weighin in question?

I shouldnt get on the scale every day, I usually weigh every thursday...But I did yesterday and was down a few and again a few today. My appetite has been poor I think from my medication...should I log my weight again today or wait a week? I'm not trying to lose this fast cause I'm afraid it wont stay off...


  • chloenmiller
    chloenmiller Posts: 40 Member
    Wait a week! Your weight fluctuates from day to day, and you could easily gain back those few pounds and more, and then lose it in one day.. Just stick with your weighing once a week! It's less stress on you, too. :smile:
  • melindadunston
    I weigh myself everyday but only log the new weight once I have stayed at that weight for a few days. I would say I only log weight every week or so.
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    I agree. With the way weight can fluctuate I would say keep your "official" weigh day and time the same each week. This will give you a more accurate picture of how much you are truly losing.
  • hilly215
    hilly215 Posts: 87 Member
    Definitely only log once a week. Try to be consistent on day and time of day too. That way you have a better idea of your true weight loss. :smile:
    K I will stick to Thursdays! Thanks!
  • jules77az2004
    jules77az2004 Posts: 24 Member
    I admit I weigh myself just about every day too. BUT you should not enter in your weight each time. People above me are right, you're body fluctuates. So pick 1 day of the week where you record your official weight for the week. Usually the end or beginning of your week. And if you can break the habit (yes I need to break it also) of weighing yourself every day then you should. it can be a tool that can also derail you if you're not careful... the way our body fluctuates can really play a # on our minds. :) Good luck!
    I'm normally not even tempted to weigh in before thursday...this week though I guess I'm really noticing a change in my body, and fit into a pair of jeans I couldnt get past my thighs a month ago...made me curious! lol
  • susanstar88
    susanstar88 Posts: 14 Member
    When I weigh every day -- I don't smile lots. So I try to weigh every other day & that helps. With that said ... I log one time a week but my progress is a bit slow right now because we had a 4-day family reunion - looks like I had a big slip but taking off is slower than putting on after 4-days of family, 2-days with my elderly parents & 2-days in the car .... not complaining by any means - it is just the facts. However, this site has helped me get back in the groove & back into a happy habit (for the first time in many eating years).
  • lugene21481
    lugene21481 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh everyday, I got as big as I am ignoring the scale!!! However, I do only enter my weight once a week when I'm not really loosing, when I was loosing alot I entered on Wednedays (weigh in day at work) and Sundays. It kept me so motivated to keep up with exercise and healthy eating to see that what I was doing was actually making a difference!!!