theresapoynor Member


  • What other ways are there to curb appetite because that is my biggest problem.
  • Thanks for all the advice everyone, I think my biggest problem is trying to find meals that are healthy and taste good, and that are not very expensive because it has to be something that not only i eat, but me and my 5 &7 year old kiddos. Because it is really dinner time where i have the most problem trying to come up…
  • I could use some friends as well, ones that like to talk would be best cause i dont know about any of you but i could really use an abundance of motivation and support. PLEASE ADD ME IF YOU WANNA BE FRIENDS
  • Hey im right there with you i have about 100 to 110 to lose. I will send you a friend request and we can try and motivate each other. I know i could really use some friends to that have a lot to lose, just because you all understand and we are all going through the same thing.
  • I have about 100 to 105 pounds to lose, so i know what you mean by this being a long journey. I am on here on and off because i cant seem to stay motivated enough, but would like to log in everyday I have been on here looking for friends as well that have alot to lose because i think it will help me stay motivated. I will…