

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Since I am having such a hard time getting back into the good habits I had before with both food and exercise, I am trying something different: I am starting a new face care routine. I figure if I can get that going it will make it easier to get other things going again.

    I have been doing very well with having fresh fruit for breakfast at least 5 times a week. I gave up cheese for Lent without realizing until today that it also means giving up most Mexican/New Mexican foods. :sad:

    I am motivated to see what happens with weight with the few changes I have publicly declared I am doing.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Better stock up on fruits and veggies!! Get ready for tomorrow, because the new challenge will be posted tonight :drinker: :laugh: :laugh:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to my fabulous friends. Hope you all had a fun valentines day. I got the hugest box of chocolates I have ever seen plus some beautiful flowers. Good thing I don’t really like chocolate that much…3 pieces (they are about half the size of regular ones) was enough for me! I stayed home from work today and didn’t get up until about 2. I have dr. appointment tomorrow. I am going to find out what is with these sinus infections…one on top of the other…I have never had that before.

    Jo: the only way I can reply to everyone is to have a word doc open at the same time that I am reading posts.

    Texasgal: no better thing for your heart than exercise!

    Jane: I’m so sorry your son had you so worried! Glad he is ok. The magazine article sounds so cool. The resettlement agency has worked with this landlord before, so Ithink they just trusted him when he said it was ready. Unbelievable!

    Beth: that sounds like one strict diet for 40 days!

    Laura: your flowers are beautiful!!!

    Mary: life happens sometimes and you just have to go on

    Michele: that little kid with his valentine sounded adorable. You are such an inspiration…I hope it’s not always discouraging here!

    Dixie!!!!! So nice to see you again. I’m glad you have been able to get to Arizona and enjoy all that sunshine. Welcome back. I have thought about you so often and I’m glad to see you here again. Hugs, hugs, hugs!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: hope those knees are feeling better today!!! You are such a trouper!

    Katla: what about bears? Glad your knees are happier now!

    Lisa: welcome and congratulations for getting past the health issues.

    Jb: hopefully you can get out and enjoy that sunshine!

    Amanda: I had tears too reading about your darling grandkids! You are so right about the balance of life. What an example of

    Jeannie: a new face care routine? What are you doing? I am about out of all my “ face goodies” and need to get more.

    Well we have not been quite as chatty for the last 2 days as usual so it’s easier to keep up LOL. Make it a fun Friday and take care. Meg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Dear Friends - I hope everyone will have a healthy weekend! Yep, eating those fruits and vegetables.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I do have a question for everyone----does anyone have any advice, tips, experiences to share regarding stopping Prilosec? I've taken it for years and my doctor said any time I want to stop it's fine with him. I tried once several years ago and after about a day I was in such horrible pain I started up again and then it took several days for the distress to subside. I've read that it is bounceback from having taken this drug for so long and the pain could continue from 1 month to 3 months after discontinuing use.

    Thanks so much!!! I'd like to just take my Vitamin F and forget the Prilosec. :blushing:

    Cheers. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lin, Did your doctor give you advice on how to accomplish this? Can you drop one dose a week, and then another until you're free? Good luck to you.

    Katla in gorgeous and sunny NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~Hubby off.Spent the day with him,as he was working Valentines day..Went to a buffet,didn`t eat too bad ,not sure on the calorie count.
    Got some walking in too.
    Have a good one.
  • petalsandpaws
    Today another beautiful sunny warm day in Cottonwood, AZ.

    Meg take care of that sinus infection!! They only get worse without treatment.. So glad you are going well otherwise...

    Dee Dee you are an inspiration for sure!!. Thanks again for being there and continuing to offer support on the this journey. Heed the warning about the knees though. Slow and easy and rest them. Ice works wonders to keep the swelling down if needed. No matter if you run it or walk part of the way, you are doing it!! Proud of you...

    JB great to hear from you, glad to be back.. Still have my house in Nehalem/Manzanita area to come back to, but want to sell it and move down here permanately. The sun is my friend!! Glad to hear you are getting some sunshine though..

    Deb from CNY, thank you for the welcome back and yes it is quite beautiful and good for a broken heart. The broken spirit in me smiles when the sun shines on me.

    Drinking lots of water today, my first day back. Working on getting the right foods back in my life and eating healthy again..
    Have a great day!!
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good evening everyone!
    I had a fun day substitute teaching First Grade! Such little darlings…. I guess we all feel that way when ours have left that stage behind!

    Dixiie – I know you don’t know me yet, but welcome back I love Arizona… the sun is such a good thing. We lived in Chicago for a few years and I was shocked how grey it could be between Jan and Feb… Sunshine if uplifting.

    Joy – Do you have long dark days in Norway?

    Deb –I’m stuck too, but I know I’m getting stronger and I’m healthier, at least that’s what I keep telling myself…

    DeeDee – So sorry to hear about your knees. I always see those gals on Biggest Loser running and wonder, why can’t I do that? It kills my knees! I do the elliptical and rowing instead…. I work up to a slow jog when I’m walking and am hoping as I get stronger I may be able to jog a bit. Good luck!

    Amanda – thank you for the preview of granmotherhood! I have one daughter engaged…and the other still in college. I can wait until their time is right, of course, but I’m looking forward to loving on little ones!

    Just got back from a delicious dinner at Moe’s… with DH who loves it. I tried to guestimate high on calories, and eat healthy!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just a quick note to mark my spot. Did do a longer post but it went whoosh! BBT
    Sue in TX
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, all! Will try to catch up. Whew! So many conversations...

    Meg – SLC is Salt Lake City, UT. The city is in a valley surrounded by mountains. During the winter, when we get snowstorms, the air near the ground gets cold. That’s normal. But when we get a high pressure system, the warm air high up forms a “cap” and traps all the cold air and pollutants in the valley – that’s why they call it an inversion. :sick: It takes the wind from another front, or enough warmth to melt the snow, to mix the air enough to get rid of the inversion. This year SLC and Logan ,Utah have had the worst air in the country and had several days when outside travel is not recommended for people with respiratory disease. It really is the worst thing about living here. If I drive up the canyon to the ski resorts, the air is clear. So, contemplating a move to Park City eventually just to avoid the bad air.

    Sunshine – Brrrrr… that is some cold skiing! I prefer the 30-40 degree bluebird days in UT. :wink:

    Jane H – enjoy your time in Mexico. Terribly jealous. Awesome to hear about your daughter’s wedding. I will tell my sister and nieces to watch for it. Be sure to send the link!

    Welcome, Beth! Read on for something that may apply to you on the weight loss issue. I suggest that you explore some cooking websites and check out some healthy cook books at the library. Try the recipes that look good to you. And, just try making healthier versions of some of the foods you like. Healthy substitutions can make a better version of just about anything. The Lenten fast sounds like a good start, but overall I recommend making big changes slowly. Givis my obsessive brain time to get used to the idea. :smile: No hysterectomy for me, but am post-menopausal. Hormones are a *$(!#. Totally mess with your weight and with your head. Exercise is the best deterrent I know.

    Nancy – Where do you go curling? Sounds like something I would like. Watch out for that depression. It can quickly become all-consuming.

    Diane – welcome. It’s so great to see so many like you and all of these lovelies who are striving for better health. I’ve only been here a short time and am SO inspired! :heart:

    Petals and Paws – What a terrible blow to lose your love. So glad that you are living the life he would have wished for you. (((HUG)))

    Katla – Add “Hips” to that list. Same issue there for me. :cry: The pain has been a bit of a struggle these last months. Going to see the orthopedist at the end of the month. Probably looking at another steroid injection for the bursitis… Ugh.

    Lisa – one thing I told my dietician is that “I will not do this if I have to live on twigs.” I like food – the taste, the textures, the color… I love to cook. Could not envision a life of cottage cheese, chicken breasts and spinach. So, I started by checking out healthy cookbooks at the library and learned to make healthful substitutions in my own recipes. I learned more about spicing and tried more ethnic dishes because they are often more healthful than American food. You can do it. One step at a time. One recipe at a time. Part of the problem in America is that we have become accustomed to convenience. So making healthy eating convenient and easy is the key.

    Moxie – so glad to hear you are using your bike.:happy: I used a 20-year-old Schwinn for years until my DH bought me a new spinning bike for Christmas in 2011. SO good for the knees!

    I met with a dietician today. Asked her to review 90-days of records and give me an honest assessment. I was blown away. She said that if I was her patient, she would have me at about 1600 calories – not 1350. But, that I should continue to eat healthy foods and eat a comfortable amount. She also said I need to do more weight lifting – especially since I’m over 50 and lose muscle mass at a much higher rate than a young woman. Suggested that I follow a less-intense version of a p90X routine using the “muscle confusion” philosophy and keep cardio to no more than 3 hours per week for blood sugar control. :happy:

    So, I am going to follow her advice, get out my p90X and create a new workout routine this weekend. See how it goes. She also said I shouldn’t obsess about my weight (good luck with that!) and to remember that it's about HEALTH and not THE SCALE. I sometimes forget that. Sometimes it’s hard to ignore my mother’s voice chiding me for not achieving her image of perfection. :grumble: (Yes, issues there.)

    So – new focus starting next week. :happy:

    Didn’t get any suggestions from my last request, so will try again. Any recommendations for a body weight scale?

    Thanks, and may the love of St. Valentine fill your hearts the year ‘round. :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Jane in SLC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member

    Didn’t get any suggestions from my last request, so will try again. Any recommendations for a body weight scale?

    Thanks, and may the love of St. Valentine fill your hearts the year ‘round. :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Jane in SLC

    I did answer but it got lost somewhere in the volume of wonderful women's voices. Here it is:

    Thanks to all of you who answered my query last week about a recommendation re: a full-body scale. I got several for the EatSmart ESBS-01, which I ordered today to CELEBRATE MY 1st MINI-GOAL OF 10 LBS. LOST !!!!! Feels good to have something to celebrate. Your kind words of support along the way so far are soooo appreciated.

    Brooke from Colorado
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Dixie - so glad you're back. You were sorely missed.

    DebA - the best thing I can say is "at least I'm not gaining". When we are in FL, things will probably be different. I will control what I eat even more closely. The only thing is....I'm trying to have more meatless meals and I don't know if I can do that down there. We do go out to eat lots and not every restaurant serves veggie burgers. Believe it or not, a lot of the fish is deep fried.

    DeeDee - wow! You amaze me!

    katla - thanks so much for the reminder how important it is to take care of your knees. Even if you don't have pain right now, you've made me see that there are many different ways to burn calories, you don't have to pound your knees. Occasionally I did speed intervals on the treadmill where I'd run for like 30 seconds then walk fast for about a minute (or something thereabouts). It's really better to do this on the elliptical.

    Well, off to the deep water class, then take the rest of that red velet cheesecake to Lynette, pick up my audiobooks at the library (I'd forgotten I put 4 on hold, I thought I only had three), pick up sedatives for Bonnie & Clyde before we go and stop at Lowe's for milk for Vince. Why Vince didn't think to order those sedatives sooner, I have no idea. I was up that way the other day, now I need to go up there again.

    Glenda - have fun in the mountains.

    Amanda - thanks for sharing. I can just picture those twins!

    Did an hour of the deep water today. Tomorrow yoga.

    Well, hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dixie, I am happy to see your friendly face again and hear that you have been able to put one foot in front of the other and move along with your life in spite of the pain of your great loss. Best wishes to you as you gradually build your new life.

    :bigsmile: Deb A. thank you for your kind words

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, my doctor told me I was too thin and should put on a few pounds…it was a huge shock to me as I’m sure it was to you…..I treat food as a prescription and am vigilant about making sure that everything I put in my body has healthful and nutritious properties.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I admire your courage and persistence in becoming a runner.

    :flowerforyou: la, thank you for what you said about caring for your knees……I participated in a 100 squats a day challenge for awhile, then moved on to 100 lunges a day until my knees suggested that I find 100 of something else to do.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, welcome……your diary isn’t open so I don’t know what healthy things you’re eating…….I eat the same things all the time and it hasn’t been a problem for me.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I read an interview with an actress that I like….she had lost over 40 pounds and she said her secret was “I broke up with cheese”….good luck on your plan to give up cheese.

    :flowerforyou: Lin, what I know about stopping a medication is that tapering off is frequently effective……take it a little less frequently each week until you are down to not taking it at all.

    :bigsmile: Tammy, I taught first grade for many years and loved it

    :flowerforyou: Today I went for my bone density scan. I had one done five years ago and didn't realize until my last doctor appointment this month that I should go again. Jake drove me to the appointment and then we went to WalMart to get Jake's glasses adjusted and buy pet food….then we came home, celebrated the Sabbath, fixed salmon burgers, spinach, and cole slaw for supper, and watched TV taking turns on the recumbent bike.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Just back from a terrific meeting with a whole new group of people who share the same interests. Its so refreshing! So I thought I would pop in quickly..

    Are there bird impersonators?? Methinks I heard a robin’s song today but it’s much too early! I heard several actually so does this mean spring will be early or the poor wee songsters have been blown off course? Shouldn’t they be called a ‘spring’ of robins rather than a flock?

    Well, I think I have done my duty as a mom; scones and gingersnaps baked two days ago, today we have coconut macaroons, oatmeal-raisin cookies and almond biscotti. I am done for a couple of weeks, I think. And down it all goes to the deep freeze and if my son forgets it’s there, it’s not my problem! Right!

    Have been still dealing with the chaos in my ‘office’ and am quite proud how good it looks. Now I have to deal with all the cords. Everything comes with its own cords, the camera with its charger and downloader, the phone, the mp3, the kobo….. and it’s all in a tangled pile so I need to figure out what is what and put in a labeled freezer bag. So many gadgets… I wonder what next Christmas will bring?

    The bathroom renos continue; the sawing, the pounding, more sawing and the drywall dust once again settles in a fairy cloud over the furniture and floors.

    Scary meteorite over Russia, I saw the video and if I saw that thing coming down in my neck of the woods I would probably have heart failure! So many injured, luckily mostly from glass shards!

    And what do we think about the mother of eight who died at the age of thirty after a diet of 10 litres of Coke a day (equiv. 24 cans) and a pack of cigarettes a day?? She drank so much Coke that most of her babies were born without enamel on their teeth!! MODERATION, that’s the lesson we should take away.

    Well off to bed, its back to work tomorrow
    hugs to all,
    Kate from Alberta
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW, this is a chatty group! I hope I can keep up with you all. As a little introduction, I am 62, Mom of 2, Grandma of 2 from one daughter and Grandma of 3 dogs and a cat from the other one! I prefer the grand daughters but I won't tell the dogs and cat that. I was an RN for almost 30 years and then got MS, in fact was diagnosed 16 years ago today. So my exercising is limited but I know I can do more than I am doing now. I am currently pretty stuck on the same weigth loss, almost 20 pounds.
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am so excited today! It seems like I have been on diets all my adult life. I’ve tried them all. The last few years I have found that I have the best luck when I switch them up when I stop losing. For example, I’ll be on Weight Watchers and then after a few weeks, I’ll switch to South Beach, then Slimming World, then Sonoma Diet …. You get the picture. Hubby just goes along with it, but he always notices when I’ve switched diets again. You would think that I would be very slim by now but we travel SO much that it just doesn’t seem to happen.

    For those of you that are new, I spend my 50th birthday in a foreign country waiting to hear if my cancer had returned …. The doc was SO SURE that it had, she was telling me that I would need to leave to go back home as soon as the results came back so I could start chemo. She even ventured a guess that it was stage 3 or 4. I was SCARED! My husband was SCARED. We both broke down crying when it came back that it was just an infection, NOT cancer. I decided that’s it! I’m done being unhealthy. This time I want to do it and stick to it and get it right.

    When I was back in the US for Christmas, my youngest son who is 27 and I made a bet for weight loss. We weighed and we will weigh again when I go back home at the end of March to go on a cruise. We will go by body percentage. If he wins, I will buy him a tablet. If I win, he has to go to Victoria Secret’s with hubby and I, and buy my anything dad wants. We are both very motivated this time.

    I started tracking my weight when I came home from Christmas. The site here says that I joined in Jan 2012 and I did. But I didn’t start getting serious until Jan 2013. I kept my calories right at 1200 calories. I logged every single bite and swallow. I exercised. I went cross country skiing, walking, did strength training, zumba …. In one month I lost 8 lbs! HOORAY!

    I was only weighing once a week but the morning I got up to go to Rome I gained 3 lbs. My weight loss was gone. Even being really good, I gained 3 lbs in one week! WHAT!?!?!?!?! I figured that maybe this was a good thing. It was probably just water weight and it would keep me more vigilant for when we were in Rome.

    So, 13 days in Rome. I walked over 120 miles!!! Climbed so many flights of stairs (we were on the 4th floor for our hotel which actually means the 5th floor …. Each flight had 28 steps so each time up was 140 stairs). I ate a very healthy breakfast every morning and tried to do my best for lunch and dinner. Normally I would have had gelato every single day …. In 13 days I only had it 3 times (I figured the 120 miles would even it out) …. I never ordered dessert but I must confess that every once in a while I would have a bite or two of hubby’s dessert.

    When we came home from Rome I was expecting that I would have lost that 3 lbs that SURELY was just water weight PLUS weight from walking all over Rome. I got on the scale the very next day and I was exactly the same as I was when we left for Rome! STILL up 3 lbs. Let me tell you, I was DEPRESSED. And under orders from hubby to not exercise this week because my feet were covered in blisters. Even the bottoms of my feet were one big blister.

    So, Monday morning I started watching shows that I had recorded and watched a Dr. Oz (I know … some of you hate him) with a woman on with a diet book that is coming out in April. She did not go into a whole lot of detail, but the main goal was to change your metabolism. She said so many things that just made so much sense to me. Nothing is strange at all, I don’t have to count calories (but I am counting them here on MFP) I just have to change what/when I eat. She said that she’s had many, many clients that lose 20 lbs in 4 weeks. To me, this just sounded unhealthy! Everyone knows you should only lose 1-2 lbs a week … and they always lie. But I started looking at meals, and counting the calories, and I’m actually eating more than the 1200 I was eating. AND I lost 6 lbs this week!!!!! I’ve NEVER lost 6 lbs in a week.

    So, I’m going to see what happens. Maybe my body was retaining fluids from the plane (but it was only a 2 hour plane ride unlike the 13 hours I usually spend on a plane going back to the US), maybe I body was swollen from inflammation from all the walking, and resting has made it go down. I’m just not sure … but I’m eating more and losing more so I’m going to keep trying it. She says after being on the diet for 4 weeks, you have switched your metabolism so it burns faster. It would be SO nice if I had the metabolism of my youth back … so we’ll see.

    Wish me luck!
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member

    Joy – Do you have long dark days in Norway?

    Tammy in Va Beach

    Yes we do. But the summers REALLY make up for it! :heart:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Bump for later, sometime. Anytime! Can't keep up !

    Dixie, so glad to see you back! I know you have been in our thoughts and prayers!

    Will try to catch up , so chatty!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, LindaS aka Sundanceb
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Hubby just got up and weighed for the first time since we got back from Rome. I pack his lunches and since I didn't tell him at first that we were once again on a new diet, he didn't follow the diet as strictly as I did. BUT he lost 4.5 lbs this week! He was SHOCKED when he got on the scale. LOL
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm at work and really want to be out and about instead. Feeling restless. It doesn't help that the weather is much better today. Never mind, I have a good long walk planned with my sister and 7 year old niece tomorrow. Yay - girls on a march!

    DH said he will take me to Tiffany's next week as a treat - to buy me something to replace the diamond I lost from my ring the other week. I tell you, that boy knows how to put a grin on my face. The shock is, I said no! To be honest, I don't need anything new. He tried to persuade me by telling me that it was also as a celebration for the new book commission and to say thank you in advance for all the research I have to do for him. Bless him - he knows I don't do it for any other reason than we are partners in every way.

    My tummy is grumbling today - I think I'm going to have a cup of hot soup to see me through until lunch time.

    Better do some work.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x