

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Good Morning all and Happy Valentines Day!!!
    I joined MFP the beginning of January.. I will be 53 in June and my BMI is 45 :noway:
    So I joined the gym, started off slow, I had a hysterectomy last year and so the hormonal weight doesnt help either...
    I am working out every day ,I get up and go to the gym between 4-5 a.m. and do the recumbent bike for 50 minutes and then use the machines so it is about an hour and a half..
    I am also using a 1200 calorie diet. I cant do a ton of protein because I have Poly Cystic Kidney Disease. I am trying to get healthy , my goal is 120 lbs and I will slowly work my way there.. Im on a mission:smile:
    glad that there are other's like me out there and hope you all will give me the motivation to stick with it!!
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    wow...I didn't read for 2 days..and Bam! the old one was locked and a new one started.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good morning and Happy Valentines Day! :heart:

    I've been busy, and busy, and did I mention busy? Curling all weekend, skiing on Monday, supervising students at swimming and skating on Tuesday, meetings all day yesterday... I've been coming home from work and going straight to bed and sleeping in in the mornings. Whew! That's 80% health care (I've got a bad cold, too) and 20% depression. Good thing most of my activities included physical activity. Now I've got to get my act together and get the depression thing under control. I know the cure - act the way I want to feel. Tonight I curl again, so that means an evening of activity with good friends. Lucky me.

    I don't have time to read the posts that have piled up in my absence, but I will be back in the morning to catch up with you all and re-join the world of MFP. Obviously I've been missing my Vitamin F.

    Oh dear me, it's wear pink at school day and I am not sure if I own anything pink. OH, got it. I will cut a big pink heart out of construction paper and pin it to my shirt. Done like dinner.

    Must get J"boy out of bed and begin the day.

    Hasta pronto,


    Mid-month check on February goals coming tomorrow.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brooke from CO: Rewarding yourself with a new scale is a great idea! Congratulations on smart thinking—and on the weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Sunshine61250: I’ve been watching a new series on the food channel called Food Hospital. It is a real medical practice in the UK that tries to cure or manage various ailments with diet. They had a person with hereditary gout, and he was able to reduce his symptoms dramatically with diet alone. The staff includes physicians and a nutritionist. I’m sorry I can’t remember what the gout sufferer was eating, but I think he switched away from meat and alcohol. Maybe a nutritionist could help your son.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee in NC: Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too!:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Take care of yourself. I’m impressed that you can translate Latin. It wasn’t even offered when I was in school, and I probably wouldn't have had the good sense to take it if it had been available. :flowerforyou:

    Nancy: Vitamin D3 also helps against depression, as do daylight temperature lamps. You can’t have too many tools to help combat depression in my opinion. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    I went over my calorie goals yesterday for the first time in quite awhile. I would normally offset the over eating with exercise, but didn’t feel good enough to jump on the bike and work it off. :noway: That means I’ll have to be more careful and do more exercise today and for the foreseeable future. The effects are fixable, with good behavior and effort. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: That is something I learned right here! It feels really good to know how to manage my weight and not be such a victim in life. Thanks to all of you for your help in learning that lesson! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Happy Valentines Day everyone.
    Sending lots of love out into the world. Grab it embrace it - you are a wonderful perfect creature!!!!

    I hope all those of you who not feeling well, take care and start to feel better soon.
    Have a great day

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning & Happy Valentine's Day to all,:heart:

    DH is taking me to Carraba's for lunch today so I am going to look up their menu to see what is good and healthy. I am so fortunate to have married the most wonderful man. I wake up smiling every single day. Valentine's Day is so much sweeter when you have that special person to share it with. :happy:

    :glasses: Jane - Have a wonderful time in Mexico and have a margarita for me since I missed mine this year! Unplanned trips can be the best.

    :sick: Laura - I hope you're feeling better soon. Do you suffer from Vertigo?

    :wink: Beth - MFP will help you to modify your diet to fit your lifestyle. You'll be losing weight before you know it! Sounds like you already have a good start.

    :frown: Joy - I told my son that gout is an old man's disease and he wasn't too happy about that either. The doctors also told him he could be suffering from a form of arthritis. He is still awaiting test results. It's hard when your child is in pain and there isn't anything you can do to help.

    :flowerforyou: There seems to be a lot of you who are under the weather. Spring is coming, and hopefully all the winter colds and flu will go away.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    I am convinced that I am too unorganized to keep up with these postings and reply the way I'd like to! To all the new members, you've reached a wonderful and supporting board. I have made some friends here that keep my spirits up when I'm being too hard on myself. To those of you who are sick, eventually it passes, but don't try to exercise or do too much because the relapse is far worse than the initial illness.

    I'm finally back to a 5k but it's a full minute per mile pace slower than when I first got sick and relapsed. This weekend, I'm headed to the Northern Catskills, which is where in early-January I traded my very nutritional eating plan for the rum and diet coke eating plan. It was three short days after that weekend, I relapsed and thought I'd never be well again. Will be going to the same club with the same person to hear the same band this weekend, and I WILL NOT go on that alcohol/diet sode eating plan. All I ate was a chicken cutlet that last time. This time, my Vitamix is coming with me.

    Hope to grow some organization balls shortly and reply as I would like.

    Have an awesome, lo-cal Valentine's Day today.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Vitamin F friends -


    Lin in Central Iowa

  • diannebolin
    Good morning everyone. I just joined today, and have at least 40 pounds to loose. It's Valentines Day, and thie is my gift to myself. I want to be healthier, and fit into my clothes better. I don't want to be skinny, just fit into my size 12's agin. Happy Valentines day to you all, and I'm glad to be joining this site!!!
  • BetsyAnn2013
    BetsyAnn2013 Posts: 37 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day! and welcomes to Beth and Dianne!

    I've only had a few minutes to read the latest posts and make a reply so,

    LucyT- my DH also has gout. It almost immobilized him before he sucked it up and went in to see the doctor. He had to have the knee drained and it still flairs up on occasion. Dietary restrictions are one preventative.

    I also avoid soft drinks in general and have noticed the aspartame after taste. I stick to water and tea (both hot and cold.) I sweeten my hot tea with a tsp of honey.

    I'm so accustomed to rewarding myself with food that I haven't set any rewards for reaching my goals. I should try to find a non-food reward for motivation. Any suggestions? :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a marvelous day!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member

    I'm so accustomed to rewarding myself with food that I haven't set any rewards for reaching my goals. I should try to find a non-food reward for motivation. Any suggestions? :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone has a marvelous day!

    Tons of suggestions: a new piece of clothing, pampering (e.g. new nail polish, a manicure, uninterrupted bubble bath), new book, a fun piece of custom jewelry or pretty scarf, new exercise DVD, new exercise gear, spending time on a favorite hobby or supplies for that hobby. I could go on and on. Just pick something non-food that has always made you happy or will make you happy.

    I just got myself some new exercise DVD's and since I just hit another milestone I get to go shopping this weekend - I'm thinking a bright sweater make for a cheerier dreary February.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello my lovelies, Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!

    Two days ago my DH started a 2 week holiday so it was decided we needed to go look for tiles for the downstairs bathroom, tiles that befitted my DH’s vision for his masterpiece. We went from showroom to showroom (which of course are all located on the opposite end of the city) and with calculator in hand, I was trying to convince DH to lower his expectations. $$$. We did finally find something but figured we would have to put off buying it for a bit, definitely until we could go home to do some better measuring to know just how much tile of each size we would need. DH is a great one for guesstimating and always having too much.

    Short version, we decided just to go to Home Depot to pick up the concrete backer-board and voila! We found some tile there that someone had special ordered in, didn’t like and so the store was selling it as a special. WOW! We got it for 25% of what we were looking at in town and for 1/10 of what it originally cost! Yippee! It’s lovely travertine marble but DH has a mountain of cutting ahead of him as they are 18” x18” square and he will need to cut some of it to 4” x 4” to cover the shower floor. I have faith in him!

    Yesterday morning we dropped off the truck for new brakes (just started grinding) and in the cold and blowing snow, my DH has set up his table saw outside (okay, it’s the only room left) so he can carry on with the bathroom renos. This is his last set of 2 weeks off without a conference attached and he wants to get as close to finishing as he can as we have guests coming this summer. I am on standby as his aid.

    I decided it was a baking day of sorts and after putting on a load of laundry, I started a new recipe of yogurt raisin scones (where the raisins are soaked in rum… hehehe). Just when I have dough up to elbow, DH calls, can I come hold the board for him outside so the concrete backer-board won’t crack while he saws?

    Wash the hands, put on my winter jacket, gloves and boots, out to the back yard I go. The air is brisk, fresh and then he starts… great clouds of dust swirl up around us, cough, cough cough, he forgot to tell me I’d need a mask! Job done, back inside, out of my gear, back into the baking. The scones are just into the oven and the dinger goes for the washing machine. Wash up, downstairs I go, change loads and back upstairs to start on the gingersnaps.

    Once again the call for fresh air comes, mark my place on the recipe so I’ll know what I have done so far, back into my gear, oops, the dinger goes for the scones, pull them out of the oven and get back outside. Roooaaarrrrrr, cough, cough cough! Back inside, out of my gear and back to baking. Just as my hands are covered in dough again, rolling the balls of gingersnaps in sugar, the laundry dinger goes. Wash up again, downstairs to change over loads, back up, hands back in dough and you guessed it, the call of the wild echoes again!

    I did actually get the baking done… eventually, didn’t burn either the cookies or the scones (very tasty by the way), managed to get the laundry done before the call came that our truck was done. All I can say is that it’s a good thing we got such a great deal on our tiles because it cost $800 for the front brakes!! Cough, cough, cough… holy smokes! That wasn’t in the cards!!!

    I’m still in a February funk but trying to dig myself out, …. I must, I keep nibbling those naughties. I am still posting but not losing any weight. I need flowers today!! I am going to buy myself some flowers, no, they will not be forthcoming from DH, there is not a romantic bone in his body and I must not forget to call my younger bachelor brother tonight to wish him Happy Birthday.

    I do not get here as often as I would like lately, must do better. I get a half hour here and there, make notes and then few days later we are 20 pages gone! We are chatty!

    Hearts and flowers to all of you my friends,

    Kate, Sherwood Park, Alberta
  • nanasorchid52
    Hubby and I started watching Downton Abby last night. Thanks for the tip that they are on PBS. First one was "ok". I was glad that Bates got pulled out of the carriage at the last minute. We aren't "in love" with the show, but we've heard so many good things about it that we'll keep watching it for a while. I LOVE the fact that there are no commercials!

    DeeDee2211 - Thank you so much! I will be working on the blog today. Trying to get 2 more days done. They will be out of order as my mom is really interested in our food tour as we are taking her to Rome in April.

    LucyT4dieting - our youngest has gout too. He's 27 (he's also the one I have the weight loss bet with) and he was very unhappy. His doctor told him he was surprised as it is an "old rich man's disease" ..... and he's young, poor but yes, he enjoys his scotch, cigars and beer. He just tells everyone it's arthritis instead.

    50ishfoodie - I'm gradually cutting back on my caffeine. At one point I drank 2 pots of coffee in the morning and then between 6-9 diet cokes a day. Now I am down to 0 diet cokes and about 1/2 pot of coffee in the morning. I REALLY enjoy that half pot so I'm going real slow about stopping that.

    janehadji - have fun in Mexico! I just LOVE getting away and relaxing .... of course I didn't do any relaxing in Rome but I could have! Have a margarita for me!

    Laura80111 - feel better soon!

    ekafont - Welcome! I just joined last month and the ladies here are wonderful!

    megblair1 - We frequently get together with our pastors. When we are back in the US hubby will have breakfast at least once with the pastor of our church there. And here in Norway, we try to have the pastor and his family and the assistant pastor and his family over every other month or so (separately). We've been told (in the past with a different pastor) that they really enjoy a chance to connect and relax instead of being put on a pedestal and their Christianity examined all the time. We also enjoy the time to just let them know how much we appreciate them.

    nanasorchid52 - I've never heard of pancakes on "Shrove Tuesday" (is that the same as Fat Tuesday?). In our family growing up, we never gave up things for Lent .... I was thinking this was a Catholic thing but my mom now gives up things for Lent and she is not Catholic.

    Patchworkpers - good morning UK lady from Norway!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day to all the ladies who post here,

    I am doing OK and yes, I did have a donut for breakfast. lol It was a heart shaped one from Dunkin Donuts.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Valentines Day to all my friends! It’s beautiful and sunny here, although windy and cold-ish. I stayed home from work today ( I had scheduled it before getting sick), so I hope to get some work done on the book. I’ll be going with DD#1 to Capitol School of Hair Design this afternoon, then finish the grocery shopping (already been to one place) afterwards. I’m feeling a bit better, but again so tired. We are not really doing anything tonight; we are planning to go out on Saturday though to celebrate. It’s kind of hard going out in the middle of the week when we both get up so early on Friday.

    Glenda: I love your thoughts about being mindful.

    Nana: I have never heard of the pancake thing for Shrove Tuesday.

    Mary: the weather in Kansas sounds a lot like the weather in Omaha!

    Jodio: I love the cooking light magazines too!

    Barbie: I so hate doing income tax! Maybe that’s why we always wait until October when all our extensions run out!

    Jo: so sorry to hear about your ongoing knee problems!

    Liz: hope you got a great night’s sleep and are refreshed today!

    Katla: I hope you are feeling better today! Increased eating almost always means I’m getting sick.

    Sunshine: why do you have the pastor and assistant pastor over separately? Just curious! I do think they need some time to relax, as you say, without being examined all the time!

    DeeDee: I have been filling up on your special ginger and lemon tea!

    Amanda: I think we all could live by your doctor’s words!

    Nancy: you should have called….my entire wardrobe is pink or purple! I could have fed exed! 

    Lucy: you are very lucky to have such a special DH!

    Jackie: I hope you find a way to be more organized..when you discover the secret, let me in on it, will ya?

    Lin: the flower graphic is beautiful! Thank you!

    Diane: welcome!

    Betsy Ann: my non-food rewards include a mani-pedi when I lost 15#, now I’m working on new lingerie for my 30# mark. I also plan to have my spider veins removed and best of all, get of Metformen when I lose 50. A facial is in there too somewhere

    Kate your tile story reminds me of when we were building our house. We had to stay in budget and when we went to look at brick, I hated all of it. We went back a second time and found some beautiful, hand-made pink=ish bricks that someone had pulled off their house after building with it and not liking it. It was an odd amount only for one specific thing and the brick people thought they would never re-sell it. Originally it was 5 times more than we could afford, but they sold it to us for what we had budgeted! We only have a small amount of brick and had 2 bricks left over when they were done!

    Well, time to get busy. Need to eat lunch and get ready to go out with DD#1. Everyone have a wonderful valentines day! Take care, Meg
  • nanasorchid52
    I have loved The Downton Abbey series - hang in there! Seen all three of the series and the end I didn't see coming!

    Yes It is the same as Fat Tuesday - traditionally the time you used up food before Lent.

    Don't think I have replied to a quote very well - any one can give me a tutorial?

    Happy valentines Day all.:heart:

    Cooking a low fat valentines meal tomorrow as my DH runs a swimming club on aThursday and he is so special and romantic all of the time.that I was happy to let him go even though he offered to stay at home. I am so lucky

    Can''tget the hang of replying to all so keep going on your journey and keep strong.

    :heart: Jo
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    "I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon." -Anon.

    Happy :heart: Day!!

    :smile: jb
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Happy :heart: Day! stopping in to say hello - I am on my way to the rec center today; I feel like walking and have decided it is time to get back with the program of exercise:bigsmile:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentine’s Day!!! :heart:

    It’s set! My daughter’s wedding will be in the Her Life magazine here in Denver, maybe the April issue. She needs to answer the interview questions and give them a dozen photos to choose from. :smile:

    Yesterday was bad, and I finally just stopped logging. I was really worried all afternoon and ended up eating several of the cookies I had baked for my daughter. Someday I’m going to get a handle on stress eating! :noway: My son usually answers my texts and calls within a few minutes if he can. I didn’t get a response for 19 hours! I was really worried, and had started contacting his roommate and friends when he finally surfaced. It turns out that he had fallen asleep at 7pm, woke up in the middle of the night for a few hours, and slept again until 4:30pm. :yawn: I look so much older than I did 6 months ago, and I think that I know the reason why!

    Laura80111 – I hope that the dizzies are gone, and you’re back to feeling like yourself.

    Meg – I’m sorry you have another sinus infection. I’m sure you’re really frustrated by all of this! That apartment sounded horrible. Don’t they look at places before they assign them? DD’s wedding was last August, so the magazine will just be fun.

    Sunshine61250 – I guess that our sense of what is cold changes with where we live! If those are usual winter temperatures, then they have a different perspective than we do. My heritage from my mother’s side is Norwegian, but I’ve never been there. I do love lefse, though! (Hate lutefisk).

    Barbie – You’re right on top of those taxes! I’m impressed, as I always wait until the 1st of April – primarily because I don’t ever have all of the K-1’s until then.

    Brooke – Congrats on the 1st ten being gone!! :flowerforyou:

    Liz – My mother got her first dishwasher at the age of 83, and she doesn’t really like it!

    DeeDee – Hooray for training session #4…. you go, girl!

    Amanda – Congrats to your hubby on his new book commission! What is he writing about?

    Nancy – Did you remember to mention that you were busy?? I hope your depression lifts soon. Acting the way you want to feel sounds like great advice, and I’m going to try to remember it.

    Lucy – Carrabbas is my favorite! I don’t know about the healthy part, but I do love the Chicken Bryan.

    Jackie – Have a great time in the Catskills!

    Lin – What a beautiful graphic! :heart:

    Kate – It sounds like you found a great deal on the tile, and burned off a ton of calories running back and forth all day! My husband doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body, either – maybe they’re related? The flowers sound like a good idea. Maybe I’ll buy some, too! Shopping is definitely on my agenda for today.

    Jane in Colorado
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Seeing all the discussion about Fat Tuesday and Lent has made me realize that if I could just follow the Lenten Fast I could probably lose a couple pounds!! (I'm Greek Orthodox and we take Lent seriously - no meat, oil (nope ... nothing can be fried), dairy, alcohol, etc - basically 40 days of water and fresh fruits and vegetables). But we don't start our Lent until the middle of March, so I still have time to talk myself out of it ... LOL!

    I need to lose at least 25 pounds. I currently weigh about 172 and am 5'3". I initially joined MFP about 2 years ago and lost about 10 pounds.

    I know that I am a lot healthier than I was 2 years ago - I have actually run 4 5k's in the past year ... Well, "run" is a strong word - lets go with jogged/walked 4 5k's. A month after my first 5K I turned 50 and had a hysterectomy. Ever since, my weight has been creeping back up so I'm right back where I started. It is so frustrating when I'm working out with my workout buddies - they are all so thin (of course they are all in their mid 30's ... I was thinner back then too...)

    Has anyone else had problems with weight gain after a hysterectomy?

    Would someone please come get these valentine candies out of my desk drawer?? .... Oops - went off course there....
