

  • To be honest i've been doing this for a good year now. am on metformin for my pcos also that's why i have to restrict carbs because i have to eat a diet for my insulin resistance. I feel tired all the time, just run down and really ill. i think i need to go back to the doctor again because everyone i see says i look really…
  • that is amazing, i really hope she can keep it all off and be healthy now. i'm trying to do the same but on a smaller scale also- i'm currently around 19st and i just want to lose 1 or 2 st before my big day in july- hoping i can do it :)
  • argh, why am i not losing any weight when i'm practically eating nothing and excercising like mad! help meee lol okay rant over just needed to spill lol
  • Hello girls! 6 months to go for me and i'm on the diet but had takeaway for dinner tonight - oops lol
  • thanks for the welcome all- if you'd like to add me as a friend please do- i'm not sure how to do it yet lol
  • i know exactly how you feel, my mother, everytime she sees me- "do you want this? do you want that? it won't hurt, one won't hurt" when i'm almost twice the weight i should be- i'd like some help from my family too! i can totally sympathise with you here. chin up and be strong hun xxx