Any Distance Runners??

rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
Anyone here training for a long distance race, such as a half or full marathon??

I am two weeks away from my second half marathon on July 15th. I did my first half last year, after making a New Years resolution that I would get myself in running shape. I started by doing couch to 5 k on my treadmill (I couldn’t run 5 minutes without being short of breath!!) then went on to Hal Higdons half marathon training program for novice runners. Last July I ran the half in 2 hours and 20 minutes. It was slow, but I didn’t stop!!

This year I was a little late getting back into my training (I stopped regular running after all the fires of last summer and freezing winter!) I wasn’t sure I was going to run a half this year. However, I decided that I really need the pressure of a race to keep me pounding the pavement, so here I am training again!

Today I finished my 10 mile training run. I have one more long run of 11 miles before my race.

It is so invigorating for me to look back at all my weekends of training runs. For me, I have spent half of my life being obese (I have maintained a 100 lb weight loss for 11 years now) so being athletic isn’t really in my blood. Running is something I can do, and I love the way my body improves week to week and month to month.

I would love to hear from some other runners, and how your training is going for your races this year! I get inspired by others stories on how they became a runner and how they continue to stick with it!! 😬😳


  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I am trying for a Marathon this fall! Done 2 trial half marathons and one paved. Just did a timed 6 hour trail run at night, 21 miles.
    I use to be obese as well, pretty much all my life! I took a weight lifting class in college and struggled to do a warm up lap around the gym. I'm not fast by any means, but most my runs are done pushing a double stroller.
    Keep it up, that's awesome! Good luck on your half !
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I did a half in May, and have a half in October and a 10k in november.

    Training starts in a couple of weeks, and I am loving running for running sake at the moment.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have a 15K today(!) and a half in 7 weeks. Feeling a bit under trained for both because I was sick half of June and missed several long runs.

    I have been running for 13 months and I am still obese. My first half marathon was earlier this year and I finished in 3:06. It was hillier than I was expecting even though I'd been warned... (My August half bills itself as being exceptionally flat so even not as well trained as I'd like I'm hoping to improve on my time.)
  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member
    Join us on Strava - MFP Monthly Run Challenge.

    Obese most of my life, now closing in on50 marathons and 75 half marathons. Huge congrats on your 100 pound weight loss and maintaining!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Theoretically training for marine corps marathon in October and debating ironman mont treblant next year
  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    I am trying for a Marathon this fall! Done 2 trial half marathons and one paved. Just did a timed 6 hour trail run at night, 21 miles.
    I use to be obese as well, pretty much all my life! I took a weight lifting class in college and struggled to do a warm up lap around the gym. I'm not fast by any means, but most my runs are done pushing a double stroller.
    Keep it up, that's awesome! Good luck on your half !

    You are awesome!! Someday I would love to be brave enough to go for the full. It isn’t about how fast you are, but the incredible dedication it takes to put in the time and hours to train. And pushing a double stroller! You are amazing
  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    Join us on Strava - MFP Monthly Run Challenge.

    Obese most of my life, now closing in on50 marathons and 75 half marathons. Huge congrats on your 100 pound weight loss and maintaining!

    I would love to join that group! Thank you! My mind is blown that you have completed 50 marathons and 75 halfs!!
  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    I didn’t do anything special for my half as far as training. I run 5 miles daily, and 8-10 on weekend days.

    I did the 1/2 in 2 hours, 28 seconds, and my goal was 2 hours. One less pee break and I’ve have nailed it! Hahahahaha!

    Wow! Great time! It sounds like you had a good training program..... in Hal Higdons largest mileage week for novices, he has me running 5 miles, three miles, five miles and a 10 mile run.

    Did you run five miles every single day, or did you have any rest days??

  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    I did a half in May, and have a half in October and a 10k in november.

    Training starts in a couple of weeks, and I am loving running for running sake at the moment.

    Good luck on your upcoming 10K. I would like to train for that distance more. I think I would enjoy that distance a lot
  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I have a 15K today(!) and a half in 7 weeks. Feeling a bit under trained for both because I was sick half of June and missed several long runs.

    I have been running for 13 months and I am still obese. My first half marathon was earlier this year and I finished in 3:06. It was hillier than I was expecting even though I'd been warned... (My August half bills itself as being exceptionally flat so even not as well trained as I'd like I'm hoping to improve on my time.)

    Good luck on your 15k!! I would love to hear an update!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    rnamy23 wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I have a 15K today(!) and a half in 7 weeks. Feeling a bit under trained for both because I was sick half of June and missed several long runs.

    I have been running for 13 months and I am still obese. My first half marathon was earlier this year and I finished in 3:06. It was hillier than I was expecting even though I'd been warned... (My August half bills itself as being exceptionally flat so even not as well trained as I'd like I'm hoping to improve on my time.)

    Good luck on your 15k!! I would love to hear an update!

    2:03:04, with a smile on my face the whole way. I'll post a race report on the MFP Monthly Running Challenge thread later today!
  • ronocnikral
    ronocnikral Posts: 176 Member
    yes I run any distance. The sticker on my car says 2.62
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I’m training for my first full marathon at the end of September. I have completed three halfs, with my best time being 2:22:43.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I’m a distance runner, but I don’t tend to participate in many organized events, just run on my own. (I’m not a big fan of the crowds/chaos/lines)

    Half marathons are my fav distance though, and my PR is around 1:38 I believe. Good luck to you!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I did a marathon in April and am currently training for a half on 19th August, another on 9th sept, another in March, 2 marathons in April....possibly looking at ultra in 2020
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I love racing. I'm doing a half marathon on Wednesday and am currently training for an October marathon.

    My goal for next year is to run three marathons -- I've never done more than one a year before. It's a challenge/treat for myself because I'm turning 40.

    I'm not very fast (my goal for the half marathon is 2 hours), but I'm pretty determined. That helps.
  • cyndit1
    cyndit1 Posts: 170 Member
    Love to distance run. I've done over 30 half marathons and finished 3 marathons although trained for 5 (broken foot for one and late switch from the full to the half on one). I never ran a step in my life until 10 years ago I decided (hugely fat at the time) to stop living like a lump. Signed up for a 5K and never looked back. Racing keeps me honest and I enjoy the excitement. I'm not fast but that is ok...getting my money's worth. BTW I have RA and lupus and I swear being active has been a god send for my body.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Good luck with your half. Have fun!

    Currently training for Wineglass Marathon. I normally run a Fall marathon later in the year. This year I'll be 6 weeks earlier which means I'll be doing my long runs during the hottest part of the year. The heat has kicked up 'big time' here already.
  • rnamy23
    rnamy23 Posts: 17 Member
    I love racing. I'm doing a half marathon on Wednesday and am currently training for an October marathon.

    My goal for next year is to run three marathons -- I've never done more than one a year before. It's a challenge/treat for myself because I'm turning 40.

    I'm not very fast (my goal for the half marathon is 2 hours), but I'm pretty determined. That helps.

    I am 37 right now, and I would like to “treat” myself to a full marathon sometime before I turn 40, so I can relate to that! 😬 I have to laugh to myself when you say you “aren’t very fast.” It goes to show that one persons slow is another persons PR. This is why I love running so much right now. There is always a new goal to set, whether it be another race, a faster time, or just getting out there! You are an inspiration to me of what I hope to be when I’m 40!!!