Jenada79 Member


  • I smoked from 13 till I was 29 and boy did I smoke! Over a pack a day and the belief that it was part of my personality. Two words...Allen Carr. That was over 4 years ago and I have not smoked a cigarette or wanted to. I can be around people smoking and it does not bother me at all. All I did was read the book. I have…
  • Self pity will destroy relationships, it'll destroy anything that's good, it will fulfill all the prophecies it makes and leave only itself. And it's so simple to imagine that one is hard done by, and that things are unfair, and that one is underappreciated, and that if only one had had a chance at this, only one had had a…
  • The cabbage patch will ALWAYS be cool! Well done!
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beer! Really good beer not any of these weird flavoured ice tea coors or bud light lime. None of the low calorie or carb options either. They are not nice and they do not taste like beer in my opinion. I do not eat crap chocolate for the sake of it or because its low cal so will not do the same with beer.…
  • read this link it makes the most sense to me.
  • Pretty sure that there are fat vegans and I am pretty sure they eat actual food.
  • If ya want McDonalds and you can fit it in your dailys now and again why not! I do not even attempt to find a healthy option because going to McDonalds for a salad is like going to a hooker for a hug.
  • I am training for a full marathon at the minute and I am going to do a half in December. hope its all going well for you! I use vega and gu gels. I pop one after an hour in long training runs. I would suggest trying them out first in training to see if you need them or like them but I find they help.:smile:
  • Step away from the scale, ditch the scale if you can for the time being :smile: Get a tape measure and find out your body fat and measurements. Go by that and how your clothes fit. Muscle does way more than fat and how you look and feel in your clothes is important not a number on a scale. My scale has been stalled for…
  • Thanks for all the responses guys. See I always thought I was pretty good as I do not drink soda, condiments, milk or add sugar to anything. I am currently on a 12 weeks booze break as well which cut a lot of sugar out for me. But no matter what I am always over carbs and sugar. Because I was under calories I figured I…
  • I take Berroca which is vitamin b complex with vitamin c, calcium, magnesium and zinc.I take a multi vitamin for sport if I am somewhere without Berroca. I also use Vega One products while I am training for a marathon which are vegan products. I do not eat fish or seafood I am pretty strict and very little dairy and eggs.…
  • hey I have been vegetarian for about 16 years now and I like a lot of Skinny ***** recipes which are all vegan and The Kind Diet. I also make a lot of stuff up on my own and the minus the meat on recipes is a great idea. I use to be terrible for loading/doubling up on pasta, rice and bread when I first became a vegetarian…
  • Just like you I started at 13 became a heavy smoker young and kept at it till I was 29. I never even quit for any length ot time like yourself. I always failed in a few days. The good news is I finally did succeed. I quit and it was four years since my last cigarette this June just gone. My friends and family all followed…