Menopausal Weight Loss

Lindyteach Posts: 72 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my friend Jane suggested this as a great website to be part of so I joined today and, so far I am extremely impressed with the diet and exercise diaries. It was so easy to record my food and have the calories calculated for me and then recorded against my weight loss goal....easy and actually quite motivating!
My interest in losing weight is based around my time of life. I am in the menopausal stage of life and have found losing weight almost impossible until recently. I bought a treadmill recently and have been attempting, with some success to regularly use it. I have been jogging using a kind of moderate interval method of 2 minutes jog and 1 minute brisk walk and adding 15 seconds to it every day. At last I am finding I am losing weight!
I see the MFP as a very useful adjunct to my new lifestyle so, good luck me!!!


  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome! good luck with the exercise, I'm sure you'll love it here :)
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Menopause is an extreme challenge. It's only since I started 5 years ago that I have a weight problem. I eat well (I'm a nutritionist by trade), exercise daily and I put on 30 lbs!!! So now I'm logging everything I eat. I did have an initial drop of 7 lbs and now it's stuck there. I won't be defeated. I may not every be my size 6 again but we'll see. I'm cheering you on!!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hi welcome!

    I'm nearly 50 and know what you means it defiently hard at our age but it is possible!

    Good luck
  • Lindyteach
    Lindyteach Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you, wow! Quick responses are very uplifting .......:
  • I am very impressed with the progress that people make with MFP. Well done all!
  • I think that exercise is a mandatory part of staying in shape during and after menopause. There are countless other benefits, but you will see the weight and inches come off more quickly. It's also great fun to finish your workout and sit down to record it and see your caloric intake increase!
  • RiverWild
    RiverWild Posts: 52 Member
    Wow, I'm so glad to hear the comments left from everyone on this. I have a thyroid problem and I just entered menopause. It's been really difficult and frustrating, sometimes I'm just glad to not be gaining weight! I guess I'll just have to be more patient and stay with it.
  • This is my biggest challenge since I am not yet 50 and have been postmenopausal for 4 years and within those 4 years I have gained 30 lbs.! I have tried everything from Weight Watchers to minimal caloric intake, only to gain the weight back and some. I have signed up and have begun my journey (again!). It is very encouraging to read the blogs and know that I am not alone. Thanks and keep blogging.........:happy:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Almost 51 and am committed to being healthier in my golden years. We are entering the best time of our lives so we want to be fit and ready. Good for you for being proactive. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the little changes you see and feel. The scale doesn't always tell all! You will have more stamina, better muscle tone and confidence. AND...your jeans will fit better! Keep it up!
  • batty5
    batty5 Posts: 193
    I am nearly 60 & had a very slow & rocky start gaining & losing the same 4lbs for nearly 3 months but at last slowly but surely it is working & even though my only exercise is in a deep pool due to health problems I am toning up . Today, with almost 2 stone to go I had to buy UK size 12 jeans & am so thrilled. Stick with it you can do it, we all can.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Menopause has been a challenge for sure! I'm finding this website is helping me track everything and giving me such encouragment! I'm 54 and experienceing almost being in Menopause from Perimenopause. Can't believe this belly fat, but I'm getting it off. I've just joined MFP this month and what a help it has been. I'm so encouraged by you all. We are giving ourselves the wonderful gift of health!!
  • leannie
    leannie Posts: 6
    I am so glad I found this topic. Ever since I entered Perimenopause I am able to gain weight faster and unable to take off as easily. And newly acquired belly fat and shift of weight to the midsection drives me nuts. I very much appreciate all of the posts to this topic and wish you all luck in the quest to beat the changes our bodies are going through. You gave me the determination to not give up so easily and to work harder at keeping to my calorie and exercise goals. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
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