jetlag Member


  • Yet people continue to spell them wrong. If nothing else, it demonstrates that the people who actually need to read a post, don't. (There's also no A in "definitely". Sorry, I couldn't help myself)
  • Ipad users, there is a great app called Happy Scale which has little goals you can reach and also averages out your weigh ins and set a smooth trend line. I love it.
  • Not heard of the Libra App. I'll check it out. I use My Weight (ipad) because it links with my withings scale.
  • Cardio is good for your heart. I always did a warm up on the treadie of 5-10 minutes before hitting the weights.
  • I have a total girl crush on your quads.
  • If you don't want breakfast, the don't eat it. Seriously, you don't have to eat when you're not hungry.
  • She doesn't want you to join because (a) it's a male strip club and (b) she's already joined. Sorry, dude, but someone had to tell you.
  • Drink a can of mace* before your run. Then when you run, you'll sweat mace and no one will be able to attack you. Also, put pepper spray in your water bottle, then you can spray it in the eyes of anyone who comes near. I've also heard that chillies are a crazy fat burner so you can even drink it* Also, put knives in the…
  • I don't like the good food/bad food divide. Every food serves a purpose to someone. But there are foods I eat less of because I'm sick of being fat. I do, however, love food and if there is something I fancy that I hadn't planned on eating, I log the calories first, then decide if I still want it. If I do, then I eat it…
  • 5 sizes!! Flumi, that's incredible :-)
  • Not if you factor in a deficit as well. I make your goal date 13 weeks away. You should be able to drop 10lbs by then :-)
  • It'll be even more costly when you need to buy smaller clothes lol Congratulations! (And I second the thanks for correct use of loose/lose lol)
  • Spend a week weighing everything (Everything!) you eat. I think you'll be surprised. What you eat is 95% of losing weight.
  • I've been doing it since May 2013 and lost about 25 lbs up to October. I dropped to one fast a week during November and December due to the holidays and maintained really well. I had a couple of fasts over Christmas, but drank and ate what I wanted and put on a little weight. Back to fasting last week and the weight is…
  • My cup size is... Oh, hang on, that's not what you meant.
  • True. 1ml of WATER weighs 1g. Milk is heavier by volume. Not a lot, mind you, so I still weigh my milk into my tea (saves getting another thing dirty just to make a cuppa) but 100ml of milk weighs 103g on my scale. So I would guess any kind of liquid that contains any kind of solid (so any emulsion, like milk or juice)…
  • No, in the same way that I don't wake up thinking of ways to sabotage myself. The OP was asking WHY people do these things. My bet is even the saboteur doesn't know why. I don't know why I consistently sabotage myself, either, but I have a good bash at doing it every day.
    in Saboteurs Comment by jetlag January 2014
  • Yes, if you can work out in good form. If sore legs will make you limp or affect your gait when you run, then maybe not. If it's a genuine injury, then no. If it's just DOMS then working out might actually help a bit.
  • I responded to this: If the US don't even get minimum wage then that really is balls. I have heard of UK restaurants where the owners keep the tips for themselves. Either way, I think the waiting staff in every country get a raw deal, mostly because they are the face of the business. If the kitchen is slow, or the floor is…
  • Gemmz, I get the problem (not with sugar, but with savoury things). I watched a really interesting documentary recently where a brain specialist explained that people who overeat a) crave certain foods to the point of distraction and then (b) cruelly, have to eat more of that food than a "normal" (sorry, I can't think of a…
  • Yes, I would just up your activity level to lightly active if you don't know an actual figure. As an indication, I walk about 9200 steps a day which nets me an extra 400 calories above a sedentary day of 2000 steps (according to my fitbit)
  • I don't make my eating decisions with that in mind. I also don't eat things just because someone else says it's safe. I never liked the idea of fake butter and I was proved right. I don't like the idea of fake sugar any better. However, would I throw out food because it had aspartame in it? Hell no. I'm not big on the…
  • This. No one in my life attempts to undermine me. Everyone around me is supportive, caring and positive. I'm very blessed that way. I, however, am my own worst enemy, and not just in weight loss but in many aspects of life: work, money, study, etc. And I honestly don't know why I do it. But I do, and I have to battle with…
    in Saboteurs Comment by jetlag January 2014
  • Nope, servers in the UK get paid crap money, too, we just don't have the same tipping culture. The attitude seems to be that we've paid for the meal (considerably above what you'd pay in the US; everything is so expensive here). It's not our job to pay the staff, too. But, I'm American too, so I always tip waiters, but…
  • I've lost 1/2 a shoe size (from UK8 to 7.5). Tried on boots in several shops and I was a 7.5 in all of them (I was a 7 in one). Weird, huh?
  • You don't need cardio to lose weight. I lose weight just walking 9000 steps a day.
  • First of all, stop calling it a "cheat" meal. I hate that word. Cheating implies you actually gain something through deceitful purposes. Why set out on this journey with that mindset? It's hard enough without that kind of thing. The only way to succeed in the long term is to fit the foods you love into your way of life. If…
  • It's impossible to tell, without having weighed every day, whether this is an actual gain or just a blip. It could be water weight. Without more data, you can't be sure.
  • There is a group for that :D It seems quite well populated :-)
  • They used to think trans fats were safe, too. Not saying that aspartame isn't, just that "they wouldn't allow it in food if it wasn't safe" is not proof that something is, in fact, safe. As for the yogurts, eat them. No points wasting money or food.