rncrebecca Member


  • "Dont 'blame' it on science"... hummmm I wasn't blaming anyone. It is however proven that stool layers up in the intestines. I don't know when you got your degrees but you may be a little behind in the times. I'm not claiming to be a doctor or waving around biology degrees acting like a human nutritionist, I'm telling…
  • I actually do like cleansing. I think it is a great way to realy clear the body off the negitive material left behind from years of self abusive eatting habbits. I just use these supplements. Milk thistle, magnisum oxide, castor oil, and psyllium husk (a fiber therapy pill) this doesn't fill your body with chemicals and…
  • I tried it and starved fallowing the program. Deffinitly limiting if you eat a lot the n stop cold turkey. My friend lost a lot of weight and when she completed all four cycles and was trying to maintain her weight it just kept comming off...I was thinking about trying again since I have rationed my portion intake. Her…
  • If your protein shakes are vavilla I suggest try adding some cinnamon and a hint of agava...will taste just like a snickerdoodle cookie. Yummy!
  • I own the Zumba exhilarate, and I love it. I think that dancing is a great distraction to working out it has 7 DVDs and some suggested work out scheduals. One of the DVDs is a 20 minute for days when your short on time. i find that very benifical.