

  • It is part of my morning routine too. I think it helps motivate me to try reaching my daily calorie goals. Especially if it swings up high the morning after a day of gluttony. But I don't log my weight loss on MFP daily. don't want to log any weight loss until I am really and truly down by 10 lbs.
  • You can tell by your pictures that you are going to develop quite a lovely hour glass figure as you continue. You look wonderful!!
  • substitute eggs with bananas. The cake will be a little dense but very moist!! Usually it is 1/4 cup mashed banana for each egg.
  • That cupcake panda is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!
  • I fell of the wagon earlier this week with a jar of Nutella. I was ashamed and my first thought was not to log it because I was afraid of how bad my calorie count would go up. But I logged it anyway. When you fall off the wagon keep up with your logging because it helps to hold yourself accountable. After seeing how much…
  • I find the Success Stories section of the forums a BIG motivator. People post before and after pictures of there weight loss journeys. Seeing all these people reaching their goals makes me excited to see where I will end up.
  • WOW. That's horrible. I bet the changes you have been making for a healthy lifestyle and seeing that it works have been making them feel guilty and insecure about there own poor choices. Are they bigger? If so they probably have it in their minds that they're just naturally big people and they're not responsible for their…
  • Fresh produce can seem like alot of money but it depends how you use it. You should take a look at the processed foods you have and ask yourself can you easily make these yourself. Like soup. It might seem cheaper to buy cans of soup. But realize when you are making soup (or any recipe) from scratch the end quantity is…
  • That's awesome. Actually one of my biggest motivators for losing weight is to lose the weight I've gained in my face. Having a curvy body has never really bothered me until I started noticing my face was getting noticeably chubbier in pictures.
  • Before starting on this site i'd never realised how much a fastfood meal added up to in comparison to regular food. I mean I knew it was bad for you but an 1130 cal big mac meal compared to a 300 cal serving of home made soup really makes you realise what is what.
  • You can always make a fresh start
  • Like it said though "if every day were like today..." but everyday wont be like today, so no worries!!!! :D
  • No problem!!
  • Generally that is the rule. But if you are having hunger pains that bad you should really listen to you body and eat, and then just try again tomorrow doing it the right way.
  • I just started on this site this month too. The 1500 calories a day thing is the net. So if you eat 1800 calories but burn off 300, you are meeting the 1500 daily goal. If you are eating only 1500 and burning off 600, you only have 900 calories for the day which is basically starving your body of fuel.
  • Are you eating back the calories you burn off? You should at the very least be eating back enough calories to meet a minimum of 1200.
  • When I was what I like to call my "normal size" I would fluctuate between 140 and 150. It is natural for your body to fluctuate due to stress, season change, overall health, muscle vs. fatty mass. Like others have said you should try focusing on body measurements rather then scale. Your whole life you will never…
  • Homemade tortillas! Once you make them at home you'll never buy from the store again, they are so chewy and delicious! This is my go to recipe 2 cups flour 1 Tbsp butter 2 Tsp salt 1 Tsp baking powder Also potatoes, and cheese are my other staples
  • Hahaha, you are a great bunch of people!! Thanks everyone.
  • LOL, thanks WoodMangler. And thanks to everyone else!
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