ChristianRW Member


  • 1. Get a scale, weigh ALL your food intake. inclu softdrinks. Only thing that's goes in without scaling it is water. 2. Log food for 4 weeks. 3. Step on your human scale once a week. I use monday morning after i've done my toilet business. Make sure you do it the same day, in the morning and only at that time each week.…
  • Got off to a great start, dropped 8 kg, liked how the belly got smaller each month. Thought i could just keep on eating the smaller same portions as i'd gotten used to. I couldn't. Have gained 5 kg back. But been going at it for 5 days now, and moods are high :D Not exactly square one, but i'm back :).
  • I don't want to eat them back. If i'm extra hungry, i snack an extra apple or something. It has happened that i've been so hungry after a workout, and then i eat it all back, but that's rather rare! I regularly do exercise in the amount of 5-600 calories, calculated with endomondo. I might eat back 1-200 calories through…
  • Im plateauing for a week too, frustrating my friend, i feel ya :) It's hard when you've just had a nice streak dropping the pounds regularly, but chin up, these don't last for longer than 2-3 weeks at most in my experience :smiley:
  • on Christmas not gonna log, it'll be to sad, soooooo bloody red :smile: Then the day after back to logging normal again, and not taking to much sweets etc in the holiday to come. Also gonna do a buttload of cardio christmas morning, though i won't balance it out by far, but still, i'll have made an effort :)
  • Butter Ketchup Don't really have a set in stone setup. Keep forgetting to buy groceries, and tend to run out of everything all the time.
  • Parents love it when you talk to them, and you know with teenage girls, get good with her father, and you're getting good with her. Chivalry is never outdated. Flowers are a nice gesture, but where to put them? In the movies the guy always brings the girl a flower, but you don't see them anywhere after the initial scene.…
  • Studying law in Denmark. Lots and lots of sitting/slouching/not doing anything remotely physical, just like all of you guys probably.
  • Came to a crossroads on my run, where i could take the short route being 5km, or the long one, 11km. I took the long one, and after having run about 200m i looked back, and felt so proud. :) Reading about all of your proud moments is just delightful. Remembering these small moments, to me, matters so much.
  • A year and some since i tentatively started, but never stuck with it. I am however now committed to do something about this, and start a healthier living! Am 23, feel free to add me as friend, and let's help each other :)