
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow - Page 2 already..lovin this chatty bunch! Well I don't have alot of time but wanted to say Hi :bigsmile: I got to 2 classes yesterday my favorite Cozmosize and another called Ground Effects..low impact. My 21 yr old daughter joined me...she is bless and is thin as is my son. We both kicked butt...I just about kicked hers...she asked me if I thought she could do both classes :tongue: During Cozmo the instructor has been harder on us lately...timing sprints...if you don't cross the line in time you are sentences to extra burpees....guess who needs to work on her speed :blushing: Allie and I added up the burpees and total not just punishment we did close to 100!!!

    I really have to get to work...FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS!!!! I have a vacation day tomorrow...Heading out to Eileen's hood for the Urban Warrior Dash!! So excited...I'm sure next week I will have a new profile pic. :happy:

    I also have a Doctor appt today...my Sister called me last week and asked if I had a recent mammorgam...I said NO..I never went :ohwell: She said no call me back till you have an appt and hung up on me! I have an appt today :wink: She had just found out a second friend within 1 month was diagnoised with Breast Cancer :cry:

    VITIAMIN F SERVICE!!!! GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Judy ~ So Cal
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I am SO sore! I shoveled my parents’ driveway and sidewalk yesterday… definitely not used to using those muscles. I made it through the day logging yesterday, which put me right back on track. It’s amazing how just writing things down makes you eat correctly. I even made a green smoothie!

    When I posted the pictures yesterday, it showed the author reception photo, but I see that it’s now gone. Hmmmm?

    Cheryl – What a beautiful picture of your horses in the snow!

    Michele – Travel safe!

    Meg – How wonderful to have been given that photo! And the message on it brought tears to my eyes. I hope that DD passes the entrance exams the next time around.

    Kate – I’m so glad that your DH’s doctor visit went well. I can see why that would have had you on tenterhooks all month! I, too, am a chocoholic – or maybe a sweetaholic would be more accurate. The cravings aren’t bad most of the time, but if I’m stressed like you were….. you know how that goes! Your new dresses sound really nice. Congrats on the new size!

    Karen – I’m glad you’re recovering and feeling a little bit better! What type of foot surgery did you have? I must have missed it while I was away on this last trip. When I had mine, I just sat around with my foot propped up for a few months – good for you for finding ways to move!!

    Janie – I love the Dr. Seuss poetry!!

    Rori – Looking forward to meeting you on the 15th!

    Sue – Congrats on the weight loss!

    Beth – Good job on the water bottle!

    Nancy – Are you vacationing in Nicaragua?

    Fatandfifty3 – Congratulations on a great month!

    Lucy – We all have binge days occasionally. Congratulations on keeping yours “occasionally” instead of “ongoing!” That’s wonderful that you’re right back on track.

    Jane in Colorado
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    This is a real quick post so I can't address everyone that I wanted to address. I have to close a quarter by tomorrow morning and I'm a bit from that; it'll be close but I work best under pressure of an insurmountable deadline ;(

    Lucy: What you had for chocolate was not a binge! You simply ate more than one, and more than you wanted to. The whole box in one sitting would be a binge, at least in my book.

    Jane: I LOVE when my muscles are sore. The guy who trained me on Wednesday is the athletic director of a local university. He's built like a brick doodoo house (always wanted to meet a guy I could say that about), in his early 30's and handsome (not that that has anything to do with anything). He told me last year he went snowboarding. He thought because he skateboarded before, snowboarding would be similar--he told me every muscle in his body was sore for the next four days! I told him that was similar to saying "I went sledding so I think I can handle the Olympic luge."

    To all who are sick, I never thought I'd feel well again. You do. Be easy on yourself and don't fret about not exercising. Burning up your fever handles the calorie burn ;)

    I bought my new running sneakers yesterday after work. The running shop I went to does a gate analysis, and I am pleased to say I have a neutral gate. My arch supports me and there is no pronation of any type. For some stupid reason, I am proud of that--it's not like I have anything to do with my genetics, but I am careful about placement of my feet. If I weren't, I'd have a broken nose by now. I opted for the Nike Pegasus 29. "Real" runners may scoff at the shoe, but it's like running on springy marshmallows. I was so excited, I ran a mile before bed last night, all hooked to my gear, lol. I looked like the Terminator when you could see that metal in his face.

    As a side note, when I walked into the running store, everyone who worked in there was superlean and vascular--they looked like elite runners. All I thought as I walked in was that they were thinking, "Only place she's running is to her refrigerator." It's amazing to see how lean one could really be/

    So everyone be well. I'm looking forward to assessing my February goals, although I know what I achieved and what I did not. Patience is not my strong suit and I already looked.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill Outside of Philly
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Just saving my place...It was such a busy day...and my birthday. (65. Sheesh, I can't believe I'm that old.:laugh:) After school was an hour of zumba, then out for a quick supper, then Bible class, church and choir. Now it's time for bed.
    Eileen (from sunny San Diego)
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy 65th!!!
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow we're a talkative bunch.

    Lucy - I had a chocolate binge yesterday two - I ate 2 squares of my baking chocolate - how pathetic is that - that 280 calories could have been an entire meal.

    Jane - thanks.

    Judy - I've never had a mammogram either. I'm waiting for a better test.

    FatandFifty - welcome - let's hope you change your name to FitandFifty this year.

    Michelle - have a great drive!

    Liz - good to hear you still haven't gotten sick.

    Kate - glad the news for your DH was good (or was it not bad?) I am scared of my scale these days. Technically with the weight I gained back, I have not lost weight since December 1st. That's almost 3 months. I just can't seem to get into it again. But I do keep logging the good, the bad and the ugly.

    My fitbit should be here by tomorrow - yayyy!!! I am hoping to see a pound of the 3 I gained gone again tomorrow morning. Crossing my fingers!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy end of February.

    Janie- your Ode to Seuss is how we all feel....great job on expressing it Seuss style:love:

    Kate- Congrats on the size 16:flowerforyou: You are sure to look lovely when you wear the dresses.

    Gail- I loved both of the dresses...when you get it maybe you can show us how it looks:drinker:

    Michele- your breakfast sounds like something any one of our kids or grandkids would love...I just hate to waste food...so enjoy that ice cream for breakfast:wink: Safe travels while you return home.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lori-soundslike you have some busy days ahead. Hope you are able to take MFP with you...do you have it as an app on your phone, it really helps when you can log when away like that:flowerforyou:

    Rori- a massage...now that sounds wonderful:love:

    Sue-congrats on your loss:drinker:

    Barbie- I know I always enjoy a break from the regular routine of life but when I return it always feels so good...Glad you enjoyed your break from regualr life:drinker:

    grandmallie- I love popcorn:love::love: don't have it often because I just don't stop when I should:grumble:

    Eileen-:flowerforyou: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Nancy- sounds like you have a fun trip planned with your parents hope you enjoy all of it.:drinker:

    Lucy-we all have those times, good for you jumping right back in and not letting the binging continue on....you can do this:flowerforyou:

    Judy- what a workout you and your daughter had:noway: I'm inpressed.

    Jane-Wow:noway: shoveling the snow for your parents...I'm sure that they appreciate it.

    Jackie- good for you getting properly fitted shoes for your workout:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl- two squares of baking chocolate:noway: :noway: YUCK, after one I would have said no more...they are so NOT sweet and I'm always craving the sweet with my chocolate:wink:

    Got my weights in last night and my 30 min on the bike and then forgot to log it in last night:grumble: Just got too busy with dinner making lunches and trying to figure out what I'd be wearing to work today. You'd think I'd be in the habit by now.

    Glad it's Thursday and only a 1/2 day tomorrow as I'm so ready for a fun weekend. Son #3 & DIL are taking us downtown to see the play "Catch Me if You Can" I didn't see the movie but hubby did and they have all said it's really good so will be interesting to see how they have made it into a play. It's to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary which isn't until November but they wanted to do something for us now...cute kids:happy:

    Everyone have a good day. I've just looked at my February goals and I've not done as good a job as I wanted so will start to think on Marchs goals:ohwell: hoping for better.

    Drink your water, Log your food and Move your body:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    ok certainly can't respond to all didn't read them all.

    your style of writting sure enlightens a persons day
    Wow down 2 sizes in a year. Great.

    Someone wrote poetry it is so nice.

    To those who wished me luck at weight in I have lost 1.4 at tops last night. And I'm almost where I can fix my ticker in here.

    I will be back to catch up later but now I need a nap. It's 1 pm I was up at 4:30 for some unknown reason again this morning. So feel tired and going to bed before tired = boredom = food.

    See you lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Today was supposed to be my day back on the wagon after a mini vacation in Florida with my mom & sister -- but that was before they scheduled a dessert party for the entire department, with the big boss. I either need to get back on the bicycle, skimp on dinner, or decide that tomorrow is another day...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Bumpity bump bump
  • Kimmy715
    Kimmy715 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy Thursday Everybody! I keep forgetting to cruise through here for support. Is there a way for the feed to show up on my Home page or do I just have to remember to come by?
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi All,

    Good to see everyone is up and about. I am really sleepy today. I think its the medication. Hopefully just a couple more days and I'll be done with all that. I have a meeting this afternoon, I hope its not too hot or boring or I will be snoring for sure:yawn: :yawn: :blushing: !

    Later girls...:flowerforyou:
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump to read later...:smile:
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Just have to report that I'm kind of proud of myself. Since I can't workout on my feet, I came up with a bunch of floor exercises I could do. Still, I felt I wasn't getting much cardio workout with that. Then my friend sent me an article : how to get a cardio workout when you can't stand up. So I added that to my floor workout. It involves bicycles, seated boxing, the arm motions of jumping jacks used with resistance bands, sit-ups and even marching around on my knees. I know if I hadn't been learning from you ladies how important movement is, I probably would not have pursued this as much. Would have settled with a defeated attitude. Just goes to show where there is a will, there is a way.
    So thanks everyone for the great motivation and inspiration. You truly are vitamin F's.:flowerforyou: :happy: :drinker: :heart:
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Thursday Everybody! I keep forgetting to cruise through here for support. Is there a way for the feed to show up on my Home page or do I just have to remember to come by?

    If you go to the "my topics" tab it will turn up.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    NSV!! I put on a pair of pants today that were a size smaller than I've been wearing for over a year. These not only fit, they were ultimately too loose for comfort - after running errands I had to stop and change into my sweats to walk the dog! Yea!

    I needed that little boost, as the scale only showed me a .2 loss for the week when I weighed in yesterday. Was very bummed, so the fact that these pants I couldn't even button 6 weeks ago not only fit but were needing to be "hitched up" today was a good thing.

    Brooke from Colorado :wink: :drinker: :laugh:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    has been a busy day for me,even though it's been a day off from work, its not a day off..
    took the car for an oil change and then went to the gym, did an hr there,came home and started to redo my room..
    2 loads of laundry,moving furniture, changing out bookcases,
    Moved my computer desk out into the dining room for now,since I have the laptop now, I park on my bed with my pillows and chill and type:wink:
    I made both beds,made the DH lunch and actually am under what my calorie count should be..
    No treadmill for me today did do the elliptical for about 7 minutes trying to get more stamina on it, then back to old trusty recumbent,then all the machines , so I was there for an hr or so...
    the plantar faciitis is killing me today,I am hoping the elliptical didnt have anything to do with it...
    but being on my feet all day could have alot to do with it to:grumble:
    that glowing ball called the sun graced us with its presence for a bit this afternoon which was wonderful:smile:
    my favorite thing to do when I have down time is to watch the birds at my window feeder..they are singing and eating and Happy that Spring will soon be here..will keep an eye out for the March posting~ Hope everyone's day was spectacular..
    I am thinking of buying a mini bag of those cadbury eggs with the shell. I have to find the calorie count to see if its worth it or not
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I lost track of you all for a day, and now there are three pages of posts! You are an amazing group.:bigsmile: I went back to yoga today and worked out carefully after falling down some stairs on my way into the house Tuesday. :sad: The stretching out was a tremendous help, and I'm feeling better and better.:bigsmile:

    Kate: Congrats on the size 16 gown, down from 20. That is an amazing change for only a year. WTG.:flowerforyou:

    Janie: I LOVED the Ode to Dr. Seuss! :love: Thank you!!!!! I read it to DH and he loved it, too.:love:

    Sue in TX: Congratulations on your weight loss.:smile:

    Barbie: I hope that Jake’s new defibrillator surgery is simple and problem free.:flowerforyou: I’m sorry the bone density specialist is all the way in Seattle. Hopefully he or she is good enough at their work to be worth the wait and the trip.:flowerforyou:

    Eileen: Happy 65th Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Michele from NC: Have a safe drive home.:smile:

    Nancy: Relays with basketballs sounds fun—especially when they’re crab races. :devil: I actually remember liking crab races. I wasn’t any clumsier than anybody else. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Enjoy torturing the youth of BC into fitness.:bigsmile:

    Fatandfifty3: I’m glad you’re enjoying the MFP experience. It is amazing from my POV.:happy:

    PositivePower: What is a burpee? :huh: (Other than a company that sells plants and gardening things.)

    wessecg: I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, too.:flowerforyou:

    Linda C: Congratulations on your weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke: Congratulations on an excellent NSV. Sometimes they're the best of all.:bigsmile:

    I'll be watching for the March link.

    Katla in NW Oregon