rnamy23 Member


  • Hi! I just joined the group as well! I’m looking to lose from 20-25 lbs and to become more consistent with my workouts! Hopefully the accountability will be helpful!
  • Thanks for the recommendations!! Very helpful
  • I’m running a small half marathon this weekend. This will be only my 3 3rd half marathon, so I still have nerves! I trained for 2 months and it hasn’t been my best effort. The heat mixed in with Forrest fire smoke dampened my will to train hard. Anyway, I’m going to give it my best, and see what happens!
  • I did use my Apple Watch! I had lots of battery life left at the end of my race. I didn’t listen to music on mine, however. I absolutely love my Apple Watch for my runs!
  • My race went better than expected!! I was still feeling under the weather, but decided to just go out and do the best I could. The first 10 miles felt great. My splits were even and I was enjoying myself. At the start of mile 11, my legs were starting to feel tired and heavy. I could definitely tell I had only trained for…
  • I am 37 right now, and I would like to “treat” myself to a full marathon sometime before I turn 40, so I can relate to that! 😬 I have to laugh to myself when you say you “aren’t very fast.” It goes to show that one persons slow is another persons PR. This is why I love running so much right now. There is always a new goal…
  • Good luck on your 15k!! I would love to hear an update!
  • Good luck on your upcoming 10K. I would like to train for that distance more. I think I would enjoy that distance a lot
  • Wow! Great time! It sounds like you had a good training program..... in Hal Higdons largest mileage week for novices, he has me running 5 miles, three miles, five miles and a 10 mile run. Did you run five miles every single day, or did you have any rest days??
  • I would love to join that group! Thank you! My mind is blown that you have completed 50 marathons and 75 halfs!!
  • You are awesome!! Someday I would love to be brave enough to go for the full. It isn’t about how fast you are, but the incredible dedication it takes to put in the time and hours to train. And pushing a double stroller! You are amazing
  • For me, it was training up to running distance slowly. I started with the couch to 5k program, to get my cardio in better shape. From there I just continued to build on that base. I currently am training for my second half marathon. A year and a half ago, I would have laughed if someone would tell me I would be getting up…
  • I definitely feel your pain. I met my incredible husband when I was 29. I'm now 32 years old and have been married two wonderful years. We have been trying to conceive for approximately the last year. I just recently found out I have premature ovarian failure. My ovaries have stopped producing estrogen, which means I no…