kete05 Member


  • Interesting. Wonder if that could be it. I am going to do my best to get more sleep at night (only get about 6 hours). Not a huge fan of gum but peppermints or hard candy might be a good choice. A friend suggested frozen grapes. I am sure it is partly related to boredom since it is usually the first time I get to sit and…
  • How is everyone doing after 1 week done!?! I am glad to have competed it without skipping any workouts. I even added a day of running and some snow shoveling. Sorry, not "some" snow shoveling.....LOTS of shoveling. Ugh. Anyway, today starts week 2. I am going to up the weights this week to 8lbs and 10 for the biceps. I am…
  • Nice work doing the kick start! That looked a bit too intense for me. But I have double up a couple times. Not terrible for the first video but the second is brutal! You will have to post your kick start results.
  • I started yesterday too! I am sore today. Not incapacitated but I can definitely feel those muscles.
  • If you have been doing other JM workouts consistently then the first 2 weeks (maybe month) should be pretty easy. It definitely compares to 30DS but it gets ramped up in the last month. Like a lot! I tend to lift a little heavier than she recommends for beginners and do some of the "harder" moves. Sometimes I will do my…
  • Wow. Sounds like you are doing everything right! The only thing I can figure is that you are not eating enough. The BR program recommends 1200 calories but I assume if you are doubling up the calories have to increase as well. Maybe your body assumes you are starving and metabolism is low? I would say eat back half of your…
  • I literally cannot do plank to crescent. I have been trying to get that move down in yoga forever. I always need yoga blocks to give me extra length on my arms. Clearly my body is just out of proportion. Guess I am like a T-Rex with tiny little arms! Other than that I do the best I can with the planks. Sometimes I go down…
  • Thanks everyone! I finally got my butt in gear after dinner and did my first day of workout 3! I'm glad that I did it. The fact that I got my husband to suffer through it helped me a lot. I appreciate the encouragement ladies, it helped me to change my perspective. And @erinkelly77 I managed to survive workout 3 so you can…