darkpath0010 Member


  • 4064 as of 10 July, 2024
  • Agreed. I started checking out his workouts a week ago, and was able to uncover specific weaknesses in my own full body training, as well as solutions, which I’m beginning to implement.
  • I own and use a FlyFit. My critiques are:* It can be hard to anticipate when it needs charging as it has no power meter, so the only way to check power levels is to sync it with the smartphone app, which is a power consumptive action * The software that it works with does not share or sync data with anything, not MFP, not…
  • I have a FlyFit and have been using it since their first software version. The biggest problem is that it does not sync the data with anything, so any data it gathers has to be manually brought over. On the other hand, it offers a good cadence sensor that might be a decent alternative for those who like to run in laceless…
  • My 2004 Mazda RX-8. I'd followed the development of the car from the earliest prototypes to the finished version and adored it each step along the way. It has everything I like and very little else.
  • Given the limitations that you mentioned, you may want to consider protein powder derived from whey isolate. I use Primal Fuel which also includes healthy fats from coconut (20% calories from carbs, 40% from protein, & 40% from fats); but there are a number on the market. Additionally, unlike soy, there are no issues with…
  • I'm just a beginner in triathlon. I was in a Sprint last September and had planned to be in the REV3 Olympic length triathlon at Quassy in CT last June but tried to squeeze in all my preparatory training in a month, trashing my knee in the process. I'm planning to compete in a week in a Super Sprint and will try the REV3…
  • I completely agree with the suggestion to get a heart rate monitor to take the guesswork out of calorie consumption calculations. My wife found two online at a very decent price (<$40US each).
  • Saw that you're starting out with the Insanity workout. My wife and I were doing Insanity together, so I agree that having someone on the journey with you is a big help. We just finished up and we're also finding this site and its mobile app to be a huge help in keeping on track. If you never have to eat out and can…