

  • Hi :) Totally going away from the trainers topic.... I also suffered knee problems when i first started making the transition from walking to running. The knee problems occured when walking long distances in my walking boots and when running hard in my trainers. I started taking supplements, Glucosamine Sulphate, Calcium…
  • Chewing tells your body that there is food going to be arriving in your stomach soon to digest so your stomach releases an acid to break down the food, when the food dosent arrive, in the case of gum, the acid breaks down your stomach lining instead. Thats why some people get belly aches when they chew gum. I dont think it…
  • I also have a 12 year old son, (among others)hes going through puberty and also LOVES milk and snacking. Im assuming the draw to the milk is their bodies screaming for calcium for their bones which are going through a massive growth stage, just a guess though, but i remember being mad on milk at that age too. My view is,…
  • Somebody probably has already said this, but im not going to read all five pages. You dont need money or transport to exercise. Walking is free. Running is free. Swimming in the sea is free. Cycling is free if you have a bike. Running up and down your stairs, downloading a class off the internet, bass jumping between low…