

  • What an awesome story! Thanks for sharing. They say that bullies are really people who have inferiorities themselves. Your story proves that true in this case. I have a strong heart for the underdog. I can speak from experience with my children that, most of the time, the victims come out better people for it. You clearly…
  • I was a sugar freak as well. It use to be that I would eat brownies and milk for a meal. I ate candy corn by the handfuls! The first few days were hard because I really had to detox from sugar. I just got through Christmas and can say that I did great with the sugar temptation. I recommend heavy protein to give you the…
  • You WILL do this. You have the right mind set. I wish you the best. You will feel amazing.
  • I was there when I joined MFP. The key for me was to get sugar out of my system. Carbs as well since they turn to sugar. Both increase your appetite like crazy! I literally had to detox from them. It was like a bad drug in my system.It took a few days and I had to trick my body with sugar free treats that tasted sweet but…
  • I am 58 and my husband is 59. We are both on MFP and absolutely love it. I have gained and lost the same 10 lbs over and over again through the years . I currently am 2 puonds below my goal weight and I am holding there very steadily. The key at our age is to make cardio a part of every day. I manage my food on this site…
  • I am 58 as well and just passed my goal weight by 2 pounds! I have never felt better in my life. A friend who had just lost 50 pounds with a hospital program was told that he added 15 years to his life with his new, healthy body. I treasure my time on this earth with my wonderful family and want to be here as long as…
  • You aren't alone. One trick I found is to get sugar free dark chocolate peices by Hersheys. (32 calories) I take a bite of choc. with a sea salt almond. You get protien ans well as the choc. Amazing. Weight watchers also has some yummy ice cream bars that aer chocolately. The dark choc/rasberry bars are wonderful. I had…
  • What an awesome story! I am so happy for you! It makes all of your hard work worth it. Talk about a motivation. Congratulations!
  • You can do this! I have never stuck with anything this long either. I get it! Put yourself in touch with others so that you are accountable to more than just yourself. The food log is the key. When you have to record it, you think before you eat. I feel better than I have ever felt in my life. Keep it up, use the site when…
    in newbie Comment by paticap December 2010
  • I love the Blue Diamond Roasted Almonds. I also have fallen in love with Weight Watchers ice cream treats. The dark chocolate/rasberry is amazing. The individually packaged cheese by Land O Lakes with a handful of golfish works too and gives you the protien that fills you up. The protien in the almonds works too. Good luck!
  • You will definitely find that between counting calories and keeping the daily food log the pounds will begin to fall off! I was so unaware of how much I was putting in my mouth because I was a snacker. Those calories add up so quickly. The accountability to myself and to others on this has been the key. Te exercise you are…
  • Do yourself a favor and join. I have never been a part of something that has motivated me as much as this site. I am actually friends on site with my sisters and a few friends. I find that the extra accountability, other than to myself, is most challenging. I am 58, I am at my goal weight and have never felt better in my…
  • Walk, walk, walk, and stay connected to this amazing site. I am 58, just reached my goal weight . I have never felt better in my life. I am staying committed to MFP because I have family members that are still losing as well as friends. Try to connect with people on your home page because it keeps you motivated. I am from…
    in Ms Mary Comment by paticap December 2010
  • I think that exercise is a mandatory part of staying in shape during and after menopause. There are countless other benefits, but you will see the weight and inches come off more quickly. It's also great fun to finish your workout and sit down to record it and see your caloric intake increase!
  • Welcome! I am 58 and have children close to those ages. I am a dummy and don't know how to convert kg but I am losing at a very comfortable pace and have never been so motivated. I am just starting my 5th week. Best of luck to you. You will do great especially with a wedding as your incentive.
    in Newbie Comment by paticap November 2010
  • I eat when I am bored and stressed as well. I also have found cardio to help. I walk at a brisk pace daily. The cardio helps me burn more calories throughout the day even when I am at rest. I have also found that carbs and sugar go straight to my stomach and love handles. The minute I cut back on those and increase my…
  • The morning show said to eat a high protein low calorie breakfast. During the day, don't say no to foods you like, just watch your portions. Tomorrow we begin again with no regrets and no beating ourselves up! Happy Thanksgiving!
  • I just bought the program on line. They look fabulous, but I just got them and have not looked at the cds yet. I wanted something for the winter months that would give me something to do on inclimate days.
  • Satsumas are only 25 calories and are yummy. Sea salt almonds (counted out and bagged) for portion control help me a lot. Those squares of cheese by Land o Lakes are great. Protein, protein, protein is the key.
  • The key for me has been keeping a serving of sea salt almonds (28) in my purse. I pop one or two for a bit of protien and it does wonders. I also do shakes with 1c. strawberries, half banana a handful of ice, a half scoop of whey protien powder, and 2 splenda packs. The key is PROTIEN. 14 grams or more at breakfast is the…
  • The real key I have found is heavy protien. My sister sees a weight loss dr. who says that you must have a min. of 14 grams of protien for breakfast. It makes all the difference in the world in my hunger and sugar cravings. I am doing things like whole wheat english muffins with turkey bacon, scrambled egg white and a…