rkporter Member


  • I love smoothies! One of my favorites is 1 c plain Greek yogurt, 1 c frozen berries, spinach, a little almond/coconut milk, and a touch of vanilla. If I'm in need of something a little sweeter, I might add a touch of stevia.
  • I make my own packets by putting the following ingredients in snack-size Zip Lock bags: 1/4 c steel cut oats (I think you could use 1/2 c of the regular oats) Dash of salt 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tbsp brown sugar (more if you like it sweeter) Bring 1/4 c milk and 1/2 c water to a boil. Add packet of oats + 1/4 tsp molasses.…
  • Good for you - starting Jenny Craig!! It is hurtful when someone you trust makes belittling comments to you. If you are a bit of a competitive person, try using his stupid comments to motivate you -- say, "I'll show him!! -- and do the healthiest thing you can when that happens. Maybe make a list of things that you can…