susanstar88 Member


  • I'm thinking the question should be ... who HAS NOT LOST weight and then put it back on? In the past, when someone asked me if I was on a diet ... I would respond 'I was born on one' ... because I was always trying WW, liquid something or other, a magic pill or so, prescription pills, the wonderful 3-day diet (you name…
  • Splenda might work just fine, I don't enjoy artificial sweeteners but use it often for our diabetic neighbor & sometimes cannot tell the difference. I would use a lower calorie syrup - use spray in pan, margarine or butter (toss up there) and ENJOY the nuts for extra protein. Yes, a smaller portion with extra exercise is…
  • After 'looking at my reports' this morning -- the scale is going bye bye for a while. My exercise is up -- I'm still working on eating 1200 calories per day (yes I'm one of those who doesn't eat enough) --- but the scale ... BLAH .... it is my death trap! I know it is just a number, I know it shouldn't matter -- I feel…
  • Me too - hating my scale that is! And my doc said 'EAT 1200 calories! That is tough for me but I've managed for a couple of weeks ... yes, sounds crazy but I do not eat enough food. Tried tons of diets - including WW & others -- not enough food to drop pounds. At least with my fitness -- I can still cook like I want (on of…
  • A giant salad with balsamic & just a bit of garlic favored EVOO (tons of fresh veggies) Big bowl of homemade bean soup - I give my hubby the ham (if I find any) but it's been reheated twice And maybe a tortilla or one piece of flat bread (no oil) on the grill I may have a pumpkin ale, but for that .... 15-more minutes on…
  • Seriously? See a doctor now -- please! I've been a migraine sufferer for nearly 15-18 years ... had tried to eliminate all types of foods & tried all types of suggestions - don't laugh, pressure changes & full moons were a large impact on mine. GO SEE A DOCTOR & I recommend a neurologist right from the start - mine were so…
  • When I weigh every day -- I don't smile lots. So I try to weigh every other day & that helps. With that said ... I log one time a week but my progress is a bit slow right now because we had a 4-day family reunion - looks like I had a big slip but taking off is slower than putting on after 4-days of family, 2-days with my…
  • And chopping up raw veggies -- forgot that with cucumbers & tomatoes -- yum!
  • Found a great & filling idea on here actually - Quinoa with black beans & corn - just search on the foods & it will come up with a link to the recipe link - I doubled so I had plenty for lunch! We made some plain last night & again I just tossed in some frozen veggies (into the rice cooker) -- made extra so I could heat…
  • I am not an exercise-aholic but with this program (for once in my life) - I am trying to get on the stationary bike & count the times I go up & down the stairs to my home office (or at least count 10x a day) ... it is way more than that! I'm set at 1200 calories & my problem often not eating enough regular meals & this…
  • Yup, you can add me! Saw a friend at the post office and after I saw how great she looked ... thought I would give this a try. My situation is not eating enough food so this keeps me on track or at least is better than not eating (not that I don't need to S-H-E-D plenty of pounds). So far, this is keeping me honest,…
  • I've been an event planner for years & years... most anything is appropriate (nearly) but I'd suggest serving cocktails for 1-hour -- then, go with unlimited beer or if you can afford the wine -- that is totally acceptable. Everything else you pay for and if you want to be special, have a wine/champagne toast. If your…
  • No push-ups here ... shoulder surgery recovery! However, will do my best with my stationary bike! Had a family reunion for the last 5-days (big family here) -- spent two full days driving back & forth so now this new person needs to get back on track!
  • I've just tried Thomas wheat bagels with agave (again) -- better than honey or peanut butter & it certainly gives me my 'sweet' for the morning. I'm new to myfitnesspal & not eating enough protein (or calories, meals). Guess I can't be taller so I need to do something to track calories & fill-up the empty spaces.