

  • I try to eat a small bowl of cereal each night. Part of that is because it helps even out my intake over the entire time period I'm awake, part of it is to keep me from starving so much in the morning, and part of it (the /real/ reason) is because I love cereal and if I want to eat a bowl of cereal in the evening, I…
  • I have started (when I have the calories available) to eat a small bowl of raisin bran or mini-shredded wheats about an hour before I go to bed. This has done two things for me that I've noticed. 1. I'm not a very good breakfast eater, so it gets me through the morning until about 9 or 10 when my body actually starts to…
  • I like the Things You'll Need: Conveniently-located commode (Optional). :laugh:
  • I primarily use Netflix, but I use a few of the 10 Minute Solutions series: Target Toning and Carb Burner. I also have Tank Top Arms, Bikini Belly and Boy Shorts Bottom with Minna Lessig that's a really good set of targeted 10 minute workouts.
  • I can't tell you if that's "normal" since being on MFP (I've only been here since last Thursday myself), but I'm going through the exact same thing. This weekend I've gone through the same thing. (That, plus all that Halloween candy - harsh..) Feeling like a big blob, no energy to do anything and nothing healthy sounded…