Need friends with lots to lose

As the above says really. Am on here a lot but only have a few friends and don't really know anyone. I have at least 120lbs to lose, but have a look at my profile and would love some people to add me. Certainly not saying I don't want friends with 10lbs to lose but this is going to be a really long journey for me and would love people to do it with.


  • brwneyedbrndi
    brwneyedbrndi Posts: 24 Member
    I'm looking to lose at least 100 myself. I log in every day and love interacting with folks on the same journey. :)
  • SarahMarie78
    SarahMarie78 Posts: 15 Member
    I am looking to lose between 80 and 100 pounds. 100 if I really want to get to that recommended weight, but if I could drop 80 I would be thrilled. I am on here a lot but really just starting and would love some motivation.
  • Mal76137
    Mal76137 Posts: 163 Member
    Support and motivating friends are important. I also log in everyday. Support and motivate my friends. I expect the same in return. I have over 60 lbs to lose. Please add me if you would like.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I've got about 120 I want to lose too. Lost 109 so far. You can friend me!
  • lappy16
    lappy16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hiiiiiiyyaaa, Im Stacey, 27 with 2 young sons. I too have about 100lbs to lose and am just getting started properly on this site today. I could use loads of support aswell and look forward to getting to know everyone and losing weight together :)
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member
    I have almost 90 to lose today and am well on my way. I would love to have more support for this journey!
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I'll help support you if you'd like. I'm 266 but started at 289 for my first goal I'm only aiming for 195, but have at least 20 after that. so 90 some all together. :)
  • theresapoynor
    theresapoynor Posts: 13 Member
    I have about 100 to 105 pounds to lose, so i know what you mean by this being a long journey. I am on here on and off because i cant seem to stay motivated enough, but would like to log in everyday I have been on here looking for friends as well that have alot to lose because i think it will help me stay motivated. I will send you a friend request.
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi.... I have lots to lose too so feel free to add me!
  • I'm looking to lose 80 pounds, so I would love to be part of that journey!
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    100 as well over here (well, down to 90 now). Feel free to add me.
  • 0408boys
    0408boys Posts: 72 Member
    I have 100lbs to lose as well. Please feel free to add me, I really need some support as well.
  • josol1971
    josol1971 Posts: 46 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I've got a lot to lose as well.
  • 70lbs to lose. 3rd time in my life back to taking care of me. This time my hope is to never stop. I would love some on-line friendships to encourage one another. We can't do it alone!
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    i will help you
  • I am looking hoping to lose at least 50lbs. if anybody wants to add me I'm game.
  • Viveyp21
    Viveyp21 Posts: 65 Member
    need to lose 104!
  • ticklepocket
    ticklepocket Posts: 36 Member
    I have a lot to lose and am just getting started. I would love to be friends with all of you! :happy:
  • Hi my name is Jamie Lynn and I am fairly new to this ap. I have about 100 pounds to lose and out of all the people I have supporting me I have way more to lose than them. I have also started a group on my facebook if you would like to join. There is 10 of us only two men which one is my husband and we weigh in every friday morning. We post a picture of our number on the scale so we stay honest and motivated. I use the fitness app to help me lose weight and my group for all the moral support. If you just wanna do the ap than thats great! If you would like to do the facebook group which is private. My name is Jamie Lynn Kerr find me. Good luck Jamie Lynn
  • sheilapie
    sheilapie Posts: 40 Member
    hi guys! i have another 80 to lose, ive already lost 50.. i've added most of you i think, if i didnt ask for your friendship, please add me!!!!!! i need tons of encouragement, tons and tons!! but i am also kind of into the swing of things, so i can help with advice too! please add me!! im here for you!