What my boyfriend did to me!



  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I noticed anytime I date someone they jump 10-20lb's in a couple weeks. Kinda scary namely since I'm losing weight and going to the gym alot now.

    I think its someone gets in a comfort zone and they start eating since they don't have to worry about their looks to others as much.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    happens to most of us. Being happy in your relationship usually tends to make us comfortable and we gain gain gain. But then it's time to lose lose lose. Don't worry, just eat healthy it will come back off!
  • rachyoung12
    rachyoung12 Posts: 16 Member
    Happened to me too! Luckily we have good boyfriends who are trying to help us get back in shape, feel free to add me :)
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    you have an amazing boyfriend that seems to accept you for who you are. you can loose the weight once again and when you eat out with him just track down your calories on this site, that's what im going to do when i go to mexico with my parents and eat out each night. oh and also...do an hour workout after you log in your cals and eat the food. :)
  • miss_magzy
    miss_magzy Posts: 58 Member
    I think that to a n extent we must all take responsibility for our own actions.. in this case, what we put in our mouth and the lack of excersise. But I TOO was guilty of this mentality not too long ago. When I left my ex in 2008, i weighed 40 pounds more than I do now.. and I still have 30+ I want to lose (yea I was big!) Anyway I honestly did not diet or excerise when I left him that first year but weight started falling off because I was HAPPY again and I LOVED MYSELF again. I didnt gain the weight bc I was so happy in love, I gained it bc I was punishing myself. I blamed myself for my crappy situation and rather than leaving it, I ate and sat on my fat *kitten*. Well here I am 7 months away from my wedding and ready to get rid of those last 30 lbs so I can feel like a freaking movie star on my wedding day and every day after! Best of luck to you on your adventure. DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU.. . dont fall for the old line" I love you just how you are" the question is DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF JUST AS YOU ARE!?

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I'm not going to comment on the title, but I am going to say....put those weights behind you to good use, young lady!
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I guess I could blame my weight gain on my ex but then I would have to give him credit for the weight I've lost without him. This will never happen because I put the effort and hard work into it not him.
  • Goldie_13
    OP.... stop with your excuses. your boyfriend didnt do crap to you. You shoved the excess food into your piehole by choice. Stop making excuses, take action.

    Good grief. I don't think she's really blaming him as much as coming up with a catchy title to explain how she gained weight being in a happy relationship.

    Be nice and jog on.

    Agreed! :smile:

    Woah! Not everyone on here is supportive, but at least some people understand.
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    I 100% get what you're saying & trust me I understand how easy it is to put on weight when you are happy & in love....Good luck on your weight loss goals.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    OP.... stop with your excuses. your boyfriend didnt do crap to you. You shoved the excess food into your piehole by choice. Stop making excuses, take action.

    Good grief. I don't think she's really blaming him as much as coming up with a catchy title to explain how she gained weight being in a happy relationship.

    Be nice and jog on.

    Agreed. When I was in a serious, happy relationship I gained weight as well. I don't "blame" the guy--it was not about him "doing" anything to me, it was more about our habits as a couple, about US making a choice to eat out/snack a lot, about me cooking foods for him that I normally didn't eat (and started eating to keep him company) and making a choice to spend more time with him and not as much at the gym. Those were all choices I made, he didn't force me into anything. When I became single, I realized that I didn't like gaining all that weight and now I have changed my lifestyle again to be more healthy and fit.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member

    I think when the OP says "look what he did to me" - she's joking....?

    I always say to my boyfriend "it's your fault I'm fat" but I'm obviously kidding...I know it's my fault that I gained weight.

    This needs to be taken in good humour I think.

    thank you for having common sense.
    reading this thread is almost as bad as reading comments people post under youtube videos.
  • Tacosofinjustice
    Tacosofinjustice Posts: 6 Member
    It can be the opposite. One of you needs to be a good influence. My boyfriend (now husband) smoked up to 2 packs a day when we met. Now he's a runner.

    How did you get him to stop smoking and get healthy? Mine smokes so much. And sadly, I've considered picking up the habit or an e-cig just to suppress my appetite. I know that sounds like a very terrible habit to start but desperation can make you do silly things.
  • scando93

    I'm sure there's many people on here who have put on "happy relationship" weight.
    Hey, i'm one too. Over 100lbs to be exact.
    So here i am, ready to lose it.
    We want a long and hapy life together, and that means taking action.
    Always looking for friends, and i'm a very active member,
    Bearing in mind the first picture is when we met, the second is now :'(
    I'm exactly the same! I'm new on here add me as a friend I don't know how :( xx
  • vanessa194
    vanessa194 Posts: 77 Member
    This got real , Real fast ...
    JUst dont feel discouraged by the negative crap some of the arses are saying ...
    There have been tons of people who LET GO because they get comfortable .. MEN ADN WOMEN !.

    Just dig deep and know that you can get back to your old self .. If you want you can add me .. I will support you in your lifestyle change ..
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    OP.... stop with your excuses. your boyfriend didnt do crap to you. You shoved the excess food into your piehole by choice. Stop making excuses, take action.

    Good grief. I don't think she's really blaming him as much as coming up with a catchy title to explain how she gained weight being in a happy relationship.

    Be nice and jog on.

    Agreed! :smile:

    Woah! Not everyone on here is supportive, but at least some people understand.
    When there's only 60 characters a title, maybe "I'm in my first relationship ever, and being with him makes me very happy, and he used to buy me food to show how much he loved me, and then i looked in the mirror, and i thought, maybe it's time i start going on a diet. And i love him very much and i know it's not really his fault, but still. Drats." is a little too long.

    ^ Like.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    This is why I am here. My boyfriend used to live an hour away so I'd go over to his place, we'd grab something to eat and watch movies. I used to watch my portions, started not paying attention and ate as much as he did. And at the same time my gym closed, our memberships were transferred to another gym (that I had previously belonged to & hated) so I quit the gym. This combination made me gain.

    We moved in together. I got my wake up call when all my "fat" clothes started getting tight.

    I'm now back to watching my portions, not eating out as much and working out with all the support I could ever need from the boyfriend. :love:
  • jasminetoi
    jasminetoi Posts: 62 Member
    dates usually consist of going out to eat or going out for drinks...ALL BAD!and they love you even when your fat..even worse lol
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    What my boyfriend did to me:



    yes, i was skinny. but now i have more muscle. my point is, do this together. my fiance and i do crossfit together and it's so much fun. find something you both like and get in shape together. whether it be weight loss or muscle gain, you will stick to it if you do it together. i know how you feel though, i did the same with my exes....

    with my ex:

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Oh man...I don't think the original poster was serious when she said her boyfriend did this to her....I think she was being humorous. Lay off....this is a support group people are here to be healthy and some of the *kitten* comments on here may make her think twice about returning to MFP!

  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    At least you have a boyfriend...

    i lost a lot of weight and i am still single :sad: