

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    Haven't posted in awhile and could only skim the posts as it would take me all day to catch up! My poor girlfriend is feeling down since her BF broke up with her right before Valentine's Day :brokenheart: (isn't that rotten?). Anyway, drove to her house (about an hour away) to spend the day with her on Saturday. I did get some laughs out of her, so I guess that's mission accomplished. Anyway, did WAY too much eating out these past few days, so it's back to basics for me today. I don't have the privilege of having off today..sigh!

    :smile: Dixie - I don't know you yet, but nice to meet you and welcome back! So sorry for your loss. I know that time heals all wounds one day at a time. I wish you the best.

    :ohwell: DeeDee - I found myself getting caught up with trying to compete with those who are able to do so much more...so much faster, but our physical needs are all different, so we have to find what works and what doesn't or we can cause ourselves injury. There is good pain, and there is bad pain, so be gentle with those knees!

    :wink: Michele - Don't ever give up! It just takes us older gals a little longer for that scale to move sometimes. Enjoy your trip, and send some Florida sunshine my way!

    :happy: Beth - I had a hysterectomy in 1999, and blamed my weight gain on that for awhile, but in my experience, we CAN lose weight afterwards with portion control and moderate exercise.

    :laugh: Jo - I believe that the best things always come out of "the mouths of babes"!

    :smile: Lila - Your trip to the Netherlands sounds wonderful!

    :drinker: Barbie - Salmon sounds yummy! Send some my way...I love it!

    :huh: Joy - I am interested to see how you make out with changing your metabolism. I would SO love it to be true! Whatever it is, congrats on your weight loss and keep us posted!

    :sick: Meg - Rest is the best thing right now. Those chapters will get done in due time.

    :wink: Jane - I've resigned myself to the fact that I will always have to log my food if I want to maintain my weight. It's just too easy to get off track if I don't see it in black & white!

    :flowerforyou: Mary - Prayers for your uncle. You are a wonderful niece to bring some good food to your family.

    :smile: Sue - Glad you are feeling the health benefits from your deep sand walking.

    :glasses: Lynn - I can't imagine anything better than doing yoga in beautiful Hawaii! Easy does it! Take care of that sciatica!

    :noway: Renny - Best of luck in your 10K. That's an ambitious goal to say the least!

    :flowerforyou: Katla - Prayers are going out for some good news for DH.

    :frown: Robin - I have two words for you....sitz bath! Hope those hemoroids go away...I know the feeling too well. I am praying the right job comes along.

    :happy: Nancy - Welcome & join right in for your daily dose of Vitamin F.

    :cry: Joelene - So sorry for your loss. Your poor grandmother! So sad to see anyone go through that. Glad you are there for her.

    :flowerforyou: ohiomom - Procedure is a piece of cake! Good luck.

    :happy: Mtgww - You can absolutely lose weight without exercise. Dont' you give up!

    :wink: Amy - Great attitude! Sounds like you are on the right path!

    :frown: M - I hope your mom's health problems are not serious.

    :noway: Brenda - WOW!!! 26 pounds in a month? WTG!!!

    To those I missed, have a wonderful day. To all newcomers, welcome and keep coming back!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:

    PS - I almost forgot.......I got my pedometer this weekend and set it up to use for the first time today. I have gone 5285 steps so far today, which is pretty good considering I work at a desk all day. Lucky I walked for 1/2 hour on the Treadmill this morning!!!!:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I started this journey in a tight size 20. I was proud when I got down to 18. I borrowed my sisters jeans, didn't want to buy any. But I did buy a size 16 pair of jeans to hang on my closet rod so that I could see that 16 just staring at me every time I got in my closet. Today I got them out. They zipped, buttoned but were tight. But I did get them all the way on.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I started this journey in a tight size 20. I was proud when I got down to 18. I borrowed my sisters jeans, didn't want to buy any. But I did buy a size 16 pair of jeans to hang on my closet rod so that I could see that 16 just staring at me every time I got in my closet. Today I got them out. They zipped, buttoned but were tight. But I did get them all the way on.

    Way to go! This is the BEST sort of nsv.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Our office was closed for President's Day so it has been such a nice long weekend! Told DH this afternoon I was sad it was already Monday afternoon..... I love being at home - where I basically stayed the whole weekend,

    Spent the day working/obsessing on taxes. Why, oh why, must it be so complicated?!? Really? 25-page instruction booklets for a 4-page form - simply ridiculous. I long for a flat tax or national sales tax, 999 or maybe just anything different!

    Also got lots of laundry done and need to finish up the last side of handwork on a quilt binding tonight.

    Just caught back up on the thread for the day.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading and reading and finally caught up. Golf in the morning, hope it isn't too cold! It was a beautiful 72 degrees today.
    Not going to write shout-outs tonight but am thinking of all of you.
    Sue in TX
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I found a group that proposes a "calorie burn" challenge http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/12259-3500-calorie-burn-challenge. And I sure need a challenge :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I did do a wonderfully brisk walk today! 45 minutes and it sure has me perspiring, so...that's good right!?

    :grumble: Okay, who was complaining about taxes...you all have tax pain too? Gardengail...I feel for you. I personally use an online product, and - for heaven's sake - I'm an accountant of all things, and still, for myself...I stress! btw - happy quilt binding, sounds a lot more fun to me :happy:

    :flowerforyou: jmkmomm - congrats on the size 16! That feels good, doesn't it

    :flowerforyou: Lucy - I also like putting my pedometer on. I forgot it today, but blame it on it being a Monday :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Suebdew - have fun golfing (jealous)

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today has gone ok. Getting ready for bed I am trying for 8 hours of sleep. Its a goal normally its more like 5 -6 hours a night.

    @Dee, @Lin. It wasn't that hard to do 14 dinners. I went on line pinterest, blocs etc search out recipes that my family. Would eat than try to make them healthy. Goal is to search for healthy recipes.

    But once the prep work chopping veggies its easy took just 2 and 1/2 hours.

    I am hoping this will help.

    @Dee hoping you are feeling better.
    @Meg Glad you had a good day.
    @Gail sounds like a productive day.

    Sorry don't mean to miss anyone but I am very tired heading to bed now.

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Renny - RE: taxes, in the past we paid someone else, but last year after they had done them I took the data into an online service and came out within just a couple of dollars on each return, so this year we are doing online. While life would be grand without taxes I do recognize the need for them, but must it be so complicated? Need DH to look at the draft in case I've overlooked anything, but I think it is OK.

    Back to work tomorrow - grateful for my job, but I do enjoy being at home. Some day.....
    Good night to all,

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: The salmon burgers from Costco are made by Trident and probably available elsewhere in a smaller package at a higher price
    130 calories, 230 mg of sodium and 14 grams of protein…..I serve them with no bun and lots of vegetables.

    :bigsmile: I am rereading “The Thin Commandments Diet”……a book that says that we all know what we should eat, what’s lacking are the strategies to stay on track, get back on track, avoid the pitfalls, etc…….there is a diet food plan in the book, but the strategies and new thinking are the really impressive and useful parts.

    :grumble: :grumble: I have to go see the doctor tomorrow about my bone scan.......the last time they just mailed the results so this has me a bit nervous.....Jake is going to go with me.

    :cry: :cry: The battery on my pedometer died while I was walking the dogs this morning......I've replaced it, but I don't know how many steps I missed.

    :laugh: :laugh: yes, I know I am being a big crybaby about little problems when many of you have serious stuff going on, but one of the great things about this thread is that you will all listen to me and understand :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: I have to go see the doctor tomorrow about my bone scan.......the last time they just mailed the results so this has me a bit nervous.....Jake is going to go with me.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Barbie, I'll keep your bones in my prayers. When I had my bone scan they said I have the beginnings of osteopenia. I am on a medicine that causes it. If I stop the medicine, I put myself in line for cancer of the esophagus. Sometimes it is the choice of the lesser of two evils. I hope you have a more agreeable situation.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm feeling out of sorts today. Can't really put my finger on it, just 'off'. Of course, it doesn't help that my workmates are being extremely tiresome. I hate people who don't pull their weight and just dump everything on other people. Grrr.

    At least the skies are blue here in London - I'll just have to keep looking upwards.

    Last night DH and I both got a chocolate craving (not unusual for him, but very unusual for me). I satisfied mine by having a small bowl of bran flakes with Oatly chocolate 'milk' on it. Tasted good, but I certainly don't want to make a habit of it. I know the doctor would like me to put on a couple or so pounds, but I really do not want to get into bad habits.

    Work beckons!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am sick:sick: , I did do my training yesterday but instead of walking all the hills at a fast past pace, I walked the flat parking lot at a fairly fast pace, this happened after I got hot and had a coughing fit and got dizzy:frown: . At least I got something in:ohwell: . I spent the rest of the day in bed sleeping:yawn: and blowing my nose and coughing:cry: . I have been drinking my hot tea with lemon and ginger, however all it`s doing at the moment is making my throat feel better. I`m also having these "spikey" headaches, I think they call them "ice pick headaches", where you get sharp pains for just a second or two and then they go away, only to happen again and again. Last time I had them I had a major sinus infection. Guess I should make a phone call to the Dr. :grumble: ! I slept so much yesterday afternoon I was awake this morning at 4:30, wide awake:noway: , which means I`ll be exhausted by 2pm today:sad: ! Oh well.....life sometimes gets in the way of what I want to do, my body telling me to slow down and take it easy for a bit, I think I`ll listen to it and rest up. Hopefully I`ll be ready for training on Thursday!

    Barbie:smile: Hope all goes well with your Dr. appt. Keeping you in my prayers!!!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    Maybe I`ll try to get back on the computer later on and respond to some posts!

    DeeDee in cold gray rainy NC
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Sounds major icky DeeDee -- a good day to rest up and drink more lemon ginger tea!
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Quick skim through the posts...

    DeeDee... hope you feel better and please take care of yourself!

    Barbie --- Good luck on your bone scan. Has it been bad in the past?

    Amanda -- So sorry to hear you feel out of sorts... but still able to see the positive side... that beautiful blue sky... and London... forgive me as I live vicariously through you! My DD is spending part of her Spring Break in London (the other part in Rome!) We were talking yesterday about the sights she should see.... Do you have any favorites?

    Katia -- Hope all went well for your husband's checkup.

    Lucy -- Love all your posts!

    Off to Bible Study and to raise money for our charity Golf tournie and then a stop at the gym.
    Have a great day everyone!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbie - prayers that all goes well at the doctor.

    Tammy - love the schnauzer picture! We have had 3 over the years, but by far my favorite dogs were out George and Gracie, litter mates. So smart and the best companions.

    Gail / ATL
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am feeling rather stupid as I can't understand the readings on my new pedometer.:embarassed: First of all, it give you steps. OK...I get that. Then it gives you aerobic steps. Still..OK. Then it gives you something called kcal. This is where it gets fuzzy for me. What the heck are kcals and how do I convert them to calories burned? Yesterday I walked around 6400 steps with about 4100 of those being aerobic steps. The kcal number was 116. It can't be only 116 calories burned can it? That's it? I looked it up and one site said you have to multiply the number by 1,000. But that can't be right either, because I can't have burned 116,000 calories. :noway: That seems way too much! So if anyone can help to clarify this, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

    :heart: Barbie - Sending hugs your way and praying that your results are good and your doctor's appointment goes well.

    :sick: DeeDee - Take care of that infection! Get your rest and make sure to drink plenty of fluids.

    That's it for now. I'll check back later...

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Happy day! I get to take my students skiing today. Isn't life tough?

    Spring is struggling along here - most of the snow is gone but it's still cold. We have snowdrops and it's time to cut a few branches of forsythia and bring them in for forcing. Those yellow flowers are a real sign that the season in changing.

    Tally-ho, I must go and prepare my lunch. The food at Whitewater Ski Hill is to die for, not your normal ski hill junk, but I'm sticking to salmon salad and raw veggies with hummus. I will indulge in a great cup of coffee, though. I think I'll need the energy to chase all those 11-12 year olds around the ski hill.

    Hope you all have a happy day too. Plan what you eat, eat what you plan!

    Hasta pronto,

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Thinking of you today, Barbie, and your bone scan.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH's doctor appointment was frustrating. No information, no help, he'll see us again in June. Bleah! :angry: :grumble: He said DH had to go to his internist for advice on raising his blood pressure meds We have an appointment for that today. We may also chat about neurologists.:grumble:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lovely Tuesday all you Vit F's

    MTGWW- so sorry to hear about your foot surgery. Yes you can lose weight with no exercise but it really requires a lot of dedication and really eating very healthy. But since you can't put weight on your foot you can do chair exercises and I know that there are others that have been here that have done that also you can find them on U Tube. Hoping you are healing quickly:flowerforyou:

    kew1952-glad you enjoyed your cruise and good for you jumping right back in and getting a handle on returning to real life with MFP and exercise:drinker:

    M-your visit with your GD and DD sounds wonderful...I'd love to go shopping and help a granddaughter pick out her first doll...but not sure if that will ever happen as we only have 3 grandsons:ohwell: still wonderful as ever. Sorry to hear about your Mom, if it does turn out that you do come to Denver let us know and maybe we can meet and have coffee or even lunch:flowerforyou: How fortunate for you that you have siblings that are able to help with your Mom too.

    Barb in AZ-yes those grandchildren will keep you busy but what a wonderful way to be active playing with them:flowerforyou:

    BestyAnn- I'm sure all of us are ready for spring to arrive:flowerforyou:

    jnkmomm- hoping you can get your hubby in to have a colonoscopy it's so important to our health and since his family has history...yep I'd be encouraging him:ohwell: Hope you are able to get your exercise and calories working together again so you can move away from the plateau.:flowerforyou: Congrats on getting those 16's on:drinker:

    Jeannie in New Mexico-sounds like you had a fun ski weekend:flowerforyou:

    brenda-Congrats on that HUGH loss:drinker: that's very impressive for a first month.

    jo- I look forward to the time I can return to visit with previous co-workers because I'm retired...alas that doesn't seem to be anytime soon:ohwell:

    Glenda-enjoy your Family Day and the time with your grandchildren:flowerforyou:

    Jackie- your dancing with the younger ones:wink: gave me a smile.

    Meg- no Jane H and I met here on MFP and then we have had lunch a few times, it just seems like we are old friends because of all that goes on here at MFP in our Women 50+:flowerforyou:

    Lucy in Delaware-what kind of pedometer did you get:huh: :huh: For the first day sounds like you are off to a great start.

    Gail in Metro Atlanta- I will confess I leave the taxes to hubby and wait for him to tell me if I need to sign anything. When I was taking care of my parents fortunately they had someone else do theirs so all I had to do was gather all the paper work. I struggle with what I have to do for work everymonth:grumble: ...and there is no way I would even try to do the yearly ones glad the boss has an accountant:wink:

    Sue in TX- I want 72 degrees:wink:

    Liz-isn't it a good feeling knowing that you have those meals ready to go:drinker: It sure does make evenings run smoothly when you aren't wondering what you will be fixing for dinner because it's already done just needing to be heated up.

    Barbie-how frustrating to have your battery die:grumble:

    Amanda-what an interesting way to "feed" your chocolate craving:huh: I'd love to be looking at blue skies in London:love:

    DeeDee-Hoping you are feeling better soon:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Nancy-how fun for you getting to go skiing with your students and sounds like you have a good plan inplace for eating while out:drinker:

    Katla in NW Oregon-hoping that you get better news from another doctor about your DH:flowerforyou:

    I've been playing with my calories to see if I can get them to just maintain my current weight and it seems that if I do a bit of exercise and eat about 100-150 more calories I'm maintaining what I have lost so far. Still have those last 2 to go but I'm not in any hurry to lose them as all the clothes fit but I'm still not as firm as I'd like to be and that may be my struggle:blushing: I've finished reading Strong Women Stay Thin and now I need to practice what I've read...I keep forgetting to take the book to the basement when I workout...just gotta remember:blushing: and there in lies the problem.

    I'm making very slow progress on the papers on my desk so I'd best get to them.

    Everyone have a great day....log all that food....log the water...log the exercise and let's all get healthy:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile: