 100g of carbs each day for a while. I just looked at my food diary and my goals are 63 g of protein and 234 g of carbs. Based on my experience and that food log goal, yeah, it's fine. I'm now at 125 g of protein a day and 50 g of carbs and that will change again in a couple of weeks. When I started cutting my carbs like that though, I did get a little light-headed for a few days.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I only have time to respond very quickly before work, but the problem with high carbs is that all carbs convert to Glucose. Used glucose converts to fat. If you do tons of cardio or live an extremely active lifestyle, then higher carbs are fine, but for weight loss, keep your carbs to 40% of your daily intake per day.

    I personally lost 70 pounds on a 50% Protein/30% Carbs/20% Fat diet with no more than a 1,000 calorie deficit per day. I eat/ate 8-9 200-300 calorie meals throughout the day.

    Carb cycling does work, but it seems like most of what I've read says stick with 1 week cycles, not daily because the body/metabolism doesn't react quickly enough to catch the 24 hour cycle.

    Good luck and please hit me up with any further questions.

  • Keegiejae
    Keegiejae Posts: 17 Member
    I try not to comment a lot on these, but just be aware that if you are going to have a high protein intake, always drink a TON of water. Otherwise, you're destroying your kidneys.

    And just an fyi- any unused protein will eventually make its own way to fat too. Our bodies are efficiently made to store, goes back to the early human days. I'd rather not post my biochemical metabolic map, but trust me, take a biochem course and protein will eventually get to the same place carbs do. (I am not saying low carb is bad by any means or doesn't work, just adding two cents :) )
  • shyla11
    shyla11 Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for the info
  • shyla11
    shyla11 Posts: 26 Member
    just to add i do not drink high protein shakes hardly any ever
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I used to "low carb." I've tried everything from moderately low (less than 40%) to atkins low (less than 20g carbs a day) and it never worked for me. I was ALWAYS hungry, even if I just ate a huge steak, and I didn't have the energy levels I'm used to. A friend in a fitness course at University of Waterloo told me to eat what I crave for a week, and see what makes me feel good. (Not junk food, but macronutrient wise, lol) .

    I feel GREAT after eating a good serving of complex carbs - oatmeal, whole grain bread, and sweet potatoes are my dietary staples, and I feel good all the time, I always have energy to work out, and I'm losing weight a lot easier.

    Not saying that'll work for everyone - the point is you need to find out what makes YOUR body run the best. Some people do better on a high protein diet, others need more carbs, like me, and some need a good solid mix.

    Just experiment for awhile, find out what works for you :wink: