Weights Versus Cardio

Hi Everyone - I do mostly strength training and about 10-20 minutes of cardio per workout (about 5 times per week). I see so many people doing ALOT of cardio...do you find it really helps to get the weight off? I want to lose 5-10 lbs. Thanks for your insight! :)


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    People do alot of cardio because they are uncomfortable with weights, think they will bulk up, or don't feel they have worked hard enough.. You should do what your doing if you have 5-10lbs to lose is my 2 cents.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Its all about the calorie defecit so i guess the easy answer is yes it helps a lot.

    5*20 min = 1 hr 40 min a week, that seems pretty adaquet. I guess the more the merrier, but if you're doing something like jogging on a treadmill you could probably get the same or better burn out of some HIIT in less time
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    It doesn't matter. You can't out train a bad diet. Not saying yours is, but all the cardio in the world won't reshape your body. A deficit, decent amount of protein and lifting will though.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    People do alot of cardio because they are uncomfortable with weights, think they will bulk up, or don't feel they have worked hard enough.. You should do what your doing if you have 5-10lbs to lose is my 2 cents.

    Nice judgement there!! :grumble:

    Some people do a lot of cardio bc they like cardio. Some do more cardio than weights and soem do more weights than cardio. Its all about preference. I will say one should do both - but the ratiio of one to the other is a personal preference!!
  • Personally, if you're going to do cardio, it would be better to head to a track and do 20 minutes of intense sprints as hard as you can, rest then repeat. Long duration slow cardio is going to do nothing for you other than raise stress hormones and hunger hormones. I would lift heavy weights any day before cardio.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    If you want to be fit do cardio but if you want to be ripped lift weights
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    I do both, but I just love running... But....
    Abs are made in the kitchen!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I do both... a lot.

    cardio is about more than burning calories. There are many other benefits as well. Cardio isn't going to make you look frail and lifting isn't going to make you look like the hulk.

    It still boils down to creating a certain set of circumstances to allow your body to change the way you want it to.
  • mn_omagh
    mn_omagh Posts: 9 Member
    Personally, if you're going to do cardio, it would be better to head to a track and do 20 minutes of intense sprints as hard as you can, rest then repeat. Long duration slow cardio is going to do nothing for you other than raise stress hormones and hunger hormones. I would lift heavy weights any day before cardio.

    I couldn't agree with this more. My PT and I had a long discussion about this the other night. Short bursts of intense cardio is beneficial but weight lifting ensure you are still burning off calories long after you have finished your session as you body works to repair the "damaged" muscle tissue.

    I used to do loads of cardio, but wasn't seeing any significant results. I have started weight lifting and am seeing good results already. You won't bulk up because your diet is still calorie restricted.

    Good luck! :-)
  • I did both, but saw better results when I combined them rather than doing one or the other.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    I do cardio because I am training for an Ironman. I do 15-20 hours a week of cardio :p

    Lots of reasons to do cardio.. and yes it burns fat which equals losing weight, unless it also makes you hungry and you overestimate your calorie burn/ overeat. HUGE cardiovascular benefits to doing cardio, so why not do it, especially if you enjoy it?
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    All I do is Zumba. Love that *kitten*.
  • Wow! thanks so so much for your input! When i do cardio it is absolutely intervals -ie intense sprints uphill and then a little rest. I also try to incorporate cardio bursts (squat jumps, stairs etc) into my weight training as long as i am not lifting too heavy that day. Think I need to keep doing what I am doing, of course keeping diet in mind and be patient!! Fortunately I feel great but just want to lose the extra layer of fat as I know the muscles are there - want to show them off a little! JK.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I think cardio can speed up weight loss, but doesn't do much for shaping the body. Alot of people start with lots of cardio so the scale keeps moving and they say they'll start toning with weights when they lose a bunch.

    But if you do them both at the same time then when you lose the weight, instead of being halfway there you've got a head start on the people who waited? The scale might move slower that way but you're accomplishing twice as much, I think. I could be wrong but a combo of the two works for me.

    Sounds like you have a good routine going =]
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Personally, if you're going to do cardio, it would be better to head to a track and do 20 minutes of intense sprints as hard as you can, rest then repeat. Long duration slow cardio is going to do nothing for you other than raise stress hormones and hunger hormones. I would lift heavy weights any day before cardio.

    Well, that's a load of crap. Long-duration cardio is a great way to burn calories while not overstressing your body - HIIT can fatigue you physically and mentally, and it can lengthen your recovery time.

    Weights are a must. Cardio is good for keeping your heart in shape and burning more calories, and many people find it relaxing or stress-relieving, but what kind of cardio and how much you do is up to you as long as you get your heart rate up enough.
  • rodneyvanwyk
    rodneyvanwyk Posts: 2 Member
    Cardio helps getting your HR up into the fat burning zone and keeping it there for a while thus maximising on the effectiveness of burning those excess fat.
    It also gives your metabolism the boost you need to keep burning fat long after you stopped your routine for the day, thus the reason you will become hungry much quicker.
    The idea is to supplement a solid cardio training programme with a decent calorie controlled diet and in the process reduce the carbs as to burn away the fat you wish to burn away THEN bulk up on the muscle you want and then trim and shape to the final shape you want by doing the weight training.

    Just my 2c
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Honestly the only reason I bother with cardio is for my heart health...well, I do also enjoy a good run these days and I love to hike and ride my bike now that I have a bit higher level of fitness. I've personally found it to make little difference in my weight loss considering I eat most of those calories back anyway and my deficit is built into my diet. Regardless of whether I do my cardio or miss it, I lose about 1 Lb per week on average...was losing that before I even started exercise of any kind.

    Strength training is a must and if I'm short on time or whatever and can only pick one, I choose the weights.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Cardio helps getting your HR up into the fat burning zone and keeping it there for a while thus maximising on the effectiveness of burning those excess fat.
    It also gives your metabolism the boost you need to keep burning fat long after you stopped your routine for the day, thus the reason you will become hungry much quicker.
    The idea is to supplement a solid cardio training programme with a decent calorie controlled diet and in the process reduce the carbs as to burn away the fat you wish to burn away THEN bulk up on the muscle you want and then trim and shape to the final shape you want by doing the weight training.

    Just my 2c

    Do weight training the entire time you're losing weight or you'll lose lean muscle mass. That's not what you want. You want to get the fat off and look awesome when it's gone. You don't want to still be flabby and have to eat over maintenance to rebuild the muscle you lost. Trust me, I know.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    People do alot of cardio because they are uncomfortable with weights, think they will bulk up, or don't feel they have worked hard enough.. You should do what your doing if you have 5-10lbs to lose is my 2 cents.


    Totally I do cardio because I'm afraid of the big scary weight room.