I'm FAT and I hate it!



  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    You have come to the right place!!!! There are so many awesome people here that give lots of support - emotional and physicial. Come join us! Friend request sent (you'll figure it out!!!)
  • rkporter
    rkporter Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you - starting Jenny Craig!! It is hurtful when someone you trust makes belittling comments to you. If you are a bit of a competitive person, try using his stupid comments to motivate you -- say, "I'll show him!! -- and do the healthiest thing you can when that happens. Maybe make a list of things that you can think about or enjoy when you hear those hurtful comments so you are ready to put your "healthy" plan into action. You are beautiful, and you can do this!!
  • Tallia2009
    Hi Donna,

    Sorry to hear your story, sounds like you have already offloaded your biggest weight burden already!!! good riddance....
    I have underactive thyroid, its very difficult. Not sure if anyone tried Armour on here, but its meant to be much better than the synthetic stuff they churn out as its natural but hard to get in the UK because the government took away the licence. I'd like to lose 3 stone once and for all, good luck to everyone. Please feel free to add me as could do with some support and inspiration as I too would like to offer :)
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Don't know if you're a Christian but reach out to God if you are, He will always be by our sides.

    That being said, sometimes you have to wear your big girl pants and stand up and leave the past behind. Don't let the past define you, let your future define you and that future is a much healthier, lighter woman.

    You are here to get something started and that's a huge first step, I believe you can do this!
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Remember to focus on the positive and on your acheivements rather than setbacks: negatitivity sets you up for low self esteem and binging ( i know from experience!). Keep at it and stay strong! you can do it!
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    girl you can do it and you are beautiful. dont let anyone tell you that you're not. and BTW i'm sure your future ex-husband is no prize, so screw him, his opinion is worthless. :noway:
  • dawsonlee12
    dawsonlee12 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Donna and all others who have posted.

    My hearts breaks for you and I can only imagine how hard it must be to keep your motivation when there is someone beating you down every day.
    But know this Donna, all of us are behind you and support you in your efforts, though our stories may be different from yours, we are all battling one way or the other with some kind of demon telling us we are not worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT DONNA!
    Just keep working toward small victories every day and take it one meal at a time, be very kind to yourself because you deserve it.

    I am adding you as a friend right away, good luck with today.
  • Lanise_10
    Lanise_10 Posts: 432 Member
    You can add me!!! I never thought I could lose the weight either! Believe in yourself! You'll be amazed how strong you can become when you lose the negative people in your life.
    HJMAYES Posts: 72 Member
    I'm going to be very honest here. Your journey will go much more smoothly, and in the end, be much easier, if you start now by dropping the word "fat" from your vocabulary and start talking to yourself in a more loving manner.
    Weight loss/healthier living/control of your diet/exercise - those are all things that are difficult not only lphysically, but mentally as well.
    Lose that word and start loving who you are and be gracious and kind to your body as you start this journey.
  • AmyMadeUp
    I completely understand how you feel, I have been feeling so down lately about my size! It can be hard to remember that its a long journey. I don't really have anyone to do this with as my parents (also with weight issues) are expressing no interest in doing it with me at this time, which is their choice, but a little difficult for me as my partner and all of my friends are skinny!

    I have been keeping a diary on youtube of my progress/ problems/ success and had a long rant this week abiut what it means! I think it might help to make a pro's/ cons list of what it actually means beyond aesthetic? Also, kick your husband in his egotistical balls!!!

    Good luck! Amy xx

    My Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA723_jhe6w&list=UUnkUMTlEt-zcYG9_CqgHYBA&index=2
  • stonetodrop
    stonetodrop Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there, I hope you can turn away from those hateful things your husband has said and look inward to yourself. That you can treat yourself with kindness and love yourself first. And of course join a supportive community which this definitely is. I wish you so much luck on your journey. It's tough, but you're worth it. I'll send a friend request too. I'm somewhat new as well.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    HI Donna, you are going to be one of the great success stroies, just you wait and see!!!!!! I,m also 5'5 and was 230 lbs just 5 weeks ago, and I have lost 23 lbs. Just hold your head up high, and put yourself first.. And as for the husband i Know its hard, but sounds like to me you don't need that kind of talk in your life anymore.... Good Luck
  • purplelizzard
    purplelizzard Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like! I was born without a thyroid so I completely understand!
  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    Hope things have turned up by now. Your beautiful. Xox