tinliz_e Member


  • Sounds good! I need all the help I can get! Since ankle surgery in December I'm having a rough time...my metabolism apparently was located in that cartalige they removed, because I've not had it since! Let's kick butt!
  • Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos are nice. She has some 1 Mile ones that are nice and easy, and some more advanced ones. I had ankle surgery so I had to start low, so she's the way to go! No dance moves, just walking in place, side steps, knee lifts and kicks. Keep your feet low to the ground for lower impact, lift…
  • I do Leslie! I went to www.caloriesperhour.com it's a site that takes your body weight, how FAR you went and how LONG it took you and tells you how many calories you burned! Hope this helps!
  • Hey, I'm new too! I'd be happy to be your friend! I haven't weighed in yet, since I've only been doing this since Thursday, but if you don't mind learning together, maybe we can help each other out! ~Tina