
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies...welcome to March and the promise of spring (although those of us in northern climes still have a way to go!:laugh: )

    Jo - that sounds like a lovely Welsh holiday celebration! And my eyes alerted to the mention of Welsh cakes:smile: We have made them for a few years in our house - not an old family tradition but a fortuitous encounter with a new recipe. So now my children consider them a family tradition:wink: Maybe I will make a batch in your honour today!

    LindaC - I so hope you are celebrating that breaking of the 200 barrier!! Good for you - it is a significant mental barrier and such an encouragement to move beyond it - for you and for the rest of us as we journey together!

    Kate - how lovely to be able to find some nice gowns- they sound wonderful and a sale is a bonus! photos?
    I just want to thank you for your openess and honesty in your posts. There is always something that I can relate to, nod my head along with or that brings a smile and a giggle:happy: February has been a bit of a train wreck for me too - busyness, ill health, stresses - and food and exercise are sure not what they should have been! It is time to turn all that around again - a new month, a new season is coming! I am still dealing with the "Head-smashed-in" headache today and the residual lethargy from the flu - but soon, soon we will return to health! Here's hoping! I got a giggle from your computer fix story :laugh: - I just went through all of that on a tech call after a glitch on my new computer. The tech was great but there was that moment, with head under the desk, that I thought "You are dealing with an over 50 year old woman here lad; I am going to need a moment to get out from here and back up to the keyboard!!" Oh dear!:ohwell: but I made it, the computer is fixed and I got a chuckle!

    I am not going to set any goals for this month until I am feeling better and have a clearer view of what is realistic. So for now, the goal is to listen to my body, be kind to it and get better.

    Glenda in sunny Alberta
  • llb405
    llb405 Posts: 10
    Hello friends, March has arrived!! My goal is to learn new line dancing!! I love dancing so I say do what you love!! Come on spring!!
  • 2720cynthia
    2720cynthia Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all!

    I am very new here, nearly 50, and having fun! My (modest? low?) goals for the month are to track my food every day, and increase my water intake.

    Cindy in Idaho
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    February was a really tough month. Here's to hoping for a much better March.

    I need to get back on track. I need to finish my work complaint and get that nasty ball rolling. I need to tell you all I am going to be a grandma again in September. (but shhhhh it is still early so we aren't making it public knowledge yet)

    I need to tell you all how much I appreciate you being here for me. Vit F!!!!!!

    Please have an awesome day!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    in the very humid PNW
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hi all!

    I am very new here, nearly 50, and having fun! My (modest? low?) goals for the month are to track my food every day, and increase my water intake.

    Cindy in Idaho

    Those are NOT modest goals - - exactly the way to start. Welcome Cindy.

    Well, I did it!!! After staring at the DVD case for a month, I completed day 1/level 1 of 30 Day Shred. Wasn't as bad as I'd been fearing (ask me again tomorrow when my muscles catch up) except for getting up and down off the floor :blushing: :laugh: So glad no one could see THAT!

    Happy March to one and all :happy:
    Brooke from Colorado

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi I'm Phyllis
    My goals for March are to LOG all the food and exercise and drink lots of water. I want to add doing weights every day. and a new kind of exercise besides walking and swimming.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Found my February goals. I did pretty well with the exception of drinking more water and green tea…so I’m going to keep these goals for March since they all continue to make sense and are working

    :smile: Keep working out hard
    :smile: don't be so hard on myself if the scale isn't moving - just stick with the program..at some point the numbers are bound to start moving down ( they did go down so this approach is working YEAH)
    :smile: give myself kudos for the changes I'm seeing in my body - I am becoming a healthier me
    :smile: keep track of everything I'm eating and complete my diary everyday
    :smile: drink more water and green tea
    New for March:
    :smile: work on getting jewelry making business off the ground: post items on Etsy and make at least 1 new piece a week.

    Barbie – sending good thoughts your way for DH surgery. Again thanks for owning this tread and as always your wonderful inspiring thoughts:heart:
    Michele – glad the trip went well, hope a good night’s sleep left you feeling better:happy:
    Jo – what a fun day! Dydd Dewi Saint Hapus. I’m also doing Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred…we’ll see how many levels I progress through – the last 2 look pretty tough:wink:
    Jacqui – 12lbs is a lot in a month – kudos to you. Sounds like you are moving in a good direction. Welcome and keep coming back. You’ll find this a very supportive group:flowerforyou:
    Jackie – love your goals. I’m adding my jewelry making to my goals because of you:love:
    DeeDee – you are doing great on your goals especially having pneumonia:smile:
    Grandmallie – my husband is the same way ..He wants to eat as soon as he walks in…and sometimes I’m running behind because of work or like you just don’t feel like cooking. I always have some quick but healthy options in the freezer – not the greatest on sodium but not bad for every now and then. Our favorite is PF changes. Trader Joes makes frozen rice although I often have extra fresh just in case. Costco also has some good options. We really like this one Indian Saag dish. He is always game to pick up or go out, but I’m trying to limit that while in weight loss mode. And as a last resort YOYO. :grumble:
    Judy – Bon Anniversaire et bon chance (with your surgery):smile:
    Brooke – by kids taught me about Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit but I always forget – thanks for the reminder! How did the 30 day shred go?:happy:
    Jb – love the poem and quotes:drinker:
    Laura80111 – you’re doing 30 day shred too this month – that’s 4 of us! So great you are meeting up with Jane and Rori (and now Brooke). Cheryl and I will have to set something up for us far north suburban Chicagoans.:drinker:
    Lucy – love your first goal:heart:
    Cheryl – you’ll have to let us know how that green coffee bean supplement works out. No more ice cream – I could never do that. I actually make sure I have enough calories left 3x/wk so I can have a ½ cup of Edy’s slow churned…it’s my special treat.:blushing:
    Katia – enjoy your visitors:love:
    Kate – bear with me (I am a yoga teacher afterall). Your novel is your darma – your true purpose. The desire to write has always been in you…you are just finally hearing that inner voice. Heed it for it is your joy and happiness. Keep up with that novel!:bigsmile:
    Glenda – feel better:sick:
    Robin – congrats on becoming a GM. Good luck with the complaint:smile:

    I think I hit most everyone - and its just the first day of the month. Have a glorious day. Jodios
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy March 1st.
    Barbie,thanks for the welcome and new start.
    Goals-work out in gym more
    watch the night eating.
    be grateful for the things in life.
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Ok, for those of you that have known me already I was doing well until around November of last year. Then everything has gone to hell in a handbasket. And I let it happen. I have left my new habits. Fell off the wagon, rolled into the weeds, fell in a ditch and am hanging on the edge of a cliff by my fingernails at this point. Therefore, my goals for March are as follows:

    2. Drink my water every day.
    3. Log my food every day.
    4. Post in this forum...every day.
    5. Get to the gym for (at least) the cardio class days.
    6. Stop making excuses for not sticking to a healthy behavior.

    Thanks for the support.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Happy March my friends.

    Will hopefully be able to post again properly tomorrow. Dad's had his blood transfusion and is now home from hospital again. My turn for the hospital on Monday.

    Have a good weekend my lovelies.

    Amanda x
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to March! Whew – the year’s already flying by.

    Michele, glad you made it home safe. I always get sinus issues when I travel too – a lot of it has to do with planes most of the time but pressure too.

    Teri, great goals! You look like you’re doing terrific on your weight-loss journey too.

    Jo, Happy St. David’s Day – and wow, congratulations on getting to your goal! That’s really great. I would love to know more about Welsh cakes – off to look them up. My MIL is Welsh – we call her Shani (Welsh for Jane?).

    LizM – good luck on the races! Be careful with the heartburn – it’s what caused my mom to be in the hospital for several days.

    Jacqui, I didn’t respond to you yesterday because I couldn’t bring myself to say “Hey, FatandFifty” but then I thought about the movie “Pitch Perfect.” Have you seen it? It cracks me up and is watched by me and DSD at least once/week. Rebel Wilson is in it, and she calls herself “Fat Amy” so “Twig *bleeps* like [girls in the movie]” don’t call her that behind her back. Anyway, glad to know your name. Your weight loss is tremendous – good for you. So too about this self-exploration it sounds like you’re on. Keep coming back here for support.

    Jackie in NJ – good job on the goals! And good luck on the Broad Street run – DH has done it before and says it is the most fun.

    DeeDee – I’m so sorry to hear you’re sick! I hope you feel better soon. Don’t push yourself too hard on the workouts until your lungs heal – my sister tried to do that and took a year to finally kick it.

    Grandmallie, :sad: My DH will generally ask me what’s for dinner but I know if I said “I don’t know” he wouldn’t hesitate to offer some choices. It sounds like you might be having a bit of the diet blues too – be sure you treat yourself kind. With your weight loss goal you may also consider bumping up your calorie intake a bit – it will slow your loss down a wee bit but also a) keep your body from stalling and b) keep you from getting discouraged and quit. A thought, for what it’s worth.

    Judy from NJ, congratulations on your birthday – and your surgery! That will probably result in a weight loss :wink:. Enjoy your birthday month.

    Brooke – I’ve never heard of saying something for luck on the first of the month – but I’m glad it works for you. Your goals look great. And congratulations on getting that DVD out of the cover!

    Laura, so jealous you all are meeting! I want to be there . . . but it’s the start of spring break and flights out there are atrocious. :laugh:. Have a great time!

    Oh, Cheryl. Well, good luck.

    Katla, oooh, have fun with the DD and GD!

    Kate, look at you go. I think you’re a terrific writer and hope you keep pushing on with it and get that book published!

    Robin, congratulations on the new wee one! Best wishes with the rest of your journey.

    Amanda, what happened to your dad? And to you? I hope it's something you can both recover from quickly. Good luck!

    Good luck to everyone with your goals and rededication to working out and eating healthy. It’s really the only prescription to a healthy you.

    So how did I do? I only lost about a ½ lb over February, but I lost an inch from everything – waist, arms, legs, hips, chest – and I’m wearing size 8s quite comfortably now. It’s such a big difference. My ribs show through, the muscle definition on my arms and back and legs and behind is amazing, and I found a workout that I love.

    I wanted to increase my protein – and I most definitely did. I kept it at around 60 – 70 grams/day, which is where it needs to be. It’s hard for me to get it much higher than that without overdoing dairy, so I’m good with that.

    I drank more water, I interacted with people less :frown:. I need to keep working on that. I was buried in work all month and am honestly surprised I’m still standing (or sitting, as it were). I can’t really do much about it, so I need to have a better attitude about it instead.

    March goals:
    :flowerforyou: Keep my protein intake at 60 – 70 grams/day
    :flowerforyou:Drink water/tea/coffee in healthy amounts
    :flowerforyou:Watch the carbs – aim for a 50/30/20 ratio
    :flowerforyou:Socialize more and relax
    :flowerforyou:Stay in the moment


  • lsverink
    lsverink Posts: 3 Member
    Joining this group today March 1st, in hopes to stay motivated... I have lost 5 lbs in February... would like to lose 10 in March. I just bought a used epliticol (I can't even spell it). Hope all goes well.

    Linda in IA
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Joining this group today March 1st, in hopes to stay motivated... I have lost 5 lbs in February... would like to lose 10 in March. I just bought a used epliticol (I can't even spell it). Hope all goes well.

    Linda in IA

    It doesn't matter if you can spell it as long as you USE it :wink:

    Welcome Linda, here's to 10# in March!! :drinker:

    Brooke in Colorado
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :laugh: March? what happened to February? :blushing: :blushing: I did not do well in the weightloss department (1 lb loss), however am going strong in the walking department. Feeling good about preparing for the 10K. I think my other goal was to post the fruit and veggie challenges every week, which I did. I also had a goal to get back into some other type of exercise, such as upper body, and I did not do that, except for lugging grandbaby around when required (oh that was a ton of fun:love::love: )

    So for March goals, I may just want to repeat my February goals. I will get back to this forum later today, as I will also be posting the new challenge for tomorrow.


    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy March everyone.

    A quick check in as I'm about to leave for job #2. Didn't log my food today as I spent all day cooking for GS 1st birthday bash. Did a lot of taste testing and hope I didn't do too much damage.

    I'm quite happy with my February result and hope I can do at least as good for March.

    Goals for March:
    Get out for a walk every lunch hour.
    Lose at least 1# every week.

    Bye for now, may be back later.

    Central New Jersey
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Hidee Ho Ladies~
    Welcome to the newcomer's, you have joined a great group here...
    Well I was bad today I went and bought some easter candy for myself.. but I bought the cadbury mini eggs in a single pack, and will divide that in 2 so about 100 cal. each.. then I bought russell stover marshmallow mini eggs- 3of them 160 calories...
    I will divie them up into the correct amounts and bag and freeze them.. sooooo If I go off the deep end and need something I have to let it thaw:wink:
    the DH is a no vegetable guy so trying to cook for him is a challenge,I was lax this week in my cooking and will try and do better and cook some stuff for him in the coming week:happy:
    I think im doing ok with the 1200 calorie thing, I know im probably not getting enough veggies, im ok with the fruits, I do alot of low fat or fat free dairy and carbs I try and do on the low side.
    I will not get discouraged, Im on a roll and im not going to give up.Im on a mission and I know there will be days of ups and downs ,but I will constantly work towards my goals.
    would like to lose 5-10 lbs this month,trying to be realistic,gonna try and find some good cardio exercise that doesnt involve my darn feet
    going to try and get more vegetables in
    and once the weather is a bit nicer will take a walk daily ,plus going to the gym.
    So glad to spend time with you ladies~wish we weren't so scattered that we could get together...:wink:
  • Kimmy715
    Kimmy715 Posts: 7 Member
    How is everyone today? I decided to add juicing to my regime. Today I started with Carrot-Apple juice. I think it will help me add more nutrition to my day.
  • Kimmy715
    Kimmy715 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everybody. My March goals are:
    To drink more water. I've stocked the refrigerator with bottles of water and filled the britta.
    To Juice everyday in hopes of upping my nutrient count
    Eating more salads
    To not skip breakfast
    I'd like to see the scale go down about 5 to 10 pounds but I'll take whatever I can get...
  • Hi All - my goal for March is to get under 200 lbs :)
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well had a good day food wise but lack on the exercise. Just got lazy no other problem. I have to eat tonight to up my calorie count I was to low after supper so now having cereal.
    But today was ok. Added more protein less carbs so doing ok.

    Good luck to you all

    See you all lighter.

    Linda northern ontario