Kimmy715 Member


  • Hi Everybody. My March goals are: To drink more water. I've stocked the refrigerator with bottles of water and filled the britta. To Juice everyday in hopes of upping my nutrient count Eating more salads To not skip breakfast I'd like to see the scale go down about 5 to 10 pounds but I'll take whatever I can get...
  • How is everyone today? I decided to add juicing to my regime. Today I started with Carrot-Apple juice. I think it will help me add more nutrition to my day.
  • Happy Thursday Everybody! I keep forgetting to cruise through here for support. Is there a way for the feed to show up on my Home page or do I just have to remember to come by?
  • So far I'm doing great for today. Finding this group has been very inspirational. Dinner is sometimes hard...getting a little tired of Fish and Chicken. Open to ideas.... ~Kim in CA
  • Hi Everybody, I'm new to the board. I'm Kim in Sacramento, CA. I'm 55, a genealogist (professionally) and I like to do all kinds of needlework (knitting, embroidery, crochet, cross stitch etc.) I also LOVE to read. Which means I sit on my fat ***** all the time and I have put on way too much weight as middle age snuck up…
  • I'm also doing 1200. I've lost 11 pounds since Jan. 1. I blew it last night though. Cake and potato chips for dinner.. I need to start adding some exercise but I'm dealing with plater F. right that will have to wait a bit. Would love to have more friends to support each other (and remind me to keep the potato…