Will I have excess skin?



  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    I've lost 108lbs with 22 to go. My upper thighs look like shar pei puppies and my upper arms are flapping like sails :laugh: I've lost the weight in less than 8 months, so I'm hoping my skin will be kind and shrink over the rest of the winter. Still, I'll take the excess skin over the excess fat any day!

    Good luck!

    (I'm 40).

  • Inglebert
    Inglebert Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Guys, lots of really useful information there. Stuff I can use. Thank you for that!
    Strength training/weights/massage/slowlyslowly/protein. And genes of course. And people who've been where I am and got to where I want to be.

    I'm 43. Not so young, and got to fix it now. Been overweight about 6 years. No yoyoing.

    (It's not that I would conciously choose to remain fat rather than having loose skin, it's trying to get rid of mental barriers/have a positive image and I'm a realist, like to know how it is really than the illusion of perfection.)
  • Tacosofinjustice
    Tacosofinjustice Posts: 6 Member
    You won't know until you do it will you? Why be scared of something that may or may not happen?

    Agreed. Who cares about the saggy skin, you can get surgery later to take off the excess. I would be more focused on the fact that you are now at a healthier weight.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Loose skin is nothing compared to having a healthy life. I have it on my belly because I do not have a very resilient skin. Worrying about that is pointless since it can take up to 2 years after getting to maintenance to know if you will have it or not. Also, loose skin is easy to hide under clothing........fat, not that much.

    Couldn't have said this better myself!

    I've lost over a 100 pounds (but took 6 years doing it) and yes, I have some extra skin. But I'd rather have that than be obese...

    I have noticed that since I started doing some arm exercises with weights, that the flabby skin on my arms (my bat wings) is not nearly as bad as it was two years ago. So I think it's possible to lose some of the extra skin through exercise and working out, but there will probably be some if you have lost a lot of weight.
  • Quiggs1982
    It depends on your body. I have friends who have lost 100 or more pounds and they have very little excess skin. Others have tons.

    I've lost 62 lbs. and have another 104 lbs to go, but I can already see some excess skin in my stomach and arms (Like it sags instead of going in, if that makes sense.) Will it ever tighten up as I lose more? I have no idea. I do know that I would rather have excess skin than fat. You can always get the skin surgically removed.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Rather have Excess skin then all the health problems being obese gives you.

    You can get stretch marks lasered off now of days and just get loose skin removed with surgery. With all the money you saved on food you can save the extra money and put it towards this. I went to the gym and picked up a decent chunk of muscle so far but its really about genetics and how fast your skin can heal itself.
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member

    There's a nice little article that talks about loose skin. Definitely worth a read! I just found it and wanted to share it on a few "extra skin" related posts I've seen on here. Plus it's nice to read something that doesn't just rely on surgery. I for one would like to keep all my body parts (including my skin!)
  • thnksfrthmmrs
    thnksfrthmmrs Posts: 152 Member
    Im only on the very start of my journey and am already worrying about loose skin. And the costs of surgery to remove it when i get to that stage.

    So the adivce in this thread has been helpful to me as well.