

  • AH-mazing! And look at those toned arms! Wonderful!
  • I'm not a huge fan of eating before a run, but my goal is a marathon, so it's kind of necessary. I'm trying to condition myself to not hate it. That and a mid-run supplement. I almost cried the first time I tried Gu. If I'm just running a few miles, say less than 4 or 5, and I'm crunched for time, I'll skip eating in the…
  • Yay! I am so glad this is still here! Best wishes to all from every culture!
  • None Shall Pass- Aesop Rock
  • Zucchini pizza! I just tried this last night: I used a long zucchini sliced length-wise and but roasted red bell peppers and black olives on mine. :) Oh, I tracked it at 230 calories, but that was counting the red pepper pieces that didn't go on…
  • Oh! Also, look for various video podcasts on itunes! There are a few decent yoga ones I've found. :)
  • I mostly run, but I'm a huge fan of Zuzka Light. Look her up on youtube. You can also find workout ideas at Body Rock, a website Zuzka founded with her ex-husband.
  • Thank you for sharing! What an inspiring story. :)
  • Well, this week was the week I was going to begin Meatless Monday. I suppose I've found my substitution.
  • As for this, I find runners are a pretty supportive community. It's always great to see someone challenge themselves. See if you can find any of writing from John Bingham, who not too long ago retired from Runner's World. He emphasized personal goals and challenges and the achievement you get yourself from running. I know…
  • You ever see exhausted people do that weird thing where they're still trying to run, but would probably move quicker if they would just walk? As my distances get longer, I walk the water stations so I can ensure I get proper hydration (and don't accidentally inhale the liquids... AGAIN). Someday I might grow back into…
  • is really great. You can search by desired ingredients and even list undesired ingredients (say, for instance you don't like onions or are allergic to something) and it searches for you. I got a tasty black bean and quinoa recipe there. :)
    in Quinoa? Comment by Crysti October 2012
  • This is the most positive, supportive topic I've seen on here! Runners, unite! I wanted to comment on almost every post. Rockstars- yes, ma'am! Even when we're making the awkward, gasping faces when we push through a particularly rough patch. Snot rockets- I used to be morally opposed, but I now understand their purpose. I…
  • I'm too lazy to go through all of these. Someone mentioned BodyRock- awesome! I'm a very low equipment sort of girl, though, so Zuzka, one of BodyRock's founders has a great youtube channel with short videos. Her workouts are short, but intense. I can't always do everything she does, but I do as much as I can and I…
  • Hey! I'm a little late to reply, but I just wanted to commiserate and ENCOURAGE you! I'm training for a marathon in December and just did my first half two weeks ago. It as awesome!!! My training wasn't perfect. I had a friend visit in August and that completely threw my schedule, and, no, hiking is not a substitute for…
  • Being cold and lazy this morning, I discovered a scoop of protein powder is delicious in hot cocoa. You can find some good, low-calorie powdered cocoa. It's not necessarily the most hearty breakfast, but a fun way to get a little extra protein.