Tacosofinjustice Member


  • How often do you play? like 3-4 times a week or whenever you remember?
  • How did you get him to stop smoking and get healthy? Mine smokes so much. And sadly, I've considered picking up the habit or an e-cig just to suppress my appetite. I know that sounds like a very terrible habit to start but desperation can make you do silly things.
  • Exactly. When you get comfortable with the person, you get lax on the attention to pay to little things. Unfortunately, those little things can lead to big problems. I don't really blame my husband for why I've gained a total of 80lbs over the last 6 years but being single makes you keep up appearances better to attract…
  • Agreed. Who cares about the saggy skin, you can get surgery later to take off the excess. I would be more focused on the fact that you are now at a healthier weight.
  • I get quite a sweat worked up from Dance Central 1, 2, & 3. Haven't tried Zumba yet, I'll beg to get it on our tax return.
  • Ugh. yes! Within 4 months of dating him I started putting on weight in a two month span (dec 2006-feb 2007) I gained 40 freakin pounds. And it has steadily rose over the past 6 years. I was a fat bride and of course, he's thin as a rail and can eat whatever he wants. How did he make me so fat? :[ Oh well it's time to take…