To eat or not to eat.....

autumnater Posts: 42 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I have been told almost all my life to NOT eat after a certain hour...some say 8:00pm others there any truth in that? And if so....what is it?

I like to munch on something while watching TV in the later 10:00pm. Any good late night snacking advice and foods that are ok?



  • sburt1
    sburt1 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm not sure if thats true or not!! I have heard that as well but I figure if I have calories left and I am hungry I am eating somthing!

    Air pop popcorn is very low in calories and one of my FAVORITE snacks!!!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I work second shift and don't go to bed until 1 a.m. I try not to eat anything after 11 p.m. or I have strange dreams. Snacking late hasn't stopped me from losing weight though. Just try to keep it healthy, and I don't think it should be a problem.
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    I am a true believer that it is calories in - calories out. The quality of the calories should always be the best, of highest nutritional value.

    To eat or not to eat may depend on what, nothing heavy before bed. But if you are TRULY hungry and need an apple or some skim milk with graham crackers, go ahead and eat. The only other issue not to eat late is digestive issues.

    Good luck!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    The later the hour the slower your metabolism is going. That's why breakfast should be your biggest meal and supper your smallest. If you must eat that late do NOT eat high fat/starch/carb foods like junk food or pasta or nuts. Try fruits and veggies (no dips unless it's a vinagrette). I like to have an apple in the evening and sometimes have 1/2-1tbsp of reduced fat peanut butter-always hits the spot & satisfies my sweet tooth...although sometimes I have to add a square or two of dark chocolate in there as well ;) Nobody's perfect lol
  • I usually try to have some sort of fruit before bed. Pineapple is my favorite, but also, grapes, strawberries, blueberries or a banana. But, that's just me... :)
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    It's not food - but I get the munchies at night and go for my Good Earth Original Caffeine Free tea in Sweet & Spicy. Kills my cravings and provides the comfort that we seem to really need. Told an MFP friend about it this week and she tried a different flavorful decaf tea that she had in the house - said it worked for her too!
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Avoiding snacks before bedtime just helps decrease you calorie intake. Your metabolism does not slow. I thought this for years but i read in Prevention Mag a few months ago that it's not true. I love that mag!
  • AmyJopp
    AmyJopp Posts: 57 Member
    I usually have crispy minis - sour cream and onion 12 or sometimes 24......all depends!!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    It all depends on your schedule. I believe the truth behind the theory is that you shouldn't eat 2-3 hours before going to bed whatever time that may be. That way while you are sleeping your body isn't working so hard to digest the food you just ate and of course you burn more calories (even at rest) while awake versus sleeping. This way the few calories you are burning while sleeping are from stored fat cells rather than burning the calories you just ate. I hope that makes sense. Of course my theory is do whatever works for you, if noshing on some air popped popcorn while watching tv late at night keeps you from raiding the fridge and feeling deprived of your favorite things, then more power to ya! Everything in moderation is ok!
  • I have started (when I have the calories available) to eat a small bowl of raisin bran or mini-shredded wheats about an hour before I go to bed. This has done two things for me that I've noticed.

    1. I'm not a very good breakfast eater, so it gets me through the morning until about 9 or 10 when my body actually starts to wake up
    2. Also provide a bit of fiber and calcium that I have always had a hard time making sure I have in my diet.

    I haven't noticed any digestive issues except for the better since I'm making sure I'm eating fiber regularly ;) and I've done this almost everyday since I started here 3 weeks ago and have lost about 3 pounds, so it's definitely not affecting my loss!
  • I think its more to do with not eating too close to sleeping opposed to the actual time of day. Your body doesn't know what the actual time is! I try not to eat after 8pm otherwise I wake up starving!!
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    A calorie is a calorie, and it doesn't matter when you eat it, 1 will never be 2. The problem a lot of people have with snacking in the evening- you're winding down, getting comfy, and its easier to forget or not realize how much you are eating. That advice should get changed to- Don't sit with a bowl of your favorite snack in front of the TV. If you want to watch TV, do it with you in one room and your snacks in another!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I heard that u dont eat anything past 7:00PM and I was like heck no I cant do that.. So then I heard some1 else say just dont eat anything 2 hours before bed.. So say u go to bed at 11:00 then stop eating at 9:00.. Hope I helped :-)
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