ramahl Member


  • It went well...I finished all 90 days on 12/2. I saw some great results!
  • The plateau....everyone reaches it. Just my take: I'd vary your workouts more. Think about it...you mostly do bike. At first, your body was in shock as you would spend 30-40 minutes on the bike...it had to work hard to finish the set. But then, your legs got used to it and the muscle memory kicked in. Now, your legs still…
  • my guess is at this point, it's probably more about the KIND of calories you eat, not how many. It's still important to keep that calorie count at or around 1400, but maybe just mixing it up (less salt, sugar, etc). One thing you could try for a week is the South Beach Diet Phase 1....get off carbs (which turn to sugar in…
  • Glad to see another P90xer I'm going to do it in the morning...any suggestions on what/if I should eat in the morning?