Lets discuss falling off the MFP wagon, and getting back on!!

toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
Hello to my fellow strugglers', as my subject says, I've fallen off the MFP wagon a few times, and yet here I am, again. clearly I struggle with weight loss, but I'm here to say, never give up and march forward. Doesn't matter how many times you have to brush yourself off and get back on the 'wagon', we can achieve anything once we've committed ourselves to the journey.

so here i am with 50lbs to loose, Ideally in 3 months or less.. realistically more like a year (or is that being realistic), in any case I think setting unrealistic goals is what caused my wagon to hit a curb and knock me on my butt. So this time around I will slow down at the turns so I don't hit any more curbs... my butt has seen enough.... and although its a start to maybe reducing it a bit, rather not have the pain .. haha...

Good luck to all and please feel free to share your tips, idea's and stories... :)

Tip: My favorite desert (I'm an ice cream lover) I buy the organic frozen fruits, pour some in a small bowl and chomp them down. May not replace the ice cream, but man is it yummy!!!! and a healthier options.


  • kat_snowflake
    kat_snowflake Posts: 20 Member
    I'm about to get back on the MFP "wagon" after about four months off it...

    I'll be re-starting on Sunday as I'm sitting a French language exam on Saturday.

    Also I have just discovered Blogilates on YouTube and will be following their workout calendar to add variety to my workouts. I'll also try and go swimming two or three times a week.

    Feel free to add me !
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    Oh my gosh. I so feel you on this! I am looking at 35 lbs to lose...again...still. I hate that I have lost and regained so many times. My eating wasn't great yesterday, but I did log it all so I consider that a minor victory. Baby steps. I haven't given myself a deadline, but maybe that would help. Hmmm...maybe by my birthday, December 31st. Ug. That feels too far away. I'll just shoot for 10lbs by July 4th. Aggresive, but even if I just get close it'll be better than I am now. Good luck!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I would suggest giving serious thought about why you fell of the wagon in the first place and how you will prevent it from happening again.

    Was your goal too agressive or your diet too strict?
    Did you try to change too many things at once?
    Did you cut out too many things that you love?
    Did you try to add too many things that you dislike?
    Knowing why you stumbled may be the most important step in preventing a repeat.
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    @erinup that definitely sounds like a plan. Life certainly gets in the way, that's for sure. I have over 50+ to loose and a bad back, hip and ankle so exercising is a bit challenging. I've started walking ( by that I mean I went out once this week). I too manage to log in my food even if it isn't the best. I found that the more disgusted I am with the graph of the breakdown of the food I've consumed, the more I try to better it the following day.

    @kat_snowflake I love swimming although I don't' do it very well...lol can't wait for warmer weather so I can open the pool an and at least doggie paddle my way to healthy... :)
    Good luck!!!!
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    @Need2Exerc1se ... I fell off the wagon because my husband had 3 surgeries then lost his job in the same year. Things were and are kind of stressful. Although they may seem like excuses to some people, the reality is, not everyone is an expert in handling stress, or dodging with precision those wrenches life throws you, at least I most certainly am not..... with that said, I am confident that this journey or "Wagon Ride" will be less bumpy then my previous one.... :) Very determined and hopeful this time around ... my first goal.. loose 7lbs by July 4th.. ;-)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    toughpr1 wrote: »
    @Need2Exerc1se ... I fell off the wagon because my husband had 3 surgeries then lost his job in the same year. Things were and are kind of stressful. Although they may seem like excuses to some people, the reality is, not everyone is an expert in handling stress, or dodging with precision those wrenches life throws you, at least I most certainly am not..... with that said, I am confident that this journey or "Wagon Ride" will be less bumpy then my previous one.... :) Very determined and hopeful this time around ... my first goal.. loose 7lbs by July 4th.. ;-)

    Oh, sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will get better soon. Yes, stress is hard! Best of luck to you.
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    Oh, sorry to hear that. Hopefully things will get better soon. Yes, stress is hard! Best of luck to you.[/quote]

    Thank you!!!!! :-)
  • Travelle13
    Travelle13 Posts: 6 Member
    Same thing here...fell off the MFP wagon but I have committed myself to getting back on track and staying on track!. :)
  • jackiedruga
    jackiedruga Posts: 18 Member
    I fell off the wagon and am back on. My weight loss goals are small but they are concentrated on my mid section that suffers from perimenopause blues lol. I am really taking it serious now, especially after someone asked if I were pregnant and that was the launching motivation.
  • originalkelli
    originalkelli Posts: 20 Member
    I'm a snacker. I fall off the wagon because I think to myself, "How many calories is this one cracker? Is it worth logging?" and then just stop logging altogether and end up eating twice my allotted calories. This time around I get to be accountable for every bite, even if I guess on the calories. I'm thinking of cutting out white flour. I know I tend to go overboard, but if I can keep at it and change some of the little things, I just might get there! Please add me! I deserve moral support!
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    edited May 2015
    Having a scale goal is great, having a fitness goal is even better! I find my weightloss goes smoothly when I'm focusing on a physical challenge like an upcoming race, hike or event. I log everyday. Feel free to add me so we can keep each other accountable :)
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Fell off over the holidays and had to re-lose about 10lb. I guess that wasn't that much of a stumble.

    I'm calling it a "learning experience" of what not to do ones I hit maintenance.

    I basically did exactly what made me overweight in the first place, eating whatever I wanted without regard for portion size or number of servings.

    Hopefully I have learned my lesson, probably going to have to "study" that a couple more times before I get it right.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I feel you all! I too have done this often. I will go good for about a month then go right back to where I was. I have 40lbs I want to loose not only to feel good about my self but so I can try for my second baby. I wont do it unless I am healthy.
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    After maintaining about 3 years, I was burned out on logging, and that happened right around the time I lost my brother and depression took hold, and just didn't care anymore about calories and weight, and stopped exercising. I probably would have been ok with not logging my food if I'd kept up the exercise, especially since exercise is the best weapon in my fight against depression, but I continued eating as much as when I was very active. Then when I started to feel better and had more motivation again, I had a bad lower back injury that put me on the sidelines for months.

    But overall... I think going through a depression and injury and gaining ~20 pounds isn't so bad. Nothing I'm going to beat myself up over.
  • ChristianRW
    ChristianRW Posts: 10 Member
    Got off to a great start, dropped 8 kg, liked how the belly got smaller each month.
    Thought i could just keep on eating the smaller same portions as i'd gotten used to.
    I couldn't. Have gained 5 kg back. But been going at it for 5 days now, and moods are high :D

    Not exactly square one, but i'm back :).
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    June 27th is my 2nd year here...the only time I don't log is when I can't...no internet access.

    Not sure about this wagon business...but I do know in these 2 years the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact i Have control over my weight and the exercise I do.

    Son has lost a few jobs, been hurt at work, flipped his car, broken up with his long term GF, moved back in and those are just a few things...

    Pets have been ill with cancer and kidney issues

    Husband has worked a lot leaving me to deal with most of this stuff myself...

    The list goes on with extended family issues...

    Life happens...it will always happen but I learned this lesson...if I don't take care of myself who will be there to take care of those that need it....
  • kisses71213
    kisses71213 Posts: 97 Member
    I've battled addictions my entire life. I have overcome all my addictions except one. . . Food. My food addiction is, and will always be, a life long struggle.

    Food = survival.

    I have accepted the fact that I will "fall of the wagon" regularly. And even though I fall off, I also know that this life long race will be finished thanks to many small victories.

    **Worries about tomorrow get me nowhere; however, daily celebrations return victorious weight loss outcomes!
    (This means, the more I celebrate daily small achievements, the more likely I am to continue the weight loss --even with the bumps in the road.)
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    Got off to a great start, dropped 8 kg, liked how the belly got smaller each month.
    Thought i could just keep on eating the smaller same portions as i'd gotten used to.
    I couldn't. Have gained 5 kg back. But been going at it for 5 days now, and moods are high :D

    Not exactly square one, but i'm back :).

    Welcome back, new day, new beginning!!! Good luck on your journey
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    June 27th is my 2nd year here...the only time I don't log is when I can't...no internet access.

    Not sure about this wagon business...but I do know in these 2 years the only thing that keeps me sane is the fact i Have control over my weight and the exercise I do.

    Son has lost a few jobs, been hurt at work, flipped his car, broken up with his long term GF, moved back in and those are just a few things...

    Pets have been ill with cancer and kidney issues

    Husband has worked a lot leaving me to deal with most of this stuff myself...

    The list goes on with extended family issues...

    Life happens...it will always happen but I learned this lesson...if I don't take care of myself who will be there to take care of those that need it....

    Woa, best wishes to you. God Bless you and good luck with everything. You are so right about life. Good attitude. I will adopt that as it's the truest statement ever ☺️
    After maintaining about 3 years, I was burned out on logging, and that happened right around the time I lost my brother and depression took hold, and just didn't care anymore about calories and weight, and stopped exercising. I probably would have been ok with not logging my food if I'd kept up the exercise, especially since exercise is the best weapon in my fight against depression, but I continued eating as much as when I was very active. Then when I started to feel better and had more motivation again, I had a bad lower back injury that put me on the sidelines for months.

    But overall... I think going through a depression and injury and gaining ~20 pounds isn't so bad. Nothing I'm going to beat myself up over.

    Well I will say your right, it's not the worst thing! (20lbs). I pray that everything normalizes in your life and you can beat that depression. Find your inner spark, it's in there and get back to the things you love to do.

    I can't exercise all that much but I have started to walk again. Day 2 haha may not seem like much but I am trying to set a goal (tiny one) every day. Like go for a walk, or eat less flour etc.

    Good luck!!! You can and will do this!!!!
  • toughpr1
    toughpr1 Posts: 12 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    toughpr1 wrote: »
    Hello to my fellow strugglers', as my subject says, I've fallen off the MFP wagon a few times, and yet here I am, again. clearly I struggle with weight loss, but I'm here to say, never give up and march forward. Doesn't matter how many times you have to brush yourself off and get back on the 'wagon', we can achieve anything once we've committed ourselves to the journey.

    so here i am with 50lbs to loose, Ideally in 3 months or less.. realistically more like a year (or is that being realistic), in any case I think setting unrealistic goals is what caused my wagon to hit a curb and knock me on my butt. So this time around I will slow down at the turns so I don't hit any more curbs... my butt has seen enough.... and although its a start to maybe reducing it a bit, rather not have the pain .. haha...

    Good luck to all and please feel free to share your tips, idea's and stories... :)

    Tip: My favorite desert (I'm an ice cream lover) I buy the organic frozen fruits, pour some in a small bowl and chomp them down. May not replace the ice cream, but man is it yummy!!!! and a healthier options.

    You said you'd slow down around the curbs, yet your post. 50lbs in 3 months. This is more than a weight loss of 4lbs a week... for you once again unrealistic.

    haha yea that's for sure .... I also added "realistically more like a year....;-) heres to putting along... ;)