mn_omagh Member


  • Hi mate, Like you, I am on a low-carb diet and finding it hard to suppress carb cravings, but I have this advice for you: make sure you are eating enough calories and not skipping meals during the day - when a person's calorie intake is too low, the brain senses "famine," sending a stong signal to the body which encourages…
  • Hi people, For anyone in the UK interested in the 5:2 diet, there is a great article in today's Sunday Times "Style" magazine, which includes recipe ideas for fast days and tips on how to handle the hunger. There is a small extract of this article in the link:…
  • I couldn't agree with this more. My PT and I had a long discussion about this the other night. Short bursts of intense cardio is beneficial but weight lifting ensure you are still burning off calories long after you have finished your session as you body works to repair the "damaged" muscle tissue. I used to do loads of…
  • Hi there... I am in Belfast, but this NI discussion group seems pretty quiet. How are you all getting on with the weight loss?
  • Thanks guys for all the feedback - appreciate it. Having slept on it overnight and reading the comments on here, I think I will sign up for a personal trainer at my gym. You are spot on when you say that I need to be careful about who I select, but I think I have found a good guy who used to be 18 stone believe it or not…