OhioCXgeek Member


  • Beans have protein as well. I don't eat a lot of red meat, but do eat poultry and fish which have protein. Soy has protein as well, though if you're not a fan of tofu, or other soy-based products, you'll have to do without. Protein shakes are a good way to get protein, some are gross, but the flavored ones are alright. My…
  • Mix it up. Intervals help improve endurance, speed, as well as fat-burning. Keep in mind, intervals are supposed to be harder. You can find an article as well as some workouts on Runner's World. http://www.runnersworld.com/tag/intervals Good luck!
  • 114 miles so far this month. I'm training for cyclocross, so most of my rides consist of high intensity intervals! My long rides come on the weekends. They're really a reprieve from the abuse I take during anaerobic intervals :laugh:
  • As a bike shop employee, the fact that you are at a bike shop and looking is the important thing. As long as those employees are doing their job, you will get a quality bicycle. Best way to decide? Ride every stinking bike you are considering and pick the one you feel MOST comfortable on. Many people quit cycling because…
  • Don't let the logging control you. I was like that at the beginning, feeling guilty if I went over, tearing the cupboards apart to meet the calorie goal. You are already doing the hard part, and that is eating correctly. For me it's the accountability like others have said. It's also the routine. If I fall out of my…