Feel free to add me. Always looking for keto friends.
Feel free to add me. I just started 2 weeks ago. Always looking for keto friends!
Hi there. I just started keto. Would like more keto friends. Feel free to add me.
I'm 42.....I'm in the same boat :-) Add me if you'd like.
I am 41 years old and began crossfit at the beginning of the year. I was in no way athletic and my idea of cardio was walking my dog :-) Since then I can see I am getting stronger, the comradery is amazing, and my coaches are very good at teaching technique. It's very empowering and you will get better and better as you…
Originally in Nebraska.
This is exactly what I am going through!! Thank you for the inspiration!
Thanks for sharing! Very inspirational!
Good point.
LOL. That is awesome. ^^^^ - Thank you everyone...this is great.
^^ YES :-) I think I'm just going to have to remove it from the house....I know me...I'll pull it out and weigh myself if I know it's there somewhere. LOL.
Awesome everyone! thank you!
Feel free to add me too :-)
Legs, face & tummy. Definite difference. Whatever you are doing is working! Great job!
My co-worker has lost 12.8 lbs in 2 weeks doing carb cycling. You guys are awesome for trying this! I don't have the discipline for it. LOL. Good luck!
Thanks everyone. This is great.
Wow! There are alot of seasonings at the Penzey's site!
Definitely need more friends! Feel free to add me :-)
I hadn't thought of lemon and lime juice. Good idea! I've also heard of the Mrs. Dash. I think I will grab some of those.
Thank you! Yes, I was looking for DVD's but I think I'll give the other ones a try as well.
Awesome! Thanks everyone. I have started Shred with Weights with Jillian Michaels (although I've read the cons of doing it), but it's got me hooked! Such a great workout.
Feel free to add me as well. I need more friends!
^^^ This was awesome. Thank you for sharing - very helpful.
Is this where we check in? Or am I lost?
Friday's are my day! This will work great. Excited for positive group and hearing everyone's accomplishments.
Congrats on quitting! My last cigarette was January 22, 2014. Getting active was my motivation. I was tired of being winded and unable to exercise the way I wanted to. I have noticed so much of a difference!! I noticed a little weight gain and I was grouchy as hell....but that all passes. Good job and continued success!
How many calories have you figured are in that?
Nebraska. Central Time. Add me if you'd like.