I keep falling off the wagon

I have about 100 pounds to lose, and i keep coming up with a plan of what i want to do to lose it but my motivation leaves me after a day or two and then i end up packing on some more pounds. Either the plans i come up with are just not realistic or i just dont want it bad enough though i feel like i do. Any tips to stay motivated or anything else that may help?


  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Doesn't sound like you've even given yourself a chance to get ON the wagon, never mind falling off of it. Only you can decide when the time is right. Only you are going to know when you REALLY want to do this for yourself. Spend some time thinking about it because it will be a heck of a lot easier to make changes now then after you have a heart attack. Or a stroke. Or get diagnosed with diabetes. I'm not trying to scare you because that never works. I'm just trying to pont out that the decisions on what to do, or not do, now have the ability to affect your life a long way down the road. Give yourself the chance to make things better. What can it hurt?
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    When you are ready to lose weight and get healthy - YOU will. No one else. It's ALL up to you. Someone told me this a few years ago. They were right.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I have fallen off the wagon more times than I can count. It's very hard to stay motivated. The only advice I can give you is to take it one week at a time. I bought a weekly planner and wrote down my weight goal for each Friday of the year. Nothing extreme, just 5 pounds per week. So far it's working, I have made my weight goals for 3 weeks now :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Trick is - don't give up; just keep plugging away at it. Never say to yourself "well, I blew it today already, might as well go out for nachos and magaritas" or "I have 2 birthdays coming up this month, so I'm going to write the whole month off and start again next month." Just keep at it, day by day, decision by decision. Some days are great, some days are terrible, but if you never-ever give up - you will see progress. It might be slow, but progress is progress. You don't have to impress anybody. I know what I'm talking about. On 1/1/2009, I weighed 207 pounds and vowed to change. On 1/1/2013, I weighed 185 pounds. I've made a few solid changes in my life, it shows, and I'm going to keep at it. You can do it, too.
  • madgemes
    madgemes Posts: 4 Member
    Take it day by day! And plan your meals - it's annoying at first, and tedious, but it works - at least for me. I also set goals - like Iceman420 who has a goal of five pounds a week. I have a goal of 1 pound per week. Or - set daily goals - such as 25 push-ups per day, or 50 crunches on Tuesday - then build on these goals - if you do 25 push ups on Monday, try 30 on Tuesday. I just joined a group on MFP called Lifes's New Journey Challenge - We log our weight loss/gain and goals and challenges on a spreadsheet, and have daily challenges that we can follow. It's a great motivator for me b/c it keeps me accountable. My first week with MFP I didn't watch what I ate. I logged my usual food. Then I looked it over, saw how much sodium and fat i was ingesting and it made me realize how badly i was eating.
    Another thing that keeps me on track - pictures of myself at my heaviest and at my goal weight. I lost 50 pounds in 2003 and felt/looked great...but i put on the 50 i lost plus 20 more. I look at the pics of me then and the ones of me now and i am so mad at myself for letting myself go. Now i know how hard it is too loose the weight the second time around.
    Hope all this helps. Like beachlover317 said - you have to be ready to get healthy for YOU! I was told the same thing, and it's true.
    Good luck!!!
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Start with a small change. You don't have to completely makeover your lifestyle all at once. I find that when I've tried to fix everything at once, it gets overwhelming and I stop. Why not just try to make one healthy change in your life first? I started by cutting way back on fast food and ice cream (two of my major weaknesses and the biggest source of my excess calories). Just pick one thing to work on first - eat more fruits and vegetables, go for a walk at least three times a week, stop buying a food that is a major trigger for you, cook at home more times a week, track everything you eat (even if you don't stay to any calorie goal at first), whatever one thing you think you can do or stick to.

    Give the first change two or three weeks and then add another in. And then another. Once I managed to make one healthy change in my life, the others started to seem more natural.
  • pondmermaid
    pondmermaid Posts: 43 Member
    Well, don't wait the time is now! Don't drag that extra weight around with you every single day- it is bringing you down. You are a beautiful, young person and you only have one life to live so go for it. Stick with the basics- simple ingredients as close to their original form as you can get them- water with actual fruit juice in rather than sweetened drinks, whole grains instead of processed flour, fresh fruit and veggies instead of battered,fried or obliterated produce, meat roasted of grilled instead of fried or battered, small bits of sweets instead of big helpings.
    You are in the right place. MFP is a great place for support, ideas, and tracking of your progress.
    Start with simple exercise- walking and ramp up from there. Pick exercise you really like to do and try and stick with it. Don't beat yourself up if you stop just start again as soon as you can.

    Friend me and also check my blog for tips- I am happy to be a buddy! I would love to you succeed!
  • stellabobella79
    stellabobella79 Posts: 44 Member
    I feel like after my third pregnancy, as well as prolonged prednisone use, I have forgotten how to eat a regular portioned meal. For now I'm sticking to lean cuisines and I add veggies to make the meal go farther. For my snacks, I'm eating special k fiber bars. They are filling and taste like candy bars. I try to eat small amounts more often and before im really hungry. I try to stay busy because I'm also a sahm and it's easy to get bored. When I'm bored, I eat. I also think the support from MFP is great.
  • kathleenmary73
    kathleenmary73 Posts: 33 Member
    Honey, I was a compulsive list maker, I set goals for myself all of the time. When I went into talk to my motivational coach she nabbed me--right in the middle of my lists. I was feeling like a failure because i was giving myself a to do list every day that five people couldn't accomplish. She said I was setting myself up for failure and she was right. If you want to succeed find something that works for you--this week. Commit to do it for seven days and give yourself easy goal to accomplish every day. My goals changed from doing 3 workouts a day to one workout a day, drinking only protein shakes to eating meals with lots of vegetables. One I started achieving my goals I felt good and it became easier to follow through.
  • theresapoynor
    theresapoynor Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone, I think my biggest problem is trying to find meals that are healthy and taste good, and that are not very expensive because it has to be something that not only i eat, but me and my 5 &7 year old kiddos. Because it is really dinner time where i have the most problem trying to come up with something everyone will eat without spending very much, and dinner time i take in as much calories as i take in for breakfast,lunch and snack combined.
  • lives21
    lives21 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree, I think you have to be ready to really commit to it. It's hard and takes a lot of time. But what helped me believe I could do it was going to the dietitian. It helped to have somebody say just change a few small things and eventually it will all add up. It doesn't have to be salads and no carbs all in one fail swoop. That's not realistic, but swapping out soda for water or white for wheat is. Also talk to your support system, having someone tell you they believe/ know you can do it is really simple but so helpful and effective. If the drive is in you, you will get there.

    P.S. Dinner was my biggest problem too! Try having a couple healthy snacks in the afternoon, so that you are not starving once you sit down for dinner. Or sometimes if I can't wait for dinner, while I'm making it I'll snack on veggies. Gets more veggies in and I don't eat seconds.
  • You really just gotta commit...and for YOU and no one else. That being said....we all fall off the wagon every now and then. Personally for the last three days my meals have been HORRIBLE....but today I got up and decided for myself that I wasn't going to let that stop me. I was going to do the right thing today...tomorrow I'll have to make that same decision. As cliche as it sounds...just one day at a time.
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    Google. Inspiration for losing weight.....

    It may help you FIND your motivation.

    Make a motivation board.... all the things that motivate you to do this.

    I've hung a little bikini in the kitchen before..... really, it's hard to pig out with that little polka dot suit staring at you. (That reminds me... find that little suit again!!)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Make small changes slowly such as focusing on staying within your calorie allotment. Then as you progress add more clean eating. Add some exercise when you feel you can. Do not deprive yourself just fit it in your daily plan. Most of all if you slip remember its one meal not the journey and start again the next meal.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Join a bootcamp, Crossfit Box or sessions with a PT - the financial commitment could be all the motivation you need.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    The comments above about easing into it are the best way to do it. Don't get all crazy and do huge deficits to start with. If you have 100+ lbs to go, you can probably eat 2500 calories per day, walk 30 minutes and lose weight steadily. If you pick the right kinds of food....that's a lot of food. You'll find out that you can build some momentum.

    Just don't get crazy like some people on here and start thinking that a 1200 calorie day makes any sense at all. Eat a reasonable amount and good things will happen.
  • GrammyNanner
    GrammyNanner Posts: 88 Member
    Skinnytaste.com has delicous, tasty recipes. It's become my "go to"
    site for healthy recipes. My family and I have never disliked anything we made from her website.
  • jacksprat
    jacksprat Posts: 46 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose as well. I decided today to get it done because, like you, I kept deciding over and over that today was the day. then thenext day it was not. I would lose 5 or 10 and then gain it back. Each time I would make progress it seemed that my body took over and the cravings started until I got back to the weight I was prior to losing. Well today I said enough.
    I am going to do this and it starts now.

    Join me. Let's do it together. Let's talk often and compare notes.
  • I did the same thing, I actually never got on the wagon, I just ran along side it hoping it would stop and let me on. I swear I'd get a leg up on it and just then it would start off again and I'd be stuck hopping around with one leg on the wagon. Then I realized the wagon was full of overweight people and by running after it I was losing more weight than they were, ha! Seriously though, I tried dieting a million times and tried all the different diets you can think of, if it had diet in the name I tried it, if it was a fad, I did it.

    One day I woke up and just stared at myself in the mirror, the longer I looked the angrier I became and that anger became my motivation. I was sick of being fat, sick of having no energy, sick of feeling like a failure. My anger was the drive I used to lose the weight. I used to hear people say that I wasn't committed and that I didn't want to lose weight bad enough. They were right. The weight didn't come off until I was serious about it, until I actually got mad at myself for letting my body get the way it did. I had tried for years, but that's exactly the problem; I only TRIED. Stop trying and start DOING. Quit making excuses for yourself and how it's hard to find meals for the entire family. IT IS HARD so do it anyway. It's hard to be a mom, but you do it anyway. I also got bored with my meals and all the bland carbs, I truly HATE wheat and brown rice and all the other "healthy" grains. One day I came across marksdailyapple.com and was hooked on the paleo diet. It was extreme, but I needed something extreme. I was desperate enough to try anything and it worked for me; and I've been at it for over a year and still love it. Everyone is different and the same approach doesn't always work for some of us.

    Visualization worked really well for me. I found a model with a body shape similar to how my body would look if I was fit and toned, cut it out and stuck it on the wall in front of my treadmill. I would stare at that body and visualize myself looking like that, playing volleyball on the beach with my friends.

    Another thing that really hit home for me was the saying, "you can't exercise away a bad diet." If you're eating unhealthy, no amount of exercise will help you lose the weight. Eat clean and work hard.
  • Instead of coming up with a plan, make small changes. Changes you know you can make and stick with. Don't beat yourself up if you do go overboard either. This is a lifestyle change and it takes time. You can do it!!!